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Everything posted by James9999

  1. I bet the badge is fake also.
  2. Yes I was wondering if it wasn't climate but failure to put is adequate infrastructure to deal with all the run off.
  3. Cowering over him. That seems a very strange posture just to be standing, one foot in front of the other. Looks very much to me like he is advancing towards the Thai guy. I suppose you might just stand like that but with the position of the arms and the feet looks like and aggressive advance to the Thai guy to me. What came before is not relevant since clearly the Thai guy had had enough.
  4. What a shame it has taken the deaths of 23 people to force the Government to take action. Sadly I don't think we will see any noticeable difference.
  5. What lead up to this is not relevant. What the photo does show is the Russian about to beat the crap out of the Thai. It does not show the Russian backing off. It does not show the Russian taking a less aggressive stance. Nothing in the photo suggests that the Russian is not going to beat the crap out of the Thai
  6. If it came to a grinding halt why was it also reported that it continued for another half a kilometre? Something very wrong with that left near side wheel though. May be taking 400 to 500 metres to stop has been reported incorrectly. As for people who video a tragedy unfolding but bravely carry on videoing, what can you say.
  7. The Mercedes car managed to stop in 100 metres but the bus careeded on for another half a kilometre. How fast as the bus going for God's sake.
  8. It does show a young Thai man cowering in submission just before the Russian beat the crap out of him. Where is the evidence that the Thai deserved to be beaten up? Hardly self defence was it. So what other excuse was there? I have used the words Thai and Russian because that was the nationalities of the two involved, Where is the racism?
  9. Does the photo suggest that the Thai deserved to be beaten up? Doesn't look like self defence to me. Other than self defence what excuse if there for beating somebody up.
  10. The missile will be supersonic so he wouldn't hear it coming anyway.
  11. In Britain now you are not allowed to call them illegal immigrants. You have to call the irregular immigrants. Calling them illegal is probably a two year prison sentence. Or it would be but the prisons are full. Thailand can put the illegal, I mean irregular immigrants on the next plane to London. I am sure the British Government will give them asylum.
  12. How can he afford to have it re-sprayed.
  13. He wont get two years. The prisons are full. If Huw Edwards can get a suspended sentence for being a sex pervert then what chance is there for this guy to import what is openly sold on the streets of the UK. The police treat hate crimes half more seriously than this.
  14. Well at least he wont go to prison. With the prisons full of people committing free speech and anxiety crimes . Even pedophiles get suspended prison sentences now.
  15. Yeah absolutely right. There is no danger laying in a baggage conveyor https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/19/baby-baggage-conveyor-belt-alicante
  16. Not quite the same circumstances but for anybody who thinks a baggage conveyor is for fun https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/19/baby-baggage-conveyor-belt-alicante
  17. Under the DTV what does "and those interested in Thai cultural activities. " mean. I have an interest in Thai culture so can I apply for a DTV. And not the Thai culture that some of you are thinking about.
  18. Well I did wonder that but after a short while they are doing 120 anyway. I am not sure whether takeing for ever to go through the gears actually saves fuel.
  19. I take your point about not going too quickly after the lights turn green in case a car on the other road jumps the red. But once clear of the junction then go a bit faster. It is the fact that after hundreds of metres past the junction they may have got up to 30 kph but a few minutes later are are doing 120 plus. This seem to be universal not at the odd junction. Just very very very slow at accelerating. As I said if I was away first and checking that nobody was crossing after a short while I would find myself hundreds of metres ahead of them.
  20. Which bit didn't you understand? The drivers who undertake a queue of traffic to cut in front of the cars trying to overtake a slow moving lorry. Or the undertaking on multiple lane highways that have variable speed limits depending which lane you are in? May be you are transgressor which is why you don't recognise it.
  21. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2132715/three-killed-in-three-lorry-crash-in-surat-thani Foreign lorry drivers I assume.
  22. Easy, I will explain. There is a heavy lorry plodding along with a long queue of traffic queuing to overtake it. The reason there is a queue is because of the "Thai" morons, notice Thai not foreigners charging up the inside to cut in at the front on the queue. Also undertaking where there is left turn slip road. Or simply in heavy traffic on a 3 or 4 lane highway, you know the ones with variable speed limits so I will be in lane 3 or 4 because that is the speed that I choose to drive at. Then you get the 140kph driver weaving in and out of the lanes. But as I say if I am on a 2 lane carriage way and the inside lane is clear then I move back to lane 1. Understand now?
  23. When I drive on a dual carriageway road I stick to the left had lane unless I am overtaking. Having overtaken I move back to the inside lane. The wife says why am I not driving in the outside lane. I say why should I be driving in the outside lane. Because it is less bumpy was the reply. Is that why I see large articulated lorries crawling along in the outside lane when the inside lane is empty.
  24. My wife used to make me laugh. During the day I was expected to do the driving. But at night, even though I think her night vision was a bit iffy, she would get behind the wheel and off she would go. She would then get her phone out and start sending messages on Line app while I sit there staring out of the window. I ask you, if she wants to send messages why doesn't she just ask me to drive. My night vision is much better than hers anyway. Just a Thai thing I guess.
  25. On my recent trip to Thailand I did a land border crossing into Malaysia. I left the car at the border and met a friend on the Malaysian side. I guess 800 metres or so separates the two countries and suddenly drivers know how to drive properly. I assume that it is simply down to discipline and law enforcement.
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