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Everything posted by James9999

  1. A good XJ must be worth a lot these days but had to find I would think. Some of the replica Cobras use Jaguar running gear I understand. A bit off topic from the snakes but more interesting https://www.gdcars.com/
  2. My favourite car. If I ever win the lottery stuff a Porshe or a Ferrari. Replica Cobra for me. May be a Jaguar F Type hard top for when it is raining.
  3. British Pakistanis flip flop with their identity. If it suits them or they are in trouble with the British authorities the they use their Pakistani passports and skip to Pakistan. Then if they are in trouble in Pakistani they always use their British passport to skip back to the UK.
  4. Talking of that have you been following the trial of Urfan Sharif. The message that he sent after fleeing to Pakistan "I legally punished her, and she died," he said in the call played in court, telling the operator "she was naughty". Referring to his 10 year old daughter.
  5. They could be British Pakistanis
  6. Why do people always get this saying wrong. It is I wouldn't p155 on his head if his hair was on fire.
  7. But a non CNG bus burst into flames while parked up reported here a few days ago.
  8. Nobody is being prosecuted. Yet anyway. It has only take seven years for the public inquiry to come to its conclusion. But I suppose the legal profession wanted to keep the gravy train going for as long as possible. The police will take years more to investigate before nominating a few scapegoats to put on trial. I suppose eventually may be a couple of minor player in the Grenfell tragedy might do time. An even bigger cover up in the UK is the Post Office Horizon scandal, not in terms of deaths but length of time it has been going on.
  9. It is the law, then enact the law. Safety should be taught in schools, well yes how to cross the road safely, don't play with matches. All the low level safety that kids need to know. Don't install CNG cylinders in the passenger compartment of a bus or exceed the legal number of CNG cylinders. Not sure about that one. I fell asleep when you went on about risk assessments. This is Thailand not a regulated Western country. You presumably know about Grenfell Tower? Yes even in the UK we need to a few people in prison for ignoring process and procedures. At the end of the day it is the only way to stop making extra profit at the expense of safety.
  10. My son's very British gf has a very East European surname. Puzzled she told be her grand father came to Britain from Ukraine during the war. I am interested to find out more if she knows how he got here. I know lots of Poles got here during the war but not that Ukrainians came here. I am of course referring to the 1939-1945 war. So no surprise there are many British with non Anglo Saxon names
  11. Or may be hundreds of other divers just got lucky.
  12. I think he was being facetious.
  13. I read the head line expecting a story about a European or American gang trying to start a protection racket. Instead it was a single Burmese beggar.
  14. I thought that you were praising Thailand's ISO accreditation. Having an ISO certificate counts for nothing if the attitude towards safety counts for zilch.
  15. So 1331 unsafe buses were allowed to operate. Had it not been for the tragic deaths of 23 children and 3 teaches those 1331 unsafe buses would never have been found and would still be operating. And they still have the rest of the national bus fleet to test. Who knows if the 5% is a typical average for unsafe buses. It is very disconcerting that somebody who pretends to uphold standard should be so defensive of the Thai safety record. "if you were expecting a 100% " statistically probably not but for 1 on 20 buses to be unsafe and yet the bus operators own management is happy with that is worrying.
  16. May be we should look at ISO37001. "In a world where ethics and transparency in business are essential for sustainability and growth, organizations are seeking effective ways to combat bribery and corruption. A fundamental tool in this fight is ISO 37001, designed to establish robust and effective anti-bribery management systems. In this article, we will explore in detail what ISO 37001 is, its structure and components, as well as the key benefits of its implementation. What is ISO 37001? ISO 37001 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the aim of providing a solid framework to help organizations prevent, detect, and address bribery and corruption in all its forms. This standard provides clear and practical guidelines for establishing an anti-bribery management system that can be implemented by any type of organization, regardless of its size, industry, or geographical location." Seriously. Is that what Thailand stands for?
  17. I have never actually been a QA engineer but had to work on enough projects that demand real quality not the the Thai pretend quality. Can I ask why you are so keen to defend these thoroughly dangerous Thai buses. And if the buses are like this what about the trucks like. Drivers barely able to stay wake because of the long hours. Shoddy maintenance. Bribes to keep dangerous buses and trucks on the road. Thailand is such a wonderful haven for safety.
  18. What does cause I do not know mean. !!!??? One ! is enough. I will summarise, they failed the safety test. They are not safe.
  19. I see they failed but it wasn't dues to a safety infringement? They are testing to see if they are safe. 5%, if you believe that, of the buses tested failed a safety inspection. ie they are not safe. The people here who brag about only 5% failing seem to be defending them so they are the ones that are proud. "you do not know the faults found so this is all assumptions" It is a "safety inspection", if it fails then by definition it is not safe.
  20. Are the gas meters checked and calibrated. If not then it is a waste of time.
  21. What a strange attitude they have in Thailand. Only 5% of buses tested were found to be death traps and that is something to be proud of.
  22. So it wasn't a lithium battery in the luggage that caused the fire then.
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