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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Just heard yesterday my brother-in-law(bIL) has been scammed out of a large sum of money. I believe he answered a phone call in which a fake bank employee persuaded him to transfer 400k baht to the scammer's bank account and then tried for much more(we are not sure if BIL paid the 2nd amount but suspect so). So after realizing he just lost all his money he went to the bank to see what happened, they said too bad but can't help. He went to the police, sorry that's just too bad but we can't help, the scammer will be in a border region and will have gotten some uneducated person to open a dummy bank account for the scammer to use. And that's it!! I find it hard to believe in this day and age electronic money transfers can't be traced? There must be cctv footage from when they opened this bank account? Is it really a hopeless case? This is most unfortunate as the victim is niave beyond words and spends his whole life helping people in difficulty at the local temple, we are very concerned about his wellbeing. It would be a huge help if some or all of his money could be returned.
  2. I would like to see a return to verifiable voting, so if an event like the Fulton county water leak results in counting to stop and observers sent home and then cctv shows boxes of ballots pulled out from under the table and rammed through the tabulators it will be super easy to prove it's all above board and legitimate by doing a forensic recount making sure signatures matches, the vote was cast be a registered voter, everything as the voter intended etc. A simple audit would have lessened the insecurity over the win. I do not think either side will be happy, but it has been amusing after the left spent 4 years calling Trump illegitimate(falsely and without evidence) and claiming he cheated by colluding with Putin(without any evidence) to see them shocked that Republicans cast doubts on their win. BTW election denier Nancy Pelosi is STILL claiming Trump was illegitimate as of last week and spreading conspiracy theories. No wonder the right raise eyebrows when the left accuse only the right of being election deniers - and then rush to censor the predictable fact checks and reality checks. A proper mess. “It was her clarity and position to [Mr Putin] that made him turn around and ensure in an illegal way come out against her in her campaign,” Ms Pelosi said. “Interference in our democracy by Vladimir Putin, because Hillary Clinton was the person he feared most in terms of his lack of democracy in Russia.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/putin-fearing-hillary-clinton-nancy-pelosi-b2313628.html
  3. nothing happens after registering, my wife tried several times. the old site which worked great did not look like this? thank you anyway
  4. Can somebody please post the correct link to apply for the 90 day report online. I have bookmarked the old ones I used which do not seem working now. Thanks
  5. Nicely put. Whenever something literally makes no sense - assume you do not have al the relevant information. Good luck to the OP's friend.
  6. Was considering to buy the elite visa in 2020. Walked in and asked the senior staff at Samui immigration if they could arrange/help me to buy it. They said they never heard of an elite visa and no. Sounded like it would be more hassle than it's worth unless living in Bkk or Phuket.
  7. PEA did the same with us. Sank 2 giant electric poles on our land and then over the next year there became many many wires, looks a proper mess and due to some wires being low it is restricting access to our land on the road frontage. I was advised they will never be moved so don't waste the effort and emotion to try!
  8. How is this off topic conspiracy theory (and an incredibly hypocritical false claim too in mind of your President's family and the desperate and sustained efforts to hide evidence of the same crime) relevant in a thread about democrat possible presidential runners? If democrats were angry about cocaine users they have a funny way of showing it. I'd favor Gabbard as a democrat president. IMO she is the only sane democrat left that understands the concepts of proportionality and honesty.
  9. I read the OP as a "settled science" not being as settled as was claimed - no surprise to me yet a shock to the author, not sure why you bring conspiracy theorists into this - is it lacking metadata?
  10. Are you a doctor? How did you diagnose Trump's mental illness? How does his cognitive ability and unscripted stage performances compare with his peers? I suspect you are peddling conspiracy theories again(recently definds as any statement of fact not backed up by a credible link.).
  11. Some 35 years ago with nothing to read on a Thai island I pulled out the travel insurance package from my backpack and had a read. Turned out any accident involving anything with an engine was not covered. $1,000 down the drain and never bought travel insurance again - apart from when forced during the pandemic.
  12. Any comment on this leak debunking the left's repeated false claim that this war is 100% madman Putin's fault and the west were and are angels and never played any role whatsoever in the build-up to this war? I'm not convinced your normal deflection blaming the orange fella yet again is appropriate or helpful - particularly in light that the invasion paused during Trump's term to resume after biden took over - blowing out of the water another popular conspiracy theory that Trump is Putin's "puppet" and servant. As I have said from the beginning. These wars are always a grey area in terms of who started it, who is right or wrong etc and the left's stance on this was flat out bonkers. Good to see them getting faced with reality even if its a year (and many thousands of souls lost) too late.
  13. Could it be considered ironic that supporters of a man that has a long long history of making racist and bigoted comments calling someone else a racist and bigot? I still didn't see any solid examples of Loomer being racist, at least nowhere near as appalling as saying she doesn't want her kids to grow up in a "racial jungle"(1) or that Obama was the first "bright", "clean" and "articulate" mainstream African American(2). (1)https://news.yahoo.com/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html (2)https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16911044 People can only pretend to be shocked and saddened by Loomer if they are ignorant(or uninformed) of their own top boy's racism. Anywhere a sense of perspective and reality is allowed Loomer is clearly not a racist or bigot compared to other much more important figures, which is puzzling me why this article was written in the first place. I suspect the audience for this article will not have been informed about key democrats' history of making racist comments and so lacking the ability to make fair comparisons some democrats could plausibly feel angry toward Loomer - at least until they are properly informed.
  14. "His remarks echoed those Wednesday of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, who told reporters nobody predicted the Afghan government and army would collapse in 11 days. Milley said intelligence indicated it could take weeks, months or years for such a collapse after the U.S." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/19/biden-said-no-one-predicted-afghanistans-quick-fall-not-even-close/8191588002/ Sounds like everybody knew the Afghan govt would fall, and posters are playing with semantics. What difference 11 days or "weeks"? 4 days if my maths are correct. Trump said he would keep a small peacekeeping force there, and called Milley an idiot for saying its cheaper to gift the failing Aghan govt all the planes and equipment rather than fly it out. So not what biden did. Sadly, looks like biden will have to accept blame for this disaster, even if his fans are putting on a brave face and trying to weasel out of taking any responsibility(standard MO) for the moment - aided by activist msm.
  15. So much for no provocation then. Imagine if Russia started building up the Cuban military. Just going to have to wait for Trump to negotiate peace, if the war hasn't already gone nukey by then.
  16. Can you point out the lies in the OP? Or are they uncomfortable truths and hence the anger?
  17. MSM, big tech and their censors who falsely claimed for 2 YEARS that Hunter's lappy was "Russian disinformation" and are completely unable after this 2 year hoax to explain why the bidens were getting paid all these millions by Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese calling others "conspiracy theorists" and pretending to be baffled by their destroyed credibility and viewer ratings (see CNN's disastrous crash in viewers after being on the wrong side of just about every conspiracy) is actually quite amusing. It's a simple matter of credibility. If one side tells hundreds of self serving lies and literally bans factual rebuttal of the lies, well of course they are just not credible and do not deserve to be believed. It is really quite simple.
  18. I suspect this young beer monster fell foul of 7/11's ridiculous alcohol serving hours. I drink about 2 beers a year and still nearly had a fit when they refused to serve me at 1 minute past 2 oclock or whenever it was.
  19. so Ron's book was promoting felching and chopping things off for 10 year olds schoolkids too? I'm guessing not, it's just the left playing silly games. DeSantis deserves massive kudos for keeping vulnerable children out of harm from predators.
  20. Are you claiming Bragg is known for dragging up historic non violent convoluted cases to fill prisons? We both know the opposite is true. Why the deceit?
  21. Oh the sheer privilege, NYT having a tantrum because it lost the blue tick it felt entitled too. Would have been easier to just pay the $8. As we have repeatedly been told over the years, Twitter is a private company, if you don't like its terms and conditions you can stop using it. Simple.
  22. Lost count of the number of conspiracy theories in that post. Makes you think, if there was any wrongdoing by Trump his haters could stick to factual accusations rather than conspiracies.
  23. Can you be specific. Which "more serious stuff" are you referring to? Colluding with Russia to cheat in an election? Encouraging his supporters to duff up and pour bleach on a poor black actor out for a Subway? Claiming the biden laptop was real? Anything else? I'm sure when Venezuela started locking up opposition politicians that the party in power and their fans were cheering. Sad to see the US going down that route, but since all the fake news about Trump and all the silly hoaxes of course it has to end like this - apart from he will be found not guilty as the charges are political BS borne through irrational hatred of the man that gave the world 4 years of peace and prosperity.
  24. Just doesn't fit the narrarive. Like Daryl Brooks this will be out of the news shortly, unlike if it was a cisgender white male.
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