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Olav Seglem

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Everything posted by Olav Seglem

  1. Definately worst crime in Thailand this week :-) They should be spanked a litle, if noone else-i can do :-)
  2. Have bangkok bank card. Used several years, internet, ebay and plane tickets. Limit in card thb 150.000 Its debitcard so of course need money on account. Had several issues, mainly airplanetickets. Couple times called helpdesk to get authorization, takes time. Then 2 montks ago stop. Need go bank to scan face, passport (again). Bought klm airtickets thb 80.000 ok. 2 week later try buy klm 40.000 not ok. Will go bangkok bank ask why sept. However, bought twice ebay later, and that was ok. T I T never know what day brings but i will never close norwegian account :-)
  3. Quite sure no problem if the money come as THB ir EURO.
  4. And where did this happen? Normally give reference to area of Thailand..
  5. Agree, - it puzzles me how they get theese numbers. Do they ask people if on a business or holiday trip ? When checking into a hotel? How far do you need travel to be on "holiday"?
  6. Is this "news worth reporting nationwide" ? Really... :-)
  7. Coward !! But also show his disrespect for the other candidates and the wievers of the debate.
  8. As a Norwegian conservative i think Donald D is the most harmful that happened to Europeans respect for people from the US since the Vietnam war.
  9. RIP Robbie :-) Creator of great music, both with The Band and solo albums :-)
  10. Was he talking about himself again and got it all mixed up ??
  11. How can they expect any support from MFP after what have happened ???
  12. Think read NO some years ago. Thai "officialness" dont like thais to marry foreigners :-)
  13. As a foreigner i really cant understand how americans could elect a bully like this as their president.. Lack of average intelligence ? Belive electing this man has been the largest blow to respect for US in the "developed world" in the last 100 years.
  14. If he is that smart running a company, he should be able to create a streamlined effective, smooth running government organization within a year (or 2) :-)
  15. And what does this article mean ? Just a lot of words and statistics -as usual?? :-)
  16. Guess he just try to be friendly and polite, no more than that :-) (And show you he can speak english, many thais are proud about that :-) )
  17. Stupid people. Never guarantee. Thats the issue with guarantee, the bank (or other) can go to this person if the other dont pay. Its elementary ......
  18. Guess the finger is propriate sign of the growing anger and frustration of the thai people. "Dinosaurs beware" and that also include the one person that seems gone into hiding in theese troublesome times, instead of showing some "leadership".
  19. Unfortunately, i fear you will be right...
  20. Came to his sences-at last....
  21. Reading all theese "alias answers".... Just remember: It can also be perfectly ok :-) you should discuss with her BEFORE the visit, so no "misunderstandings". Remember: Thais accept a polite NO :-)
  22. Next time she say she go, say you come along Then see what happen.
  23. And what has this to do with us politics ??? He has fronted same opinion as his son before the ruling. Move forward us, stop acting like adult kindergarden, and consentrate on politics..
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