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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Have to agree with this. As degrees become worth less, work experience will naturally offer kids with a decent work ethic a step on the career ladder. Also teaches kids the value of money.
  2. These private text messages that have been released IMO show Tucker is a sincere person. I think we are all aware that his video he released after the firing has 80 MILLION views. ie the campaign to destroy Tucker has made him much stronger. I think the power and influence he wields in the runup to the 2024 election will be a determining factor - and probably the reason for so much of the democrat supporters hatred and fear for the man openly on display.
  3. No motive floated for the poisoning? Was very impressed by the figures from a friend that owns a durian farm in the Chumpon area. Lucrative doesn't begin to describe. Bet there are lots of jealous neighbors and general ne'er do wells that would like to see the farms fail.
  4. "There could be upwards of 12 Biden family members who benefitted from influence peddling by the president and his son, according to the top Republican on the Oversight Committee. Chairman James Comer said that there won't be anyone 'left for a Christmas picture' because the 'entire Biden family' is entrapped in the financial enrichment scheme. There are nine known family members involved in the shady business deals, according to Comer, but he now says there could be at least three more." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12004863/James-Comer-TWELVE-Biden-family-members-involved-shady-business-deals.html As per my link, Chinese State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with CEFC China Energy is an example. Of course, it would have been better if you and other forum posters of left field had just explained why all this money was being paid, rather than falsely dismissing the evidence as "Russian disinformation" and now the scramble to cover your rears when your previous conspiracy theory fell apart.
  5. Fox? For the 10 thousandth time? They were not part of the laptop being Russian disinfo misinformation campaign cooked up by Biden's campaign staff like Blinken (https://nypost.com/2023/05/03/blinkens-lies-on-hunter-laptop-letter-just-dont-stop/) and 51 crooked and dishonest ex intel chiefs which we are studiously ignoring and that has shredded the left's integrity and credibility were they? Or the dozens of other hoaxes(white supremacist Rittenhouse carrying guns across state lines, Smollett's attack representing MAGA, years of malicious collusion hoax nonsense and illegitimate president nonsense against Trump that somehow ALL benefitted the democrat narratives yet none were deemed defamatory for some bizarre reason, were they? Maybe we should drop this Oh Fox again routine? Now this current investigation by Grassley is fascinating. It does what every single member of the left here could not do. That is to credibly explain why America's foreign adversaries were paying up to 12 member of the Biden clan. Nobody could ex[lain it. It has been embarrassing to watch. And the lame excuse now the dishonesty is unravelling is ....but Fox!! I suggest posters explain why all this money was paid and why even though the Bidens didnt deny the evidence of payment(that laptop) veracity yet the left moved heaven and earth to falsely claim the evidence was Russian disinformation is because they could not reasonably explain it without admitting their guy is EVERYTHING they falsely accused Trump of, and just before an election too.. Ouch.
  6. Totally. Having watched the footage I would be hard pressed to call that mob a "protest", and the lady must have been terrified out of her wits . Hardly a surprise she panicked and floored the gas. 5 hours of community service seems way OTT.
  7. 2 takeaways from her comments. 1)she has a big problem with harnessing her racism and zenophobia. 2) she realizes that she will not be a favoured "insider" able to benefit from being part of a weed monopoly which she wasted much time trying to create. In a free market "bad actors" like her will be punished. Good.
  8. Any government setting up a "ministry of truth" is a major warning sign. AUthoritarian and fascist regimes worldwide would salivate at the thought of absolutely controlling propaganda to keep the citizens uninformed and in awe of how amazing their government is. In Thailand's case I would guess modernizing the defamation laws so that factually true claims can not be sued would be the way forward to legitimizing medias credibility.
  9. You grossly mischaracterize Trump's frustration with many member countries not paying their dues. DOes his wanting to expand NATO to include the ME sound like "decapitation"? No, of course not. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-nato-idUSKBN1Z82D4
  10. Buying a beer bar here could be a great idea. SO long as you/ your friend have no expectation to make a a profit, and open the business with the sole motive to have fun and enjoy that lifestyle.
  11. A bald lie. Please do not make inflammatory false accusations - which you know to be false. I'm sure there are rules about such disgraceful behavior?
  12. quote "past 3 Republican Presidents. Reagan, Bush and Trump were responsible for the current massive debts with their tax cuts and costly wars. " so biden's Ukaraine war is not costly too?
  13. I repeatedly read here that Biden is "paying down the deficit". Now why on earth would the US be about to hit the debt ceiling if the biden regime was in fact -as the fans claim - to be paying down the deficit?
  14. And a victim of countless conspiracy theories, witch hunts, baseless accusations, continual mocking of his immutable characteristics ie his skin tone and his disabilities and a general vehicle for the left to unload their irrational hatred, rage, racism and bigotry on. Contrary to your devoid of fact rant, Trump has yet to be proven guilty in any self serving corruption case. Trump was not using his political position to sell influence to enrich his clan. If it were anyone else on the planet the bullying haters would be in jail for all the hate crimes and hate speech against the guy. Just imagine if you posted the above yet it was targeted at Soros, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Lori Lightfoot or any other "good person". exactly... I expect all the cases against Trump to come to exactly ZERO, just like every other nonsensical accusation borne from hatred the left threw at the guy since he ran against HC and caused her not to win "her" election.
  15. Is cyanide even available for sale here? Reading this terrible story reminds much of Richard Kuklinski's dreadful cyanide murder spree, wonder if this lass read his Ice man book and found inspiration?
  16. I see. So are you saying that there is/was no such thing as the "media's biden protection program"? You think the media has treated biden the same way it treated his predecessor?
  17. No Bruce. What has been explained(by you and other forum lefties) is that the laptop containing emails and other evidence proving big $ were paid was fake, and thus there is no evidence that the bidens did anything wrong. Naturally that stance was upended dramatically when the msm FINALLY - years after it was corroborated by those cc'd into messages - confirmed it was legit. I am not sure why you claim I am "impervious to logic" as I have yet to see any forum posters accurately account for the suspicious millions reason for payment. Apoplogies if I missed it. I can't see any way for biden to run in 2024 unless his families suspicious deals with AMerica's adversaries can be explained properly.
  18. Have to laugh at the tread title. If Biden's media protection is "back" then is this the MSM now admitting the conspiracy theory that the media is covering for biden is not a conspiracy theory at all?
  19. because his family have taken much money from the Chinese communist party linked entities that they(and also his fans and tech censors) can not explain how they earned. This -as we remember - led to the left/deepstate/dishonest msm having to censor the evidence and falsely claim without evidence that it was "russian disinformation". "House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed on Thursday that on March 1, 2017 — less than two months after Joe Biden left office as Barack Obama’s vice president — State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with Chinese Communist Party-backed energy company CEFC China Energy, wired $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker. The windfall was subsequently divvied up over a period of about three months to at least three members of the Biden clan, and two Biden family associates. " https://nypost.com/2023/03/17/where-the-money-went-the-bidens-and-biden-associates-that-received-chinese-cash/ The argument goes something along the lines of biden being compromised by his families suspicious and inexplicable business deals with America's adversaries. If you, poster Tug, can account for why the biden's received all this money and why his fans - including yourself - spend so much energy trying to falsely deny having happened we are all ears.
  20. ? WHy continue writing these silly false accusations? This is supposed to be a serious discussion of world news. Trump is an ex President. He ran on the theme of "making America Great Again" and succeeded in brokering incredible peace deals across the world in countries governements had long given up on like NK. There is no reason whatsoever to call him and his supporters a "death cult".
  21. Well I for one will be watching how effective removing legally held guns from law abiding citizens is in reducing violent crime by gun toting criminals. I am sure somebody can make sense of liberal logic like this, but not me.
  22. Fact check - wildly false. If you are referring to China, North Korea and other dictatorships worldwide then yes, I am quite sure the questions and answers are pre prepared. In a proper transparent democracy such fraud and corruption would never happen. That the biden admin tries denying it when they were literally caught red handed doing what they deny is just SOP of the democrats as they know they will never be held to account. This corruption and denying the obvious is a reminder of how the left have become the fascist authoritarians they accuse others of being. Shame their Ministry of Truth was disbanded - Nina J could have made it an official rule. Biden did never fix the press question time it was all legit and anyone noticing the cheat sheet would be banned from the internet, just like with the lappy. Of course a cognitively able politician like Trump would shred the reporters dumb questions with ease and style.
  23. "attacking immigrants" !!?? Enforcing immigration law is not "attacking immigrants". And let's remind ourselves the left are in uproar against DeSantis for his Herculean efforts to protect vulnerable schoolchildren from predators that want to sexualize them. A worthy cause if ever there was one.
  24. Barbaric. Singapore is almost on a par with the ISIS Caliphate for going ahead with this abomination. The west should sanction Singapore until they can behave in a civilized manner.
  25. from the OP "Some unwilling subscribers, such as King and fellow author Neil Gaiman, suggested that Musk donate money toward Ukraine’s war effort rather than buying blue checks for people who don’t want them. On Sunday, King tweeted that Musk had donated $100 million to Ukraine. So, the verification scheme has cost him at least that much." I am wondering if Musk has been humiliated why Vice needs to use misinformation to get the thrust of its point across? Their account of King trolling Musk is a prime example of dishonesty. The actual exchange between the 2 started when King said Musk should donate the $8 to the Ukraine. Musk then humiliated King with the MOA slap downs. What made it even more humiliating for wordsmith King is that Musk wrote his comment off-the-cuff as part of his massive daily tweet and reply regime while King had clearly taken his time to try(and fail) to own Musk. IIRC wasn't Twitter going bust? Sure I read it here. Now THAT would have been humiliating for sure, but Musk exposing woke celebrities illogical and silly stances on issues has been hilarious. No surprise Democrat activist media is trying to put on a brave face and some desperate spin.
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