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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. The left over-reacting to being expected to pay $8 for a private companies service has been priceless entertainment. Look at how badly Musk owns King who is whinging about being gifted a free account/trolled by Musk depending on which side you are on- just embarrassing at this point how deranged some of the establishment left are these days. WHat they seem to not realize is they need Twitter more than the other way round. And when they have to come slinking back it will be even more cringe. Reminds of that time they left the US for Canada..
  2. Is it my imagination, or are the Sussexes becoming irrelevant. I am seeing and hearing less and less of them, which is a very good thing. Looking forward to gauging the British public's thoughts on Harry by the volume of booo's wherever he appears during his Coronation visit.
  3. Is this a Giuliani thread? No Let's remind why the need for deflections. "There are six specific decisions that Joe Biden made either as vice president or president that are very concerning to us,' Comer told Fox. 'I found legitimate businesses that were paying the LLCs that were then turning around and laundering the money back to the Bidens,' Comer detailed. 'But I haven't found any legitimate business dealings on the Biden end.' 'It looks like, if there wasn't legitimate business dealing in any of these LLCs, it was influence peddling. And if you want to get technical, and if you want to get to a legal term, that's called being a foreign agent. They weren't registered as a foreign agent. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12004863/James-Comer-TWELVE-Biden-family-members-involved-shady-business-deals.html I hope they keep doing this reveal as slowly as possible. WHile most leftists accept now the corruption in play from the DNC's blinken, the mainstream media that censored politically devastating facts, right up to the top, it is most amusing seeing some still in denial mode.
  4. the allegations of corruption with America's enemies and the allegation of orchestrating the MOA coverups we have been learning about from Morell are a world apart from the convoluted garbage charges stemming from trump's allegedly having had a consensual sexual relation with an adult.
  5. Have they considered telling us why these foreign adversaries were paying money to up to 9 member of the biden family? Nobody cares about Hunters hookers and coke. We care about corruption, transparency and desperate prolonged disinformation campaigns that resulted in fact being banned on social media before a crucial election.
  6. Sorry bruce, i missed your explanation of how these millions pad to the biden family(which the left moved heaven and earth to falsely claim did not happen) by America's adversaries were legitimate. I am wondering why the need for denials and orchestrating a disinformation campaign if the family did nothing wrong. I am sure all non qualified non essential Burisma employees got $50k a month for no reason, right? This must be the biggest conspiracy theory ever, and it's all collapsing.
  7. And now we get more information. Where did the ridiculous hoax 50 plus intelligence agents letter exlaining the laptop as Russian disinformation just before an election come from? "The dishonor of our intelligence community, and most of the media, is now complete. It turns out the “51 intel experts” letter implying Hunter Biden’s 100% authentic laptop was a Russian fake, and the ensuing efforts to kill Post reporting on it, were the actual disinfo operation. Veteran spook and former acting CIA Director Mike Morrell masterminded it, as he swore under oath, to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election” — at the behest of campaign flunky (now Secretary of State) Antony Blinken." https://nypost.com/2023/04/21/hunter-biden-laptop-letter-was-the-real-disinformation-all-along/ Oh the shame of it. Oh the pure evil of election interferers and democracy interferers calling others what they themselves are. What a disgrace. I hope the Jan6th committee can swing a 180 u-turn and go after the real election interference. I hope the left here feel suitable embarrassed for falling for such silly fake news - or for realizing all along it was fake but happily went along with the big lie seeing as it benefitted their party?
  8. hmmmm. really? I am wondering if " what has folks livid is fake fox news" is STILL trusted way more than all the laptop denier collusion hoaxer media. That must really hurt. "Fox News Channel remains not just the most trusted among cable news networks but all of television news, and by a convincing plurality, despite scandals like the massive Dominion lawsuit against the ratings giant. Fox News is the top on TV in the most recent YouGov data on news sources, with 41% saying that it is the channel they “most trust for news.” The network, which boasts the biggest audience in all of cable news, has long been found to be “most trusted” by pollsters. That is close to double each of the second and third most trusted, ABC and CNN, which came in at 24% and 22% respectively, and more than twice that of MSNBC, at 18%." https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-most-trusted-and-most-watched-even-after-dominion-revelations-latest-poll-shows/ 3 years of ridiculous defamatory false claims and banning factual rebuttal has consequences it seems.
  9. This bit about applying in person in Bkk or CM. Does that mean all 3 of us including baby have to come up from Samui to the VFS office, or can wife travel up alone and do it?
  10. Another verifiably false assertion. You might want to inform yourself better on the subject before making false claims. Many "facts" have changed from when the lappy was a hoax. The meetings you guys claimed never happened https://www.foxnews.com/politics/joe-biden-met-14-hunters-business-associates-vice-president
  11. The only strong evidence Joe wasn't involved was when the laptop was debunked and called Russian dissinformation -without evidence and even though the family did not deny it's veracity. Now it's verified you have a problem. There is either a reason all this money was paid to the Bidens, or the foreigners just showered cash on the Bidens for fun? You can be the very first former laptop denier to account for these payments that the left moved heaven and earth to prevent the public from being informed about before the 2020 election.
  12. Yes, it does rather support the claims of a dual justice system, doesn't it. The judicial/beaurocratic treatment of Presidents 44 and 45 are worlds apart. As a gentle reminder of why Biden's alleged crimes are of a different magnitude to the Stormy judicial moonshot. “To be clear, Joe Biden is the ‘big guy.’ This evidence raises troubling questions about whether President Biden is a national security risk and about whether he is compromised by foreign governments.” Rep James Comer. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/23/dissecting-gop-claims-about-hunter-biden-deals-allegedly-involving-his-father/
  13. This sentence raises concerns over misinformation. I believe what is increasing is the written/tweeted idea that "climate change" is man made and can be stopped/reversed by paying more taxes, stopping to go abroad on holidays and eating bugs - while watching the business titans and political leaders(including climate alarmists like Gore) fly around on private jets and buy multiple multi million $ beachfront properties. And it is probably only increasing because Twitter is not involved in political censorship under new leadership.
  14. Would you rather anyone that speaks facts about Alexander and his deeds be banned from the internet and called a "conspiracy theorist", even though they are dealing in fact? No, of course not. That would be totally ridiculous and dishonest. So it's refreshing that he is taking responsibility for his misdeeds. I hope this inspires notorious/famous untouchable law breakers from left field to start accepting responsibility and media start reporting honestly on crimes even when committed by the left, as we see, it's not that difficult. Here's hoping.
  15. never heard of this individual, but I do like this "“I apologize for any inappropriate messages sent over the years,” Alexander wrote, adding later, “When I’ve flirted or others have flirted with me, I’ve flexed my credentials or dropped corny pick up lines. Other times, I’ve been careless and should’ve qualified those coming up to me’s (sic) identities during flirtatious banter at the start.” That is the correct way to deal with mistakes. How rare these days for people to own up and apologise when they mess up.
  16. I'll have to agree with Trump on this one. Just as Nice in the south of France didn't have a "truck problem", and 911 wasn't a "plane problem". The issue is a criminal one. And biden's incredibly divided nation and woke prosecutors are not good for people's mental health nor are they a deterrent to committing violent crime. I expect this problem to get worse, no matter if the present administration takes law abiding citizens legally held weapons away or not. Criminals don't care if guns are illegal and they will relish the thought of preying on unarmed and defenceless rural folk once the left get their way.
  17. As usual it looks like another storm in a teacup and major distraction from the numerous politically inconvenient disasters and calamities currently in play. Can any of the forum's left contingent explain which Supreme court decisions and rulings this billionaire bought by being pals with Thomas - and hence the uproar? I am thinking the billionaire is not the smartest guy around, if he was corrupting a regular judge that presides over criminal cases he could possible have bought some unfair advantage, but the Supreme court?
  18. Scum? Remind who said they didn't want their kids growing up in a racial jungle? The problem with false assertions is that you will always get called up on them. Your "fine people on both sides" was a classic disinformation stunt by the dishonest left. I believe there is not a creature on earth that does not know this statement was taken completely out of context for leftist propaganda purposes. I thought blatant disinformation was frowned upon here, or is it that Trump is the victim of your nonsense so it's cool. Like mocking a bone spur disability for years? I hope this poor man is pardoned asap, as I know what happened. Justice should be blind.
  19. What is this "maggot party" you speak of? Funny I was just reading some guidance on another thread, clearly it does not apply to you or other woke posters after reading thousands of abusive posts calling political rivals scumbags and morons. "15. You will not discriminate or post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor." If you believe you are correct, you should be able to debate and offer reasoned argument. Sadly you guys can't do that, and it has been noticed.
  20. You are wrong about almost everything here. Who said anything about being "poor"? Only you. Can you accept being educated to a low level and living in a rural area is not a guarantee of poverty. Plenty of rural folk became very rich from land sales for example, or in his case being a very successful barramundi farmer. Didn't need to learn algebra or have fancy degrees to know how best to care for his fish, and the many fellow fish farmers coming to him for advise and help on their own operations says much. He is not wanting or expecting me to pay him a dime. It would be very offensive for me to make such an offer. I started this thread off my own bat trying to understand how this all happened, and to make sure it really was a lost cause. That it seemed (and still does) too incredible for words, is not an excuse to mock and insult. Thanks for the genuine replies here guys, sorry I could not bring much more detail to how the scam worked exactly. Briefing the farang in the family on this most embarrassing episode is not top priority for him.
  21. Sorry I can't understand the full details of how it happened. He is embarrassed and emotional it's difficult to work out exactly what happened. Best I can understand is "customs" phoned his mobile and said they caught him sending too many boxes to Burma without declaring(he never sent any single box of anything anywhere) and that he must pay a fine, they then started supposedly transferring him to different "departments" such as police, the bank and even the government where the demands and consequences of not paying were increased. Not sure what the threat was. I suspect he was worried his position as a respected village elder would be threatened and wanted this issue to go away. Then after he started paying... As for those having trouble understanding how somebody could be so stupid, remember the family are rural folk in a very remote area earning livings from agriculture and fisheries. They are just not living in the same world that educated tech and scam savvy westerners are. He only got his first phone recently. Will update the tread with the full story if I ever learn it completely.
  22. "London beats rivals with world’s best-performing major stock market FTSE 100 is only top index to deliver a gain for investors in miserable year" https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/12/30/london-beats-rivals-worlds-best-performing-major-stock-market/ Surprising to read after all the doom and gloom brexit threads over the same period the UK was enjoying the world's best performing stock market! Added to my UK investments yesterday after reading this guff.
  23. Exactly. Got him a new phone number already. Just beggars belief how he fell for it, and we don't know how much he lost yet. Thanks for the replies guys. Seems he isn't the only one that fell for this. Too bad.
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