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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. It was under Trump that big tech censored his urge to protesters to make their voices heard "peacefully and patriotically" and then banned the President from social media. Was that his fault too?😆 And how is that working out for you now?
  2. I think you will get your wish! The emotional responses devoid of any fact or reality suggests the tantrum will continue. Until one day when they all suddenly deny they ever fought opening USAIDs book or wanted geezers in young lasses showers. Incredible how they coordinate their lies so perfectly, almost like no thought process at all.
  3. Maybe a new policy that every fentanyl smuggler and full body tatt gang bangers can come in to pick crops(sure😅) if they bring a carton of eggs?
  4. Which tariffs are you referring to? The sky is falling tariffs on Canada and Mexico that got the left on such tilt here? Of course, they caved in to Trumps demands so no tariffs needed. Exactly how he intended. Not sure why that upsets you to the extent of making things up?
  5. Biden and his family too. Fauci too. Milley too. Why go back so far as AL??
  6. It was a landslide election win. Americans overwhelmingly voted for change and to dismantle the deep state. We were mocked for stating it existed, now its getting torn down and the left are wigging out. Im sorry, but you are on the wrong side of this.
  7. Angry about transparency and accountability? You might want to rethink this.
  8. If I remember from your thousands of posts berating and mocking Trump for being corrupt(without a shred of evidence) you really hate corruption. It is therefore mysterious that when the MOA government corruption is exposed, you are triggered that it is exposed, and attack the white knights that exposed it. Do you see this as "good" corruption which is why you invest so much time and effort defending it? Or is there another reason why?
  9. One of the most dishonest "fact checkers". There can be no doubt Snopes were getting money to twist fact into lies. Mediabiasfactcheck too. They downgraded Daily Mail after they dna tested Ilhan Omars brother's hair and compared it to a cigarette butt Ms Omar dropped. So much for the Trust the Science mantra!
  10. Why was this not a concern when weekend at Biden was "president"?
  11. Our posting records are there for all to see. Some, like Yagoda have been on the factual side of most issues thus have high credibility. Others, like our resident laptop deniers and those relying on personal attacks like calling others trolls as they know they have been wrong about everything have the opposite.
  12. Finally an issue everyone should be in agreement on. Government corruption on a nuclear scale and destruction of democracy by paying msm to trash one party(and themselves in the process now they got caught). Can we not all agree that is bad? Clearly Politico, BBC etc are paid left wing propaganda and NOT credible sources after all. Who knew!?
  13. All the ones paying $8 million for it?
  14. Why was the American taxpayer paying for Burmese problems? Thank goodness those days are over. Every country must be responsible for its own issues.
  15. Not a smoker any longer, but well remember the frustration at total non smoking airports. Give people smoking rooms, it doesn't affect anybody else. Nice move AOT. Btw smoking planes would be good too for nicotine and vaping addicts. Maybe 1 flight a week.
  16. Been a few days since leftists crowed about broken promises, all campaign lies for the cult, wont do anything etc etc It's now time for sheer unadulterated panic due to Trump fulfilling ALL his promises and then some ON STEROIDS. I suspect the fear and panic will worsen as the corruption benefitting the democrat party is exposed and stopped. Priceless watching msm these days!
  17. Soooo, he's not Russia's puppet anymore??😅 hard to keep up with the left's conspiracy theories.
  18. I just dont care. After so many hoaxes from the same people bleating about global warming and how taxing successful folk and making them drive 3 ton cars who's battery was mined by children in the Congo will save the world. Er....no thank you.
  19. Can you agree in hindsight it was a disasterous decision to wage lawfare against the guy? Storming Barons bedroom and riffling through Melania's panty drawers might not have been the wisest move? Akin to wearing undies and kicking a huge hornets nest. Of course the left are not enjoying payback and an end to all the gravy trains, but you shouldnt be surprised.
  20. Up to the Ozzies if they want to live in fear and not be able to fairly observe the destruction of everything they stand for. Best get building Merkel lego (giant concrete blocks everywhere vehicles can enter pedestrian zones) for when the vehicles suddenly start attacking infidels.
  21. Broken social cohesion. The lefts bonkers experiment.
  22. Sandy Hook vs Laptop being Russian disinfo Lab leak If you take the vax you wont get covid Suckers and losers hoax Very fine people hoax Feeding fish too fast hoax Border secure already hoax Border agents whipping migrants Obamas cages blamed on Trump Whittmer kidnapping hoax Mostly peaceful protests Do i really need to keep going. Any reasonable mind recognizes Alex Jones is FAR more credible that left wing msm.
  23. No. It was negotiating tactics. You might want to read a book to bone up on negotiation, Id suggest a well known book by a grandmaster at winning negotiations, it's called The Art of the Deal.
  24. And securing the borders without having to actually implement tariffs. Something we were promised by the forum left was impossible. #winning
  25. The only thing getting "damaged" are false democrat narratives. They are more being blown to smithereens than damaged, mind.
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