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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Trump is so awful they need to invent stories to attack him with. If the guy was so bad, they could just truthfully state his dastardly deeds. But no. Just hoax after hoax after hoax.
  2. Another victim of msm hoaxes. Bleach drinking advocate? Msm has much to answer for ginning up so much irrational hatred.
  3. I'm sorry but anyone that is "quite happy" to have the state decide how the majority of their salary is spent is either brainwashed or a flat out fool. There is a reason why Thailand is awash with Scandies, who are fleeing the socialist dump (and imported gang warfare and hand grenade attacks).
  4. Don't remember you moaning when Soros, Bezos and the liberal douche illuminati were dropping big bucks furthering the leftist agenda? Standards, my boy, standards. You know, turning on Musk was one of the dumbest things the left did. I say one of, because everything they did is dumb, but turning on the worlds richest man who was a democrat and pretty much invented mass production of EVs?? Yep, nice one!!! That worked out well for you.
  5. Terrible example. Argentina invaded the Falklands, Thatcher had no choice. A better example of overseas adventures to distract from domestic trouble would be Sir Kier and the Chagos shtshow to distract from his economic meltdown and 2 tier justice system.
  6. Political persecutions are bad again? Hard to keep up.
  7. At least they are having an election, unlike the left's bastion of democracy and MOA slush funds.
  8. This whole situation reminds much of poor Justice Kavanagh. The left made all sorts of batdropping crazy accusations about the poor guy running train on young women after sculling vast quantities of booze. Got so bad senators were egging on the braindead communists surrounding Kavanaughs family home. So Kavanaugh gets sworn in. How does he feel about "democrats" 😁 same Hegseth. He will never forgive the left for the awful smears and fslse claims. Its stepping on a fork over and over. Same deal with Trump. They never learn these false smears always backfire in the end.
  9. Even if Greenlanders, who are supposedly autonomous, vote democratically to join Trump's America? Surely forcing them to remain part of socialist Denmark, against their will, would be more "Putin" like? It always amuses me seeing lefties hot takes, which never ever make an ounce of sense, just blindly copying their msm narratives.
  10. Nothing democratic about an inexplicable "extra" 10 million mail in ballots with no id shown. If I lost thanks to democrat shennanigans which led to over a million deaths in unneccessary wars and total destruction of democratic norms and principles I'd be a bit miffed too.
  11. Potty mouth comments show he is panicking. Rightly so. The Danes need to wind their necks in. Greenland as an autonomous province has the right to democratically decide whether they want to join the US and all be very rich, or continue as before. Not sure why democratic votes like this (and Brexit) trigger the left so much? I wonder if we should use Mike Lindells new voting software to count the vote? As we know, doubting voting software is insurrection and worthy of a BILLION $ fine so nobody would question it. Happy days!!
  12. I don't remember all this outrage when a certain laptop and a certain diary dropped. And the accusations against Hegseth are mild to non existent compared to the irrefutable horrific goings on the diary and laptop showed your beloved Bidens were getting up to. Again, I must question whether your stance is sincere?
  13. Nigel fouled the bed repeating the establishment lies about Tommy Robinson. It was a major blunder. I'd like to see Tommy form a new party when he gets released from solitary for the crime of.......journalism.
  14. But if he becomes obviously demented and senile and loses his cognitive ability to the point he falls over all the time and can't complete a sentence, then you will support censoring and mocking rational folk that point out the guy is a vegetable? I mean, for you lefties having a completely gaga old man for President is cool bananas, right? Or now it's suddenly bad again? Standards fellas. Stick to your standards and you won't look like clowns flipflopping and backtracking over everything.
  15. "Zero qualifications"?? Did you glean this little nugget of misinformation from Morning Joe, Destiny or Harry Sisson? Quite ridiculous.
  16. Why would he want treasonous snakes like Milley that went behind his back to conspire with Xi? Do you have any idea how stupid and dangerous that was? Xi isnt his bestie, he will have thought Milley and team woke utter morons. Strength and logic is back(clearly not in Oz mind). And Thank Goodness
  17. More Winning! Trump has achieved more in a few days than the woke biden regime in 4 years. Ok, that isn't exactly true, because the woke regime ruined America and the wider world in every way. Trump is literally saving the world, and seeing notorious misinformation posters frothing so hard over it confirms we are on the right track. Hooray for Trump 2.0
  18. Gain of Fauci lost his security detail. Trump 2.0 is beating all expectations and hopes, and I held a high bar. Winning!!
  19. There is nothing perilous about a return to sanity and common sense.
  20. I thought you would like that. But really, it's only fair after the impsachment hoaxes, collusion hoaxes and insisting he was illegitimate throughout his 1st term. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2025/01/23/trump-third-term-amendment-constitution-ogles.html
  21. Really glad the momentum to allow Trump a 3rd term is snowballing. America and the world needs a Trump double bill to recover from the western civilization ending woke cult.
  22. The lawfare refers to Bragg and ithers running on a "get Trump" platform then scrambling to find crimes, ultimately using long expired misdemeanor and magicking it into 34 felonies. Lawfare in other words. You know this.
  23. His post was 100% factually accurate, not sure why you are laughing. I know you haven't forgotten the democrats used coordinated and ridiculous lawfare against Trump because they knew they couldnt beat him in an election. So, are you saying hitler and mao did not? Very confusing.
  24. Hope Im not alone in appreciating the incredible news daily, wars ending, foreign investment gushing in, safe borders, criminals getting sent home. Just so refreshing after 4 years of garbage like celebrating burly dudes battering female olympians in the ring, more weirdos in elementary school to warp childrens minds and other such divisive and dumb rhetoric. Welcome back America. The world missed you, and went wildly astray during the weekend at bidens useless administration.
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