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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Dr PM Abhisit

    The people of Thailand for the past two months have suffered under an intolerable situation. When the ruling was issued by the courts regarding the seizure of part of former PM Thaksin's frozen fortune people expected his followers to protest. Within weeks they managed to mobilize their foot soldiers and we watched as they handed out cash and sent them off to Bangkok. They arrived and at once set about their plan to wreak havoc on the streets of Bangkok. We suffered through their traffic jams as they organized mobile rallies to disrupt the lives of the people here. With their arrival came the grenade attacks that occurred during the nights targeting businesses, politicians, and government buildings. Yet they were allowed to continue their protests. Seeking to do greater damage they occupied Rajasaprong intersection forcing the closing of many malls and businesses and putting tens of thousands of Thais out of work. The Red shirts continued to seek confrontation, they found it in Pathum Thani and the police meekly backed off. On April 10 the Red protesters turned the city streets into a battlefield, but that would not be the end of the killing. In other grenade attacks and clashes innocent bystanders and police have been killed or injured. Still the protests raged on. Despite a date for a new election the protests in recent days have only increased.

    We have seen many crimes committed, we have seen violence, terrorism, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, and so much more. But there has been no justice. Millions of people live in this city and strive everyday to live productive lives within the law only to watch these people flaunt their contempt for that law. We have waited for a peaceful resolution, we have backed negotiations as a way to end these protests. New elections have been proposed to placate terrorists and even that is not enough for them. The people given the task of enforcing the law have repeatedly shirked that responsibility. Decent people have been harassed, attacked and had their rights violated by the Red protesters. No one protects them. It is my fear that even more innocent bystanders will be harmed by these protests before they are over.

    We have trusted you as Prime Minister to handle this crisis. The choices you make are very important and the lives of more people hang in the balance. The roadmap to reconciliation is a positive step, but without the full cooperation of the Red protesters it is not enough. We have put our confidence in you, now is the time to show that confidence is deserved. The people of Thailand deserve a return to order and peace. Give us hope that you do indeed have a plan that will achieve this goal shortly. If however you do not, and if this crisis is beyond your ability to solve then I ask you to consider all the alternatives. If the decisions that must be made are to heavy for you we will understand if you must remove yourself and pass the job of Prime Minister to someone else within your party. It is the job of the Prime Minister to steer the nation in a direction that benefits all it's people. For the past 2 months it has been adrift at it is time to get back on course.

    Lazarus, I don't think that it is fair to say that the "people of Thailand' are suffering...it's totally quiet and peaceful in the provinces and apart from a the relatively few who live or work in the better off parts of Bangkok, no one is even being inconvenienced to any great extent....I will accept that the rich folk who want to shop in those fancy shops around Rajprasong have been inconvenienced and may even have had to shop somewhere else, or delay their purchases...indeed what is so effective about the protest is its targeting, it has left 95% of the population totally untouched, but has hurt the privileged classes....

    R u for real ????....have you had a chat to any of the employees of the hotels and associated industries who have been made redundant over the last few weeks as a result of this violence

  2. Did you hear Abhisits inteview on BBC's " Hard Talk " ? It's like a mom talking to her 7 year old son.

    Yes I saw it.....whatever respectability that the BBC had left me was straight down the the big white telephone...what a rude uninformed ignorant woman :) ....whereas the interview with Christine Amanpour on CNN had class and style ...the BBC has been in Thaksin's pocket ever since the coup

    In saying all that it was really refeshing to watch the UK election results and commentaries with those old hand really professional presenters...it was the BBC of the past

  3. The PM's "road map" was far from fair. <SNIPPED OUT MINDLESSNESS>

    OMG another 23 post thai political pundit is spawned. ..

    WHILE YOU POST IS OFF TOPIC I’ll answer you with:

    Go check your facts before you spout off political one sided rhetoric;

    Short history lesson follows;

    AFTER the coup there were elections and NOT ONE PARTY got a clear majority.

    The redz cobbled together a coalition and had TWO (count 'em TWO) 'red' P/M's. Like I said, they (the redz) didn't have a majority of M/P's in the Lower House so they couldn't run the government without forming a coalition with the smaller parties.

    The first P/M; Samak ran amuck of something called the 'law' (which prohibits a P/M from holding another job while in office). Now even a semi-intelligent person might be lead to believe that if someone was gonna be the frickin' P/M of this country he or his party might actually read the constitution and/or the law concerning that job (then again as evidenced by what happened, maybe not. :D ..).

    After Samak the P/M was another 'red' Somchai, but he too ran amuck of something called electoral law and was found guilty of vote buying, and paying small parties to run against them in constituencies where the 'reds' were running unopposed. (In this country if you run unopposed you have to get 20% of the registered voters in an area instead of just a majority of who ever happens to turn out to vote when you run against someone else.

    AFTER Somchai was axed, Abhisit and the Dem party were able to for yet another coalition of smaller parties, get a majority of M/P's in the lower house and thereby the mandate under the same law as Samak/Somchai had for their turn at bat to run the government.

    Now this was due, in no small part, to Newin Chidchob and his 'Friends of Newin' group of nearly 40 M/P's switching sides from the redz to the Demz, but that is neither here nor there. There is NO provision in the constitution which says if a candidate doesn't fulfill the platform under which he was elected (like saying if he switches sides after he's elected) the people can call for a recall-vote or do anything except just suck it up until the next elections.

    The next elections aren't legally required to take place until the END of 2011! That Abhisit is willing to cut his term by A YEAR, as well as his kid-glove approach to the red-rabble (almost to the point of being perceived as weak), and his statements that the constitution NEEDS to be amended, speaks volumes for someone who is really trying to find a way outta this quagmire.

    That my politically un-savvy poster; is how the thais have arrived at this juncture.

    It's just sour grapes on the redz, and who are obviously mad at Newin for switching sides which lead to the current government with the Demz. (And BEFORE you spout off that the P/M didn't have the mandate of the people, check your facts again, in this country the people DON'T elect a P/M, they elect M/P's who elect the P/M.

    Last time I checked, ALL the M/P's of the Lower House WERE elected by the people, so yes in fact the people DID elect this P/M, according to thai electoral/constitutional law.

    Now what your post has to with the violence last nite, I've no clue, but please at least check some facts before you spout off..


    I still find it strange that the reds are never targeted as victims in any violence; the multiz, the yellowz, the police, the soldiers, the regular rank and file people pissed at the protests yes, but never ever the redz. Hmmm. :) My vote is on Khattiya or another wing-nut like him. :D

    If the donkeys or asses are not thirsty u cant make them drink....its like a scratched record....on and on and on

  4. UG is probabaly not far of with his reply makes sense to me.

    Condolences to the victims.

    I suspect the Investagative teams will be on the scene as usual taking pictures putting numbers all around the spent cartridge cases.while they wait for that lady with the spiky multi coloured hair to turn up from forensics with her rubber gloves and tweezers putting little bits of evidece in plastic bags,

    then i would presume with in a week they will have a culprit or two, or i this hoping for to much.

    Come on you guys please solve some thing

    Dont knock the spiky multi coloured haired lady " Khun Porntip" ....she has more b**ls than most of the police and the rest of the services..... the police command loathe her because she has found so much flawed evidence presented by the police in the past ....possibly if there were more like her then this current protest would not be happening...and dont forget the amazing work she and her faithful staff did after the tsunami....."Khun Porntip" is an amazing lady and highly respected in international circles by her peers

  5. :D

    That weird Aussie dude, Conor David Purcell, should have no amnesty either.

    One wonders if the protection and any amnesty as may be enacted would be extended to the idiot ? Somehow I doubt it.

    I feel that he could indeed be in for a long term visa free sojourn in Thailand.

    Wasn't he seen on stage holding a bar mat? :)

    Likely see young Conor booted out and shipped home as a head case...

    Hard to tell with him standing next to Jatuporn, but then again...

    He is actually Irish born but Australians being good hearted gave him a new home,hope and an education...they certainly have to tighten up on their screening :D

  6. This just reported:

    MCOTEnglishnews: Princess Sirindhorn visits Supreme Patriarch, sole patient remaining at Chulalongkorn Hospital

    You've got to give her points for guts, treading so close to the lions' den. Good on her!!!

    Oh she has guts and humility in spades........and many many Thai peoeple are fully aware of this

  7. Phuket is not much of an Island, I think it must be at least a couple of hundred meters from the mainland , as for the Airport , where can you go , I would not say International , you have to go to Bangkok first , unless thing have changed. Begs to wonder how the Bart is still strong with Civil war on the Horizon and a military government in waiting.

    Wow what rock have u been living under Phuket Airport has been International for years.....I first flew from Singapore to there 20 years ago....even then there were direct flights from Europe arriving and departing

    Easy to work out why the baht is so strong like most asian currencies....the banks did not fall into the subprime and CDO mess that UK Europe and USA did....Thailand and Asia learnt the hard lesson in 1997

  8. im not a fan of the reds, but when did they say they would disband the monarchy?????? biased reporting i think!

    Yes, it is making the excuses for slaughter. Pure Yellow propaganda and lies.

    This is what they did in the time of the video below.

    Same excuses made to kill the students.


    Is that the vidio of the rebellion at Thammasat Uni....the massacre that Khun Samak who was Interior Minister at the time and who became Prime Minister with the Phue Thai Party (Thaksin's Party) said that only one person was killed...blatant liar that he was ....some what similar to most who belong to that party....Level Head ....have u ever been to Isaan and stayed a month or more in a small village and actually know how Isaan works ? If it was not for the fuedal barons who r the MP's there with their dirty snouts in each and every trough the people in Isaan would have a much bigger slice of the pie

  9. My wife is from the northern region. We spend loads of time up there in rural villages with family and friends and while times are hard we dont know anybody who wants civil war or even thinks it will happen. And everybody wants improved education. And many people still remember Thaksin fondly. Actually right now most of the middle aged people are working in the provincial towns to make some cash and waiting for planting time and most of the younger are working in factories etc. I could tell you all about the incentives to go do a red which have mostly, maybe totally, been refused in the areas we know but I dont want to digress.

    Nobody has even mentioned the local oppressors who really control the rural poors lives more than the Bagkok based ones, but these are all tied into PTP and the red movement and it is a lot easier to go along with them against the great hated Bangkok while even deep down knowing you will still be stuck with the local oppressors but hope they may bung a few more scraps and anyway as the local oppressors control the local mills, money lending and to be honest whether you live or not it is quite difficult to stand up to such people, so take the nager otu on Bangkok which is only part of the problem is easy. However, until these local lords loose their power, and that wont happen with any PTP government by the way, the actual existance of those at the bottom will not change much and the funny thing is if you talk to poor people and they know you well enough to trust you, which means you must be direct family, close friend or have known them and proven good over a long period, you will be surprised how many people actually know this too. By the way, if you arent in the trusted category you will just be told what they think you want to hear whether true or not. Thailand has a long long way to go. Centrsal government even with the best will in the world cannot do the things you suggest without the lords being removed or they will as they have always done suck most of anything from center as it heads their way and make sure they control who gets to control center so they can make sure the right policies for them are passed. Now why do the red movement never mention this group?

    It is politicians on various sides (yes their are more than two groups in this complex power play despite how some propagandists try to simplify it for their own ends) who are trying to set up the meme of civil war for their own ends. They may even pull it off but dont go thinking just becaue people are poor they want it.

    Yes people want help with debt relief and better prices for commodities but to think every farmer in the north is on the verge of picking up weapons and heading for whereever is completly wrong.

    And its been like this forever.....Until there is a major overhaul of the whole system this strife will go on forever also....it is a feudal system all over rural Thailand and most of the Thai people are aware of it

    Re farming ...well that is 18th century style...it needs to be bought into the 21st century....how this is achieved is a formidable task...you have to feel sorry for most of the farmers because they dont know any other way...and that comes into the education catogory...and we all know how dismal that is

    But to change that system needs an outsider with immense power. Only an urban based politician with no interest in the rural patronage system to survive could do it or a benevolent dictator. Any democratic system which relies on people voting form where they are house papered will inevitably give those oppressors majority after majority. One way to change it would be to let people vote in the constituency where they resided rather than where there tabien bahn was. That would need a census and reweighting of the constituencies and would reduce the influence of the powerful feudal types, but that change would need the OK of the rural feudal barons who dominate in the current system so that leaves you with the only option of being able or willing to change the system being the unacceptable one of benevolent dictator. Kind of depressing when you can see a system which is just going to perpetuate and worsen things for the majority tiny trickle down, a bit more substandard education and the odd handout aside for a long long time

    I am not hopeful on this one at all. No thopeful of a major overhaul. Oddly enough Thaksin in his first government could have done something here but he opted to not to and then mnoved to relying increasingly on the feudal group that controls the rural areas. A chance to modernise went begging there

    Yes he could have done it but he was a crook right from the word go.....the original asset case confirms that.....in many ways he could have been the man to really make Thailand what it has the enormous potential to be ...but the snout was into the trough long before he became PM....remember the baht bust....he climbed right into the trough after becoming PM....I do have a some faith in Abhisit....young, well educated, lived in the UK and saw how it could work but I would not like his job....but he has backbone and brain ....opps I might need my fire hose put on standby after that remark...I can smell the flames already

  10. Thanks! I usually stay at Sukumvit Soi 11, and just take a taxi. This time I'm thinking about taking the earliest Air Asia Flight up, going to the US Embassy in the morning and going right back to the airport and flying back to Phuket in the afternoon, just leave my car at the airport... Although I do have some friends up that way I wouldn't mind seeing. I still have over a month, anything can happen between now and then!

    The UK consulate in Phuket does this.....I have several friends that have used this service here in Phuket

    Opps sorry I thought u were from the UK

  11. Thanks! I usually stay at Sukumvit Soi 11, and just take a taxi. This time I'm thinking about taking the earliest Air Asia Flight up, going to the US Embassy in the morning and going right back to the airport and flying back to Phuket in the afternoon, just leave my car at the airport... Although I do have some friends up that way I wouldn't mind seeing. I still have over a month, anything can happen between now and then!

    The UK consulate in Phuket does this.....I have several friends that have used this service here in Phuket

  12. So,

    Just coming back from my favourite issan village and some people presented to me the latest present from the Government for helping farming: a Kubota tractor 153 (15 horse power) with 3 disks, transmission by belt. cost 250,000TBT (for around 1000 houses/families)...a joke.

    Really there is no policy for helping seriously ISSAN. It is the root of the problem, I have already written a lot about that... Instead to prepare the Civil war, the Government should defuse the situation by announcing a real policy for developing the Northern Country: 42% of the population with 13% of National income.....


    How about mandatory free schooling to 18 years old?

    Not as good as 100k in everyone's bank today, but let's look to the future.

    We use to say that a Government has 100 days to start implementing a policy and 6 months later must be passed through parliament...Abhisit has gotten 16 months....

    1 Schooling is just talking, talking talking... good intention but hel_l is paved with good intentions (french proverb). In any case, too late and it is not the Primary issue.

    2 The main issue is INCOME. price of rice, rubber, subsidising the Farming until it is modernised. Modernisation of Farming, with IMPORTANT INVESTMENTS. In the same time decentralisation of Industries to fix the population locally and condition for doing this successfully is INVESTMENTS in INFRASTRUCTURE IN NORTHERN REGION (NOT ONLY IN BANGKOK) RAILWAYS, HIGHWAYS, IRRIGATION.....

    Which means drastic revision of the BUDGET, Reorientation of the INVESTMENTS.

    This is the minimum to be credible....But probably this is not satisfactory for the Bankokians who want ALL for them.

    In Summary, Abhisit except schooling intentions, peanuts for Northern Regions, nothing serious... Too late and very insuficient for defusing the situation.

    Northern Regions need a SUPER PLAN to get them out of the ghetto bankokians are sending them...

    Failure to understand this is driving to major turbulences, risk of a Civil war, because Northern people have nothing to loose.....

    My wife is from the northern region. We spend loads of time up there in rural villages with family and friends and while times are hard we dont know anybody who wants civil war or even thinks it will happen. And everybody wants improved education. And many people still remember Thaksin fondly. Actually right now most of the middle aged people are working in the provincial towns to make some cash and waiting for planting time and most of the younger are working in factories etc. I could tell you all about the incentives to go do a red which have mostly, maybe totally, been refused in the areas we know but I dont want to digress.

    Nobody has even mentioned the local oppressors who really control the rural poors lives more than the Bagkok based ones, but these are all tied into PTP and the red movement and it is a lot easier to go along with them against the great hated Bangkok while even deep down knowing you will still be stuck with the local oppressors but hope they may bung a few more scraps and anyway as the local oppressors control the local mills, money lending and to be honest whether you live or not it is quite difficult to stand up to such people, so take the nager otu on Bangkok which is only part of the problem is easy. However, until these local lords loose their power, and that wont happen with any PTP government by the way, the actual existance of those at the bottom will not change much and the funny thing is if you talk to poor people and they know you well enough to trust you, which means you must be direct family, close friend or have known them and proven good over a long period, you will be surprised how many people actually know this too. By the way, if you arent in the trusted category you will just be told what they think you want to hear whether true or not. Thailand has a long long way to go. Centrsal government even with the best will in the world cannot do the things you suggest without the lords being removed or they will as they have always done suck most of anything from center as it heads their way and make sure they control who gets to control center so they can make sure the right policies for them are passed. Now why do the red movement never mention this group?

    It is politicians on various sides (yes their are more than two groups in this complex power play despite how some propagandists try to simplify it for their own ends) who are trying to set up the meme of civil war for their own ends. They may even pull it off but dont go thinking just becaue people are poor they want it.

    Yes people want help with debt relief and better prices for commodities but to think every farmer in the north is on the verge of picking up weapons and heading for whereever is completly wrong.

    And its been like this forever.....Until there is a major overhaul of the whole system this strife will go on forever also....it is a feudal system all over rural Thailand and most of the Thai people are aware of it

    Re farming ...well that is 18th century style...it needs to be bought into the 21st century....how this is achieved is a formidable task...you have to feel sorry for most of the farmers because they dont know any other way...and that comes into the education catogory...and we all know how dismal that is

  13. I have been an expat resident here for the last 20 years. I have seen 2 military coups in that time. In my opinion this would be the worst case scenario if the PAD take to the streeets in opposition to the Reds who are going to take their shirts off anyway.

    Mr Taksin I have been upcountry many times in the past and have seen the good work you have done there, I know the people there love you but please please use your influence to diffuse this terrible situation. There are some stupid and irrelevent comments on this blog, if you can't keep your comments sane please keep them to yourself.

    I think I am typical of the expats who love this country and have our "Luk keun," families here.

    That’s it…..that wifey of mine is in for a good hiding tonight…she never sees a thing ... going to start to call he Blind Nellie... Every year for the last 15 years we make 2 treks to Isaan to visit her Mama and family…Songkraan and Mama’s birthday in November…usually spend 3 or 4 weeks at a time there…I keep telling the wife to point out to me all the good things Khun Thaksin has done….just more debt she replies or the Phu Yai Baan has purchased the latest Mercedes or BMW etc…

    Do you remember during Thaksin’s drug war when the police accompanied by the then Interior Minister travelled to Isaan at night and shot up the poor old couples new house with hundreds of shells ..it had been reported to the powers that be that the couple had appeared to have become unusually rich. The couples son had won the lottery while he was working in Bkk and being a good son had built his parents a house but had not told anyone else that he won the lottery for obvious reasons…the poor old couple took refuge behind the fridge and fortunately their lives were saved…I believe the Interior Minister gained a new nickname that night…you guessed it he was called The Fridge

    Yeah Thaksin did a lot of good….gave them all 20 baht but took back 60 baht in return

    Do u also remember the cow scam ???

    MAybe you could enlighten me and post a map where all this good work has taken place

  14. Maybe Mark can call in the French foreign legion to sort the BKK mess out.

    They for one won't be taken hostage by untrained reddies.

    You are right. They won't be taken hostage cuz they'll raise the white flag and call the U.S. to get them out of the shit as usual.


    You just got to love this post.....so true...but u did fail to mention them calling on the UK as well

    You will always get a good bite from the French when u ask when they won their last war

  15. Bring out the tanks !!

    The government needs to send in special forces and grab the leaders ... that is the whole problem ..

    In case you haven't noticed, the special forces units are backing Thaksin. That's a big reason why the "normal Army" isn't doing anything.

    Some rogue parts of the army are backing Thaksin in his war against Thailand. I'm glad that you agree that this whole red menace is about Thaksin.

    The PM is still showing restraint and is still completely in control.

    And I suppose when Thaksin is bought back to power this is what he would do....he has so much blood on his hands that any sane person who was LIVING here under his regime would want him tried in the international court...he is nothing but a dictorial despot

    I have just spent the first 3 weeks of this month in Isaan visiting Thai friends and saw very few actual red shirts or vehicles with red shirt adornments....this is all about a few of Thaksin's mob and his money

    I am neither red or yellow shirt devotee....there are certainly injustices in all parts of Thailand....Abhisit is a young new breed of politician in this country and is well aware of the many problems and pitfalls...would u rather have him or more of the same of the feudal money politics that have pervaded this country for many years .....do u really think that those so called red leaders are going to be the saving grace of the poor in the whole of trhis country....get a life...then u may get a brain and see the bigger picture

  16. Its a bargain at the moment!!!! Emirates


    Mon 10 May




    Tue11 May




    Wed12 May




    Thu13 May




    Fri14 May




    Sat15 May




    Sun16 May



    Selected Dates:Departing : Returning : Price : THB*Total price in THB, including return airfare, taxes, and fees for 1 passenger(s). Conditions may apply for each fare.

    Previous stepChange departure dateChange return dateConvert Currency

    Are those fees for return tickets? 63,000 Thai Baht? That sounds really steep, is it inflated or are those the norm?

    I have friends in the UK and I extend my deepest sympathies to those inconvenienced by the volcano. I think the UK is just emerging from a really severe recession and things are quite tough for many Brits. No wonder riots are almost breaking out.

    Only a few years ago, a pound was worth 65baht, yet now it's around 47. For stranded Brits having to pay for things in Baht, on cards or anything, that's really uncomfortable and they should be helped. I really don't understand the exchange rates, if I was into betting, I would have betted the other way after the 2006 coup, that the Thai would devalue against the pound. I can't believe since that miltary rule, 3 Thai PMs in 4 years and all the unrest that a pounds is now 47b - who decides this?

    A Brit who paid 30,000 pounds for a condo four years ago, could now sell it for 40,000pounds equivilant - any Brits out there who are profiting at the moment? how did they do it?

    Thailand did not have Gordon Brown as Prime Minister .....thats why the Thai baht is so strong

  17. If there is no terrorist element within the Red Shirts, and i willing to accept if i am mistaken, then why do i see so many photographs and video of red shirts in violent situations with weapons.

    Are you suggesting that the government or Army are firing grenades at their own people in an attempt to win sympathy?


    That picture is so old I am surprised it is not black and white. And yes, I am suggesting that the government are not adverse to collateral damage if it boosts their cause. It would not be the first time and I am sure it will not be the last.

    Picture so old....like 12 months....is that old ?? And it was in most major newspapers in the world....great advertising for Thailand....but I suppose by wearing a red shirt it is allowed by some of the expert commentors on this site

    Don't get me started. You want to see YELLOW with gun?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbnFPhExOTw Ch11-Thai


    Chantorn....When it comes to colour I am almost colour blind.....I was in Bangkok when some of the yellow shirts were running wild....scary s$it..... the rural people of this country have a very just case to get more of the cake but these red shirts are definitely not going to get it for them....this lot are all about money and power....I sincerly hope that a few genuine leaders come up through the ranks and really lead the deprived to a life they richly deserve and have earnt....its all about showing people the way and number one on that list is a radical overhaul of the education system

    Incidently I have just spent 3 weeks in Isaarn at some Thai friends place and believe me these people are dirt poor but great people...Love them to death...Been friends of mine for years...but they are ruled and told what to do by the Phu Yai Baan who are notorious crooks...as i said on another thread they could teach the Bkk so called elites a thing or too about graft and how to sit on people....incidently the whole time I was there I saw very very few actual red shirts...

  18. If there is no terrorist element within the Red Shirts, and i willing to accept if i am mistaken, then why do i see so many photographs and video of red shirts in violent situations with weapons.

    Are you suggesting that the government or Army are firing grenades at their own people in an attempt to win sympathy?


    That picture is so old I am surprised it is not black and white. And yes, I am suggesting that the government are not adverse to collateral damage if it boosts their cause. It would not be the first time and I am sure it will not be the last.

    Picture so old....like 12 months....is that old ?? And it was in most major newspapers in the world....great advertising for Thailand....but I suppose by wearing a red shirt it is allowed by some of the expert commentors on this site

  19. "A good example are all the half completed roads which remain that way for years because the government funding "ran out" while the local Phuu Yai Baan's mia noi gets a nice new home or a pickup"

    And therein lies a lot of the problems in the North and Isaan.....if you think Bkk people are corrupt they are rank amatuers compared to the Isaan Phuu Yai Baan's.....what about the Phuu Yai Baam who needed some roads built on ONE of his huge landholdings.....he hijacked the the funds from a 2 kilometre village road about to be built...and it keeps going on adinfinitum....lots of the contibutors on this forum should spend a month in Isaan (not in any bars) and see what it is really like for those poor people....they are being used in this protest by the aforesaid PYBs....and it all comes back to one thing...lack of education

    I dont live in Isaan ....as my name suggest I live in Phuket but travel to Isaan to see some really good Thai friends who live there....and they are dirt poor but would give you the last food they had in the house and smile while you eat it

  20. Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

    Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.

    You get who you vote for.

    Just because they changed sides (for whatever reason) doesn't change the fact that they were MPs that were voted for by the people.

    After the PPP was disbanded, this group of MPs formed their own party. Much the same as all the other PPP MPs went to the PTP (which hasn't stood for election either).

    They decided that they didn't like what the PPP/PTP were doing, so they no longer supported them? What's wrong with that?

    They decided that they no longer wanted to support an inept government, that was only about one thing - Getting Thaksin back.

    Oh, for god's sake why don't you tear-up that little picture of Abhisit that all his groupies carry and admit what the whole of Thailand knows which is the fact that the forty friends of Newin were bought. He even got his father installed as Speaker of the Lower House as part of the same deal. Why do you keep trotting out the same old rubbish? Even members of the Democrat Party (and I know some) will tell you, with a smirk on their faces, that Newin was bought!

    How much did Thaksin pay for Chavalit's New Aspiration Party....40 pieces of silver

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