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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. This doesn’t apply to everyone. You all should clarify exactly what income and visa or residency status this applies to which overall will be very few.
  2. This doesn’t apply to everyone. You all should clarify exactly what income and visa or residency status this applies to which overall will be very few.
  3. “Despite the proposed reclassification, cannabis for medical and health purposes will still be permitted, according to the prime minister.“ Obviously you all are seriously overdramatizing the reality of this. They’re not even really trying to get rid of it just regulate it even though the current pm has been very vocal about what he would like to do as far as closing shops and reversing the current status but he doesn’t really have the power to do that on his own. Even the pm admits that medical use is here to stay. A lot of it is to get us to start buying more I think. Additionally cannabis is not a “controlled herb” either that’s more misinformation they allow households TO GROW IT. Also why are there not more articles on all of the turmoil in the government regarding the current pm? There’s like a huge movement trying to oust him right now and there are even YouTube videos all about it all over the internet from the Thai news. There’s so much you all are leaving out including regarding the cannabis issue that I rarely ever bother to get my local news here anymore. I might click on an article occasionally for a laugh.
  4. You all have been reporting bullsh!t about this issue literally since the day they first began legalization of it. You can’t write it away. PM doesn’t have the power, you have the narcotics control board in which Anutin is a member and parliament who has the power. Additionally sounds like the current government is on their way out the door anyway.
  5. Are there any news sources that actually provide factual local news translated to English who report actual news and not just bs that certain people say that they would like to see happen? Weed isn’t going anywhere shops are not shutting down and are operating normally.
  6. Including the man himself who helped get it legalized in the first place who’s still on the board who decides.
  7. This is just more authors in the media or maybe just this site who think they can write it away who don’t like it. Yes the PM is talking about it but he doesn’t have the power to do it alone. It’s still up to other branches of the government.
  8. What’s going on with all the impeachment turmoil btw? Sounds like the government itself is getting ready to change again before weed does.
  9. Basically it’s not going to change at all and this is just another article trying to hold onto the same narrative is probably all it usually is.
  10. More like talk and they’ll end up back where everything is now
  11. You can even smoke at outdoor restaurants in Bangkok. I saw others doing it a little bit and so did I.
  12. Which in reality doesn’t affect anything about the plant unless they’re going to send out inspections on millions of people’s plants and farms. 🤣. This is just more talk according to my shops no changes. Even if there were you’d be able to get a medical certificate at the shop like before in 2019 and 18 if I remember right when it was still a narcotic then.
  13. Which in reality doesn’t affect anything about the plant unless they’re going to send out inspections on millions of people’s plants and farms. 🤣. This is just more talk according to my shops no changes. Even if there were you’d be able to get a medical certificate at the shop like before in 2019 and 18 if I remember right when it was still a narcotic then.
  14. Which in reality doesn’t affect anything about the plant unless they’re going to send out inspections on millions of people’s plants and farms. 🤣. This is just more talk according to my shops no changes. Even if there were you’d be able to get a medical certificate at the shop like before in 2019 and 18 if I remember right when it was still a narcotic then.
  15. Once again totally false information I was smoking at an outdoor restaurant just last week and no problem. I even asked for permission first and they even encouraged me to. It’s not going anywhere no matter how much the old Brits and Australians hate it. 🤣
  16. I knew this was coming next. His attacks on the Cannabis industry are highly unpopular. It’s going to get worse, and pile on.
  17. This time next year I’ll tell you I told you so AGAIN.
  18. This is all just bs based on statements made by the pm regarding what he said he wanted to do which he doesn’t even have the power to do.
  19. He didn’t join anything they’re merely taking his words out of context and read the whole article. Or better yet look at the legitimate news media with VPN.
  20. So why aren’t any of the local shops on board with this? When I mentioned it to them they kind of chuckled and knew that the pm didn’t really have the power. Btw Thailand hasn’t made any decision this is based on merely something the pm said that HE wanted to do.
  21. Bottom line no Anutin didn’t join the PM against cannabis another highly misleading article.
  22. “Thai nationals only has been clear for some time, aiming to safeguard local traditional practitioners and keep the benefits within national borders. He stood firm on this, calling for a systemic sweep and arrest of international operatives.” right so in other words keeping it legal but in country only.
  23. Anutin “But we must offer concise information on why cannabis has more benefits than harm”. stop taking things out of context he only said foreigners operating illegal shops should be arrested. You really think it’s going anywhere with all the money in it? There would be a coup before shops would close.
  24. 🤣🤣 Another total BULL <deleted> article no Anutin didn’t join the PM, he only said foreigners operating illegal cannabis businesses should be arrested and that was it. He’s still on the Narcotics Control Board which ultimately has the decision making authority and once again the PM really has no say in the matter. That doesn’t change no matter how you word the article TVF or how much you wish it would change. Cannabis will be here forever regardless of how many more bull sh!t articles you write as you have been doing for several years since they first started legalizing it in 2018 or 19, and started allowing everyone to grow it. Even if the NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD did decide to close shops it still would not go away since people have been allowed to grow it for several years now. And bottom line no shops will not close this is all hype based on something that the PM said that he “wants to do” but has no authority to actually do it on his own. And now you are taking Anutin’s words way out of context and it’s obvious. That’s why I rarely ever bother to read your articles anymore too much disinformation on this sight. Just translate the news article and use legitimate news sources. This isn’t news it’s propaganda.
  25. Ok so basically the pm can talk about what “he wants to do” till he’s blue in the face but ultimately he has no say in it. Anutin as a member of the Narcotics board still has the power and decision making authority 😁. By the way the legitimate news media was very specific about that. Look at the news articles about it on google with a VPN for accurate information that you won’t get from this sight.
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