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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. My avatar has been proven statistically impossible. And the voter fraud will be properly investigated during the next 4 years, so no party can cheat like that again. We should all welcome a PROPER investigation.
  2. Were these 6.5 million mysterious democrat voters?🤣
  3. Right. Because conservatives and MAGA want nothing more than throwing monstrous sums of taxpayer money at garbage like trans pygmy dance classes on the other side of the world and financing left wing misinformation to sway elections like Politico. Please engage brain, think, then post. You will have noticed the forum left in total lockstep in a fit of rage at the corrupt gravy train screeching to a halt, while the rest of us are in raptures seeing the fraud ended. Think man, think.
  4. Up there with your shrill "no metadata" disinformation.
  5. Crying because their corruption of biblical proportion is over. Crying because transparency and accountability are back. Remind me which side of the political divide is a cult.
  6. "Pay backs gonna hurt" I certainly hope so. The damage done to the US judicial system from this clusterbang is incalculable. Have to say it is amusing that STILL no forum member has been able to accurately state the crime Trump committed and was found guilty of, which confirms my belief that 100% of forumers know full well this case was a sham. Probably why the bleat of 34 felonies is never mentioned these days. What will happen to the bad actors in this case? Well Bragg and James lost their security clearances, it's a start. But Merchan, well he and his daughter that financially beneffited from the lawfare will be in for a world of hurt. Cant wait.
  7. Certainly does. I haven't seen so much angst and denial since the Twitter files dropped.
  8. You are going to love this. Selling classified info on Ukraine. Ah the laptop, no wonder the left tried falsely claiming it was made up by Americas mayor. https://nypost.com/2023/06/11/hunter-bidens-suspicious-email-on-ukraine-raises-red-flag-for-probe?utm_source=nypost&utm_campaign=android_nyp&utm_medium=social
  9. He is destroying government corruption not destroying government institutions. I love it how suddenly the msm narrative is industrial scale corruption is good because it was benefitting leftist causes. Anyone that is triggered by transparency and accountability under the orange Mandela's regime is frankly on the wrong side of the issue, end of.
  10. It seems the left's irrational hivemind hatred for EM might actually stop the loony tunes rush to force us all to drive 3 ton behemoth exploding cars made from hazardous stuff mined by children in the Congo. Well fair play to that.
  11. Ah, so dishonest. So you are trying to falsely claim Zwonitzer was writing the book for charitable purposes? I think we all know it was being written for money, and Biden read classified docs to him. So financial gain for sharing top secret classified docs. Nail in the coffin is when Zwonitzer knew there was an investigation he deleted everything. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Id suggest to ignore what the state propagandists propped up with taxpayers money say, and go directly to the Hurr report.
  12. Hurr report. Did Maddow and the View not cover that?
  13. One word. Socialism. It ruins every single country that experiments with it. Some quickly others slowly.
  14. Interesting to see how MAGA does after Trump restores electoral integrity. There was a reason of course why the left scrapped photo ID to vote.
  15. Even though they did😅 typical leftie logic.
  16. So Mayorkas, Biden and Harris were lying when they kept saying the border is secure? Im sure Mayorkas intentionally lied under oath with the intention to misinform his fans aka the left. Everyone else knew he was lying as videos of gangbangers swarming across the river were readily available. IIRC lying for political gain was supposrd to be a bad thing?
  17. We all know they had to be cringing with embarrassment every time they wrote that BS. Russia invaded Ukraine under Obama, were scared of their puppet Trump and stopped for 4 years, then unleashed mayhem when the Biden/deep state presidency came into power. And Trump's their puppet. Really!?
  18. If Milei doesnt win the Nobel prize there is no justice. He transformed a basket case of a country in record time. Surprised we dont read more about his miraculous rule.
  19. I see their point. After trashing democracy by ending photo ID to be able to vote, the last thing they want is all their new voters getting sent back home. At this rate the democrats may as well disband. I now admit Kamala was right. The feeling of Joy she kept banging on about. Well, Im feeling it every day.
  20. During the phase you and the left cult were claiming he was an illegitimate President?
  21. Shame he was distracted by the 2x impeachment hoaxes then the gift from Faucis lab out east. Hopefully this time he will be allowed to govern without all the false distractions(shiny objects for the left).
  22. CBS is almost certainly on the Pravda state propaganda list. This dishonesty reminds much of when the forum left tried claiming SBF donated equally to Republicans. Of course that was bs too.
  23. It was under Trump that big tech censored his urge to protesters to make their voices heard "peacefully and patriotically" and then banned the President from social media. Was that his fault too?😆 And how is that working out for you now?
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