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Posts posted by klikster

  1. It does appear to be a rather select group and apparently we don’t measure up. Some people only want to play with those who tell them how wonderful they are and don’t challenge them to try harder. Anyway, good luck to Robin Hood and his tiny band of men.

    You can often tell who has not been allowed into the 'clubhouse'. He will often be the one shouting insults and flinging rocks -- and stamping his feet?.

    • Like 1
  2. "The more I learn the confuseder I get"

    Been doing some research in the internet. One recommendation is to get an IPv6 enabled device. The reason I said 'device' is because during my Internet browsing I saw this.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: ResNet advises against purchasing a wireless "router" and instead recommends that residents purchase a wireless "access point". They provide the same wireless access and security without complications such as network address translation (NAT) and DHCP. source is University of California at Irvine

    Not sure about the difference, still trying to climb that learning curve.

  3. Thankyou for your thoughts....

    .. I have to be fair and think that my girlfriend of five years, who has a proper job and very respectable, should have somewhere for after I croak, probably many years before her.

    Cheeryble, I respect you for thinking that way. Too many expats claim to have a family, nut act as if they are hiring help.

    As for the rent vs buy, yes, you may be able to rent cheaper -- for awhile -- but can you really get the kind of house you want?

  4. Thank you folks very much for the variety of answers.

    I'm aware that I don't have a wireless router, my bad.. I gave the task of getting the internet connection in to the wife -- so I need to take responsibility for not planning ahead well enough.

    Lots of nice recommendations here. I will have the wife contact 3BB. We have the Bt 900 plan (9 Mbs). So getting the 3BB unit would be sole source responsibility, so to speak.

    I doubt the range will be an issue -- thinking in terms of a smallish 1 level house.


    After I get the unit, try to configure it, then bang my head on the table for an hour or so, I will probably be back here asking for more specific help.

    As an afterthought, would one of the DLink models be significantly better than what 3BB is likely to supply?

  5. use shop4thai. com , they usually match anyone elses price, emails replied to within 1hr, order before early afternoon and they will courier the same day for 200 baht, cash on delivery. They've yet to make a single mistake with me.

    I'll second shop4thai. Got a new battery for UPS. Smooth experience.

    I spoke by phone to someone with very good English. Detail followed by email.

  6. After years of needing dongles for internet access, I finally got an ADSL line from 3BB. biggrin.png

    I would like to set up for my wife's laptop in another room. I have the Huawei MT880 router. What is the best and least painful way to set up using wireless? What about security?

    Or should I just get a long cable and curse every time I get tangled in it?

  7. In total, 36 concrete powerline support poles broken off through 2 villages around C&C (on Highway 118 between MaeKhachan and Wiang Pa Pao). A number of houses were seriously damaged but no injuries reported.

    Power back on for most within 48 hours as emergency repair crews from as far away as Thoen and Lampang came to assist,

    Where is the rebar?

  8. Robo,

    First, I wonder how long you have been in Thailand. If you are a newie, it might be a good idea to learn more about how Thais and Thailand works before making comments like --

    I suspect from some who have tried and failed or never even tried.

    How many business folks do you actually know in Thailand? How much do you know about the doing business here?

    I know any number who have tried and failed. Some had flawed plans from the get-go. Some trusted Thais and were either cheated or the business failed from incompetence.

    I know a few who have succeeded. Do you actually believe they are going to disclose successful business ideas on an anonymous open forum? I you believe that, then I would question your credentials

    But i am not rushing in with eyes wide shut.

    But you seem to be rushing into this thread with your mouth wide open.

  9. Without this you might only attract the "Dreamweaver" boys and you will be back at square one within 12 months having gained no use from your site.

    draftvader, are you claiming that you do not use Dreamweaver at all?

    edit: okay, in reading further through the thread I see that you actually have/do use DW.

    So does that make you a ' "Dreamweaver" boy'? Then will your clients that you "manage" be back at square one in 12 months?

    To the OP. Do some searches and look at sites related to Thailand, find some with the look and feel that you like. Then ask about who designed them. There are lots of good web designers in Thailand.

    I just have my doubts about a few roosters whose crowing makes them sound more like chicks..

    • Like 1
  10. Tambon Muak Lek in Saraburi is nice IMO. 20 KM drive to Tesco in Pak Chong. Nice waterfalls and not too far from Khao Yai national park. Nearest decent hospital would be around 42 KM to city center - a bit far I think.

    Muak Lek is nice, but so were the prices when we were looking for land there.

  11. I just sold a house on 1 rai in a "nice quiet" village outside Korat. No neighbors on any side within 40 m. Soi was 35 m in front of house. I almost went insane a few times with the noise. The village had 3 boom-box pickups which often competed until midnight. The wat had a crematorium and the orbator rented out one of the loudest truckloads of sound system in the province.

    Only police I ever saw in the village visited periodically to stay with his mia noi.

    Noisy funerals lasted from 3-6 days .. some started at 05:00.

    Couldn't even hear the dogs and chickens.

    Meat and veggies at the local markets varied from mediocre to mediocre when you could get them. Tesco in Korat was a minimum 2-hour ordeal

    Thankfully, we have now moved to an area within 3 km of Srinakarin Hospital in KK. About 2 km from the new Tesco extra. 90 day reports, 3 km.

    So far it is much quieter than the village. YMMV, but "life in the village" is not always paradise for everyone. Be careful what you wish for.

    • Like 1
  12. That is going to be my biggest problem, sitting on my hands. Don't know if I can do that???

    I hate to see a man suffer .. building a house in Khon Kaen, will start just after the rainy season.

    Working conditions should be great, but that commute! ;)

  13. I had 2 different 1 room units .. second was better. That was 2+ years ago Bt 6,500 - 7,500. The place was in a continual state of refurbishing so it got noisy at times. Lots of students from Webster.

    Place has pretty good management .

    Food service in the area is limited. Better have good transportation.

    Easy to go have a look .. just south of the HH airport.

    On the plus side, tennis, 2 pools and right on the beach.

  14. "Criminal Defamation

    Defamation as a criminal act in Thailand is defined by the Thai Criminal Code as a statement made by a person who imputes anything to another in a manner which is likely to impair the reputation of the latter or to expose him to hatred or contempt. Under the same Code, such person is liable for an imprisonment up to two years or he can be ordered by the court to pay a fine of 200,000 Baht or may be both." source

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