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Everything posted by James9999

  1. Actually the subject is the perceived terrorist attack on Thailand.
  2. That was Hamas not Palestine.
  3. Not that far back. I find it strange that tiny Lithuania was a major empire in Europe at one time.
  4. Palestine no longer exists as a country so how can it invade anybody? There is no comparison between Russia and Ukraine and Hamas/Hezbollah and Israel.
  5. Ukraine and Israel are not alike. Israel came into being after a civil war. The same can't be said of Ukraine. Ukraine is under attack from its former colonial master.
  6. I seem to recall a book about 20 years from a reformed prisoner. If only I could remember the name of the book.
  7. Where have I heard that one before?
  8. I understand that I can transfer money out of Thailand the was tranferred into Thailand in the first place. In 2005 I transferred money from the UK into a business. At the time is was 70 baht to the pound, those were the days. Now it is about 43 to pound. For example 1 million baht was £14, 285 but is now £23,256. Can I transfer all of the 1 million baht back to the UK and the and the profit on the exchange rate is my good luck or will the Thai bank reduce the amount I can transfer?
  9. Good question. Pension from the UK is already taxed. An ISA is a savings account and it tax free in the UK and is not income. How would the Thais treat remittance from an ISA account. Just going to Thailand at a tourist is looking much better and less hassle.
  10. Defies the imagination how somebody can just ride across a pedestrian crossing when they can see that all the other traffic has STOPPED and not look out for a pedestrian crossing.
  11. In the the UK very few cyclists bother to stop at red lights at junctions or crossings or zebra crossings. Is it the pedestrians responsibility to look out for cyclists illegally proceeding when they shouldn't or for the cyclist to actually stop? It shouldn't be the pedestrian's fault when road users are driving or riding illegally.
  12. In my country only apartments are lease hold. Houses are almost always owned freehold. People do still rent houses. A leasehold house in the UK is like hen's teeth.
  13. Could somebody explain how a leasehold property in Thailand works. I assume a lease is for a defined period? How long is the lease for and can I transfer the lease to a dependent? Assuming the lease is for a defined period can it be extended? In my own country I have only ever had freehold property so I don't know how leasehold works in my own country let alone Thailand.
  14. My question is why doesn't this thoroughly nasty individual spend some of his riches and build a gate to stop people sitting on his step. Or he could stay in Switzerland and shout at people their for sitting on his steps.
  15. I wonder why they bothered to engage in an argument. Drive off, drag him along for a bit then he falls flat on his face. So easy.
  16. He did repeatedly say "Get the <deleted> off" in a very threatening way for sitting on a step. What is his problem? I thought <deleted> off was even more offensive in Thailand than it is in the West.
  17. In London I am surprised yo went stabbed for telling somebody to eff off
  18. We have a case that happened over the week end in the UK. By one of our great, honest, decent members of parliament. Apparently he felt threatened so viciously beat a member of the public. Funny how the aggressor always blames the victim. https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/labour-mp-mike-amesbury-punch-video-cheshire-b2636907.html
  19. You know I sometimes feel half the people in England speaking English aren't native English speakers.
  20. Might have been Belgian or French Canadian. Either way remarkable a Thai can recognise English with a French accent.
  21. Speaking English with a French accent
  22. I am confused. I take it the so called call center fraud did not take place in Thailand? The police watched a condominium and saw a "suspicious" character. As a foreigner I had better be careful visiting a condo. Reading between the lines the two operated fraud in Sweden, why is the fraud involved in Thai baht, or have I got it wrong. Again reading between the lines, two visa over stayers are implicated in criminal activity in another country. Must be hundreds if not thousands of those in Thailand. Is my understanding incorrect?
  23. Wow we are still is 2024 and that list for the 2020s looks like it going to dwarf the previous decades. Strangely no mention of Pattaya
  24. Off topic I know https://mikebrewermotoring.com/news/wheeler-dealer/wheeler-dealers-track-down-a-beautiful-jaguar/
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