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Everything posted by James9999

  1. Do you own the house in the UK? If you do then surely you are maintaining a UK address but you might not be the the council tax payer as that would be the occupier. If I ever move to Thailand I don't intend to sell up and my son will be living in the house that I own. Whether I visit frequently as a tourist or fully go and live there I have no idea. But I am concerned with the current anti pensioner attitude of the Government they will be looking for any excuse to stop annual rises and stop access to the NHS. Anybody know what the current rules are to maintain getting the annual increases. I assume that you can't be classed as "living" in Thailand if you only ever enter visa exempt or on a tourist visa.
  2. And your point is what exactly. She is my ex so I don't give a xxxx. That is an issue for the DWP, HMRC and Immigration. What does concern me is that the Government is more concerned with chasing pensioners than it is with chasing illegal immigrants. Let them do their job.
  3. "Every 4 weeks on a Thursday" You do know that you can get it every 2 weeks.
  4. They were "in power". They forced concessions, they had Ministers influencing daily life. How is that not wielding power?
  5. The lib dems can whinge and whine all they like. It because of them that we got 5 years of David Cameron
  6. The deputy Prime Minister was a lib dem. Other lib dems held positions in the cabinet. That counts as being in power
  7. They were in power in 2010 in the coalition with the Conservatives. They were able to extract a few concessions the price for being in the coalition. Who is to say that there wont be another coalition.
  8. "They asked me how many bank accounts I had" I am not sure how many I have. I tend to leave them open and don't close them. "when I took a UK phone contract out " You seriously need to get a life. I think I could tell them which decade but not the year. "when my Passport expires" mine is 2029 I think. No idea of the actual date without looking. You will tell us next that you never have to complete those remind me of my password questions for some obscure web site that you last used two years ago. I couldn't remember mine for my energy supplier and only used it a few days before. You must me the memory man in the 39 Steps.
  9. See my post about how my Thai ex wife sends money to Thailand for anybody for a commissiion.
  10. I suppose than can manage to read the computer output while laying on their lazy backs?
  11. There must me millions of both illegal and legal immigrants sending money back home. Do why doesn't the Government use this tool to track down some of the illegal immigrants. Also tax the legal ones on their overseas bank accounts. My ex wife, UK based, sends money back to Thailand for Thais in the UK who don't have a UK bank account. Why is the UK Government more interested in checking pensioners overseas transactions?
  12. I am in the UK. But I send money to Thailand therefore I must be living in Thailand? How stupid is that.
  13. How long can you stay out of the UK and still be considered resident and eligible for the annual increase? As a pensioner and not working and fancy travelling the World at what point would the annual increases stop?
  14. The French manage a lower retirement age than the UK. France has increased their retirement age and it is still less than the original UK retirement age.
  15. Out of interest which nationality?
  16. You mean Thai residents in the UK? The UK Government doesn't want Thai residents in the UK. Any thing that they can do to deter them is welcome by the Government. The Government needs Filipino health workers or the whole of the NHS and the care system would collapse.
  17. Interesting. I assume Filipino medical workers would not come to the UK to work if their pensions were frozen then the NHS would collapse. But the Government is quite happy to screw over British pensioners. They are of course quite happy to tax UK state pension and private pension and levy inheritance tax.
  18. Or you got sucked into an online scam.
  19. Not hypothetical. The idea on means testing has been discussed. The honesty rating of the Government, and the previous Government, is zero.
  20. I always got mine automatically.
  21. This is the DWP we are talking about. They wont let a little thing like truth getting in the way of freezing your pension.
  22. Just wait until they means test the state pension. Have a half decent private pension then they will stop the state pension completely. And now when you die your private pension is considered for inheritance tax.
  23. And grab 40% inheritance tax.
  24. So where does Hezbollah fit into all of this if the Palestinians are Hamas.
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