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Posts posted by klikster

  1. imo ...bluescope colorbond is the way to go ..put it up and forget about it ...insulate underneath the sheets .. i have used many other products ..the quality of cement tiles in Thailand is inferior for the climate ....

    dakling is not the only one with a wife that really does not want a steel roof. I guess it reminds them too much of living in a shack with a low roof of corrugated steel.

  2. Went to KK immigration a couple of days ago for my annual extension. All smooth and pretty fast, but experienced something I had never seen before. (last 2 years renewed in Dan Kwian)

    I had gotten out of date-sync with my 90 day report and had to do a 90 day report about 3 weeks ago. When the officer finished my extension he told me I had to do another 90 day report as the one in my passport was canceled by the new extension.

    No problems, really -- and maybe a blessing. A reminder to do the 90 day and not get an overstay fine.

  3. First thing to try is making sure the blower is clean. Dirt can unbalance it which creates vibrations.

    And since you removed lots of sheet metal to clean everything, making sure the sheet metal is screwed on tight .. no screws missing.

    Might be a good time to have a tech come out and clean inside and outside units, the fins as well .. and nag the heck out of him about those screws in the sheet metal.

  4. Don't forget to come back and post how much money you made lost.

    Then we can all have some fun posting You-tube links to 'Another One Bites The Dust', etc.

    How could you possibly find pleasure in someone's misfortune? Just because they didn't follow the advice of anonymous postings on TV?

    Sadly, TV seems to be overrun with folks like you. bah.gif

    Yes, an odd phenomenon isn't it Klikster......and would you go for a coffee with Villagefarang, or pass like me?

    I take my advice from Seneca and expect it occasionally as a matter of course.

    Actually, I would go for coffee with VF to see if he is as egocentric as he comes off in many of his posts here.

    And, if something I think I read once upon a time is true, to find out about his past associations with with the old Air Siam cabin crews.

    I would also have coffee with scea*, with you, and most others in the is forum ..

    • Like 1
  5. Well, it's one thing to 'burst one's bubble' with facts and opinions. But it is quite another to stand in the shadows like a cowardly bully, jeering at someone who has made a questionable decision.

    I sure as hell know who I don't want to join for coffee.

  6. Thais seem to be limitied to the higher carat rating but impracticality in terms of strength?

    Thais and most other Asians don't believe in the same rubbish 18 carat fairy tales in which you believe whistling.gif

    I said this in another thread that I will gladly act as a disposal agent for that 18k rubbish, fairy tales and all. For a sliight frr I will even accept 9k, 10k and 14k.

    If you have 20k that is embarrassing you I will,out of the goodness of my heart, actually pay Bt 1,000/kg. And all transactions will be conducted in strict confidence.

  7. I'm using Chrome at the moment and no problem its only with FF.


    I thought the Topic Title was self explaining enough "Firefox Updates" so it has nothing to do what so ever with Chrome.


    OP it mainly could have something to do with Flash

    Here is an Webpage from Firefox which explains how to go back to Flash 11.2 (although that version is a bit unsafe)


    Ahhh .. I did get a flash update a few days ago. Thanks, MJCM.

  8. Yes, my FF 3.** went nuts a couple of days ago, although I have "no updates" turned on. I did not recently add any addons, although I have a few. I have been seeing warnings on lots of sites warning about my version of FF not being compatible .. it is. I see what I want to see just fine.

    It keeps crashing, asking if I want to send a report. I'm also pretty fed up with Chrome not letting me use google.com and instantaneously reverting to .th. I may switch to IE. Maybe I'll try Safari. How do I tell the idiots that I know what I'm doing and to just leave me the f*** alone!

  9. Don't forget to come back and post how much money you made lost.

    Then we can all have some fun posting You-tube links to 'Another One Bites The Dust', etc.

    How could you possibly find pleasure in someone's misfortune? Just because they didn't follow the advice of anonymous postings on TV?

    Sadly, TV seems to be overrun with folks like you. bah.gif

  10. Ooooo, that light gray 'Prestige' is nice. How dear is that compared to the Monier?

    Never mind the cost think of the satisfying looks, long life and pretty much a maintenance free roof.biggrin.png

    Sounds like a peddler talking. dry.png

    Funny thing to say I was talking in general of all tiled roofs of which there are many types and styles concrete, slate and clay which are better than corrugated, profile steel products & fibre cement, old saying you only get what you pay for. whistling.gif

    The 'peddler' comment was a result of reading these typical marketing points

    1- never mind the cost

    2 - satisfying looks

    3 - you only get what you pay for

    #3 seems to assume that you actually do get what you pay for.

    I'll leave it up to others to debate and summarize the cost/benefit ratios of "concrete, slate and clay vs. corrugated, profile steel products & fibre cement".

  11. Wife just called me in to look at a Thai news report of old farang in Phayao who burned down his own house. I got into the room too late to see what the man looked like. Apparently he also shot and killed the Orbator who was trying to put out the fire. Police were inspecting what appeared to be a 'shotgun' pistol, looked to be a 12 ga.

    I'm sure more details will emerge.

  12. Hey. I will be in Khon Kaen in Dec or early Jan. Do you know any fully furnished apt I can stay at a monthly price?? Nothing to pricey or cheaply wink.png

    Try the Orchid. I tried once but they were fully booked. I think it's farang / Thai owned. Pretty close to/opposite Central Plaza. The woman I spoke with spoke very good English. I think I heard once that they have longer-stay rates.


  13. As an afterthought, it is sad to see posters here in TV perpetuating the 'farang' tag. Being a bit pedantic, I can name any number of 'farang', assuming they are qualified, who can get work in any job description in the Kingdom.

    Likewise, any number of non-'farang' would also be restricted from working in certain professions.

    So often here we also read posts claiming that 'farang' cannot own land.

    I wonder if those who use the 'farang can't ...' are the ones who object so strenuously to being called .. 'farang'.

  14. it is illegal and jobs like restaurant work are exclusively for Thais. Not a hope in hell you will get a job. Even farang owners of bars and restaurants are banned from working. You'll regularly read about owners being busted.

    Places like Samui and Phuket have farangs flogging time share which seem to be legal. Just how legal I don't know. Money speaks volumes in certain places. But never in restaurants.

    Enjoy your vacation.

    Are you sure? Any number of hotels, especially in BKK have farang managers and chefs.

    • Like 1
  15. giddyup, start looking and talking to shops that build gates and security bars. My BIL has something very similar on his house in KK. I would guess that the security aspect would be determined by the strength of the bars and by the design of the upper and lower runners (think 'captive'), not like conventional 'lift out' sliding door and windows. Fit and finish will be important for looks.

    I may well design, and have fabricated, something like this for my own new build.

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