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Posts posted by klikster

  1. I'm sort of with KJ on this. The aluminum used in most windows is very light gauge. UPVC .. not sure about much besides expensive.

    Wood windows biggest drawback besides rot and termites is swelling during rainy season.. I always wonder why they never shave the closing edges of windows .. would mitigate a lot of that problem. The wood windows on my last house were a lot stronger than the flimsy frame that my aluminum slider latched into.

    I guess the one gripe I have about wood windows is that you have to open those swing out screens, snagging the heck out of the curtains, before you can open or close the windows.

    I also wonder how easy/difficult to put 5-6 mm glass panes in those wood frames.

    As an aside, would I sound paranoid if I suggested that posts 1 & 2 were made in concert?

  2. I see 3BB now want a year in advance for any Foreigner wanting internet, even for their base end packages, no more pay by the month.

    Where do you see that?

    The shop told me when i went to ask about a 10m/512k new service, it's their new policy to avoid people skipping contracts

    In pattaya they had to many farangs skipping off. So, if you do not register in a thai - name, you pay a year up front.

    Same in Khon Kaen .. wife took my family name when we married so we couldn't do the Thai name zig-zag. ;)

  3. I have been using greenhosting247.co.uk for some time and have found them really good. At the moment they have a new year special with a full year of hosting for only $14.99 with unlimited disk space and bandwidth also with free domain name as well.

    Sorry for the pedantry, but 'unlimited disk space and bandwidth' is virtually impossible. Un-metered and unmeasured are possible ..

    'unlimited disk space and bandwidth' is common marketing hype in the industry.

    Also, 99.9%, you will not own the domain name.

    • Like 1
  4. goforit, you don't give any information about relative location (umphur), size of place you need, budget, location relative to transportation and shopping, community amenities, etc. As a result it's difficult for folks to help.

    If you are you talking KK town I can suggest a few basics.

    My wife and I moved to KK a few months back. Because we are building, we wanted a place very near the build site in Umphur Muang. We had to move on relatively short notice as we sold our place in Korat. As a result had to take an overpriced 2 BR, 1 BA house.

    My wife is from the area and she found the rental by riding around on her motorbike talking to homeowners. If you know the area where you want to live, I would suggest having your wife do the same. If you don't yet know where you want to live, you have a lot of scouting to do .. and, IMO, the members here will not to be able to help as much.

    Consider a temp apartment or resort with wifi while you are looking. If you wife is local, all the better.

    Once moved, 3BB is probably your best option for internet for the city They have lots of options.

  5. @KRISB

    But then it invalidates your whole topic as i thought this was about cheap Thai quality vs expensive (often foreign) quality.

    Not really. Depends on the seller's marketing approach.

    A grinding disk may sell in Thailand for xx, but when exported sell for double or more because the retailer decided to sell at say, 30% below competitive products rather than 30% above their costs.

    • Like 1
  6. While I may agree that over development and overly dense development is not usually a good thing, it's apparently being done by private money .. whether the money comes from China, Albania, or Mars.

    Public money develops the type of infrastructure that reduces traffic congestion. Public policy sets out (or ignores) requirements for construction density, zoning etc.

    Blame the developers if you choose, especially if they are Chinese, but you might need to look at Bangkok .. rather than Beijing for the root of the problem. That, of course, assumes that it is a real problem rather than a personal opinion.

    As far as the population increase .. blame it on those darn Thais. How dare they movie up there where they don't belong.

  7. The files are too big to load, Gmail won't even consider emailing the hinges let alone the whole door.

    Irfanview is an excellent, small, free, image editing download. You can resize, rotate, etc ..

  8. Learning to code a basic website is not all that difficult. I can recommend 2 FREE places to learn. First is a well respected organization. Second has excellent step-by-step explanations of how to write basic code.

    Basicaly, you want to learn HTML and CSS.



    Do a search on free HTML editors. Also a free image editor that can resize and optimize images


    You will also need an FTP client to load images and HTML documents to your server. A very nice, secure and free one is Core Lite


    The hard point of publishing a great website is great content .. original, interesting, unique, well-written.

    IMO, someone who cannot write or buy quality content should re-think whether they want a website.

    Join some of the good webmaster forums like webmasterworld, sitepoint, digitalpoint and read, read, read.

  9. If you are referring to Thai style hip roof designs it is mostly a traditional thing to do, no problem with venting and the higher the roof the cooler it becomes.


    Most of the traditional roof's I have seen in my 15 years here and driving 74 provinces, seem to be gabled roofs.

    And if you look at the recent house designs the hip roofs seem to me to be lower than gabled roofs.

  10. Don't know if you will get this since it is late but I am a patient in KK heart hospital. Had 3 stents put in

    almost 2 years now. The hosital - like most things in Thailand - is some good and bad. GOOD- good

    doctors and state of the art equipment. In typical Thai style they offered either By-Pass or stent surgery

    and advised me of the costs. On the operating table they made certain that I knew the cost before

    proceeding, but they took care of me okay. No cheap room available but the VIP suites were great.

    The bad - 3 stents + room etc for 3 days around $8,000. After for your 90 day check-up ( only get

    meds for 90 days at a time) the lines are LONG.. the parking is bad , but they have opened a new

    parking lot for 10 baht parking that helps a lot but you need to get there early in the morning otherwise

    you may have to walk a mile to the hospital. Most of the meds are cheap 1 bt a day per but the Plavix

    pill - if you do a stent(s) will run around 86 baht a day. There are cheaper alternative but mostly they are

    not recommended and the doctors recommend staying on it ( I figure a small price to help stay alive)

    Most speak a VERY little english but the doctors seem that I've had do speak english pretty good. The

    worse part is the time - get there at 8-8:30AM and out 10:30-11:30 but they are very helpful and

    doctors very good. Hope it helps a little.

    Thanks for this, PaYaiLen.

    Do you live in KK? Taxis now available that should drop you at the door.

    I don't know about the heart center, but the parking at the UNI hospital seems like a km away. Actually, it seems like another km walk from the front door to the dental clinic.

  11. Since we're talking about insulating how about ventilating? I am amazed that soffit ventilation is the only thing I have seen installed. I did see the ridge vent system by cpac but apparently no one uses it. Anyone use it with success?

    As a kid I remember attic fans. At night we would turn on the fan and open windows to draw in the cool night air. I plan on having oversize vents in the gables and a 1 m diameter fan. Will have vented soffits as well.

    I really don't understand all the hip roofs I see.

  12. Sirikit Heart Center has an excellent reputation, but is associated with Khon Kaen University rather than KK Ram.

    happynthailand .. if you do have any procedures done at Sirikit, please relate your experiences.

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