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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. If u want to have a bleat about Supermarkets you have to try Carrefours in Patong Phuket....could possibly be the worst run supermarket I have ever been in....I prefer to drive 12 kilometres to Tesco and get really good service...I dont blame the people working in Carrefours...I blame the management...after all the workers are all Thai and yet Tesco service is miles ahead in service and civility

  2. What champions those school children are.....unfortunately it just underlines the deep social problems that a lot of the Thai population have and a lot of the so called developed countries of the world....it is not just the mother at fault here...it is another awakening to all of us just to reach out a little bit more to the less fortunate in life

  3. Hi there. I started a new post as the previous ones didn't seem to highlight some of the most significant and real issues of the school. Many comments did not reflect the true nature of what is going on. I have only put some of the issues that may be of interest to parents and ones I know are true to my personal observations and experiences in the school.

    The amount of times any young child is smacked, really depends on the stress level of the teacher at the time. This again is usually due to what the people up top are emphasising as being important for that week. Please understand that the children's books are checked by staff in the office on a regular basis. Any work from a class that is not consistent with the school's policy is recorded and the teacher then called to the office for a "telling off". This then creates that friction between the teacher and her students. The children usually have two writing books. One they practise in and the other is done only when the teacher believes the student has mastered their work. So the child has to double up on the work. Any mistakes made by the children in example their maths book, must be immediately corrected. NO errors are to be found in the books. Please remember this applies to the Thai teachers.

    I witnessed a line of boys in the upper primary wacked on the backside with a ruler. I don't know what they had done but they were all lined up as soon as they entered the room and wacked repeatedly on the backside. There were about 8 boys. Of course at that age it's a power game for the boys and they were completely in control of their emotions. I think the only lesson learnt for them was who was the toughest kid that showed the least amount of pained expression. They all did pretty good.

    Regarding sickness. The child's guardians are notified but of course many parents cannot leave work or may need a couple of hours before they can come to the school to collect the sick child. Many times the child is left in the class until the parents/guardians can collect them. They are not sent to the sick bay but again I emphasise they are left to sleep in the back of the class on the floor. A teacher had to buy rugs for her classes just to keep the kids off the floor during their illness.

    The times for the air-conditioning fluctuate but at the moment the times are from 9am and switched off at 4.30pm. Classes run until 6pm and the rooms heat up very quickly. Also the rooms are already very hot before the children enter them, especially the rooms facing the sun and that are on the two top floors. It's not so bad this time of the year but in the hotter season the rooms get very hot.

    I have no interest in defaming the school and yes there may be other similar schools. Of course I can only respond in regards to what my personal observations and experiences have been. I must emphasise that the staff (both Thai and foreign teachers) have the child's best interest at heart and many of the negative events which occur at the school are generated by the demands of those who run the show.

    Hope this is of help.

    It actually helps me a lot...it confirms to me what I have noticed there over the last 2 school terms...has a high reputation amongst a lot of people but it actually does not have the substance to be a good school...I was rather dissappointed to find out that most of the so called english teachers are people with whom english is a second language...their grammer and syntax and general understanding of the language leaves a lot to be desired...as several parents have said to me they do not want their children speaking english with an european accent....your remarks re the sickness and treatment of the children is quite alarming....I would like to find another school for our child here in Phuket but the choices are quite limited...as a good education is the best thing you can give a child we may have to consider shifting....could you send me a private message if you consider any other schools (excluding the over priced international school) would be a better choice

  4. Why anyone gives a crap about this old, moldy temple is anyone's guess. Historical - sure. Worth all the trouble that is it generating? - not in the least. Suggest Cambodia disassemble it, and reassemble somewhere more accessible. :ph34r:

    Have u ever been there....have u eveer read a book or done any research on the historical temples throughout Thailand and Cambodia....the written word usually sums up a person's character

  5. What's amazing is:

    1/ So many people didn't bother to vote. Which leads me to think that whoever won the by-election doesn't have the mandate of the people.

    2/ The Reds are still strong and will be a major force in the next general election.

    So, to paraphrase an old saying, I would say to you "It's not over till the Red party sings"! :rolleyes:

    The man has just won a free and fair election, and in your opinion he doesn't have a mandate? How then does he get one? Can he ever get one if he is not a RED?

    The current government also won a free and fair election, they will probably win the next, but "It's not over till the Red party wins"!

    "The current government also won a free and fair election..."

    Says who? This Government WAS NOT chosen based on election, do you know? It was delegated IN Parliament by MPs after the party which won in election was forbiden by the court about some elctorial frauds. That is base of the problem. So where you get this, REALLY? :)

    With all due respect, I don't think you have all your facts straight. This government WAS chosen based on election under the rules of a parliamentary democracy. Yes, the previous party lost out in some part due to a few convictions on electoral fraud (you think electoral fraud is OK?). However, the vast majority of the Pheua Thai MPs from the last election remain in parliament. The PT lost power to the Democrats because of the defection of a number of minority parties. When the PT was in power it was in a coaltion, same as the Democrats now. If you consider the previous Pheua Thai government as legitimate, you have no logical basis for considering the current Democrat government as not legitamate.

    Any Pheua Thai or Red supporters who disagree with what I have said, I would appreciate it if you would respond in a respectful and fact-based manner. I am open to any counter-arguments that are put in such a way.

    The old adage applies for those who are thick as four short planks "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink"....just give up on them and let them believe what they want to

  6. I do not care about Thaksin now and I did not when I came here in 2004, but under him I loved the exchange rate for my US$ 40-42 I even liked when the Military was in power they kept at 36.5 I settle for them any time over the present one what ever his name is.

    So it is all about money to you. Bush and Brown had nothing to do with the Euro falling in value. But I wish they had both been in Thailand instead of where they were.

    Actually it is the States fault if they had been a democracy Gore would have been the president and I believe thing would have been a lot different.

    Just because the current one is not afraid to hold elections is no reason to hold one. Besides the red shirts need time to build up there money to buy votes. It is not as easy as it was for Thaksin to transfer money into there coffers.

    Who caused the Euro to lose value against baht

  7. GOOD

    Maybe the truth will come out and the government shown for what they are

    Abhisit will be the next fugitive

    You red shirts are getting more desperate. Next you will be claiming that you had no weapons and no one received money and every one there paid a per die-um for there food.

    You had some good things to say at the outset the problem being they were not the reason you were there. You wanted to cause trouble and you succeeded. Don't take your victory as a excuse to be stupid unless that is your natural state and in that sorry case carry on.

    You Yellow shirts lol!

    Sure go ahead and shoot the protesters who are carrying weapons but how many of those killed had weapons?

    Answer = 0

    Abhisit is already on the run, he can not appear in public, you will never see him out on the streets again. To stay alive Abhisit has to be lucky everyday, the people waiting for revenge only have to be lucky one day. Same goes for all the perpetrators of crimes against the nation.

    Mmmmm......I thought I saw a photo in one of the papers the other day of the PM on the campaign trail at a shopping centre surrouned by lots of adoring fans....or am I suffering from fairey stories

  8. Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand = he bought and rebought the votes of the people of thailand

    And let us not forget intimidating the villages who didn't support him. Who can ever forget his classic statement that he would spend the public budget to help those villages who supported the TRT first. And that is just what he said in public. I can only imagine what was said behind the scenes.

    Anybody who calls the Thaksin era free and democratic is living in a fantasy world. He was one of the worst dictators Thailand has experienced in ages, and in my opinion is the biggest threat to Thailand today. He must be stopped at all costs. Thailand has to be protected, even if that means more lives lost. I want my children to grow up in a truly free country.

    If only the reds would denounce Thaksin in all of his evil forms and all his wicked ways we could actually get on with reconcilliation. As it is, there is no choice but to support the military, no matter how corrupt they are, because the alternative the PT represents is even worse.

    Remember when Thaksin had a lawyer serving libel writs daily against any/everyone who said/wrote anything he did not like....the young 28 year old lady reporter who had virtually no money was sued for 400 million baht...she won the case...and the time he tried to force the sale of the other english national paper....its really refreshing to see that the current PM is not suing people for large amounts of money on a daily basis...I note the the PT have inherited Thaksin's trait of suing each and everyone for silly publicity reasons

  9. I do not care about Thaksin now and I did not when I came here in 2004, but under him I loved the exchange rate for my US$ 40-42 I even liked when the Military was in power they kept at 36.5 I settle for them any time over the present one what ever his name is.

    Thailand was lucky in that it did not have Gordon Browne or George Bush in control of its finances...strange that people who complain about the strength of the Thai baht dont compare most Asian currencies against the $US or UK pound during the same period ...all of them have strengthened against the foolish financial policies of both Bush and Browne...Asia had its lesson (Thailand in particular) in 1997

  10. a law enforcer (FROM ANYWHERE) that's HONEST....... whoever told you that LIED.

    None are honest, never have been and NEVER will be. remember that `lawmen' were killers, theives and bandits first, that's how they got to LAWMEN. They are still the same today, except they now have uniforms, badges and guns. And the courts always sides with the crooks. This has been true from the start of time and it has not changed nor will it ever change...

    Not quite true ... if the courts always sided with the crooks, then Australia would have no Caucasian nationals :whistling: (think about it)


    I like that...Truth is always great humour

  11. I wonder if they will identify the 150b international transaction ATM fee as being unfair?!...somehow I think not!

    or the charge they make you pay for changing small change into notes, and the fee i was once charged for paying in 3000 baht in small change into my account, apparently to pay for the time and energy taken to count the money that was already counted and bagged ready for the teller to put it on their money scales.

    International fee is beyond Bank of Thailand jurisdiction.

    Anyway, you people can afford it.

    Poor girl is just having a "Bad Hair Day " ...somewhat similar to another couple of her posts today....be a little forgiving to her for her ignorance

  12. The cancer specialist hospital of the BKK Hospital group are very very good....they have some equipment there that no other hospital has in SE Asia.....I have had 3 friends who have been treated there with fantastic results...like Bumungrad not cheap but !!!!

  13. I will try not to upset you too much.

    I live in a small moo ban in Central Thailand and I pay 2 baht per cubic metre.

    The only time it is more expensive is in the dry season when the supply stops and I drive to the klong and get it myself in the pickup truck and then it works out at 20 baht which is the cost of the diesel for the truck and gasoline for the pump.

    My labour is free.

    My next door neighbour has a resort and they pay 50 baht per cubic metre and it gets delivered from another klong by the government water truck.

    You dont upset me....u just show your ignorance....I am not Johnny off the boat today....I have been living here for a long time...I cannot relate central Thailand with Phuket....Why is it expensive ??? Come and live here for 3 months and enjoy it and find out.....most people knock Phuket for being expensive but in life u pay for what u get...I have several adopted families throughout Thailand and am aware of living in some moo baan where sighting another farang would be a big deal

  14. Can someone please advise the current cost of government supplied

    water in Patong....we were paying 35 baht a cube for over 8 years....now the project wants to raise it to 45 baht a cube...better than owning an oil well....is there any govt official that ie consumer protection group etc that can help or is it pi....g in the wind

  15. it wasn't my idea, i promise....however i ended up to actually enjoy youghurts with sweetcorns and ice creams with soy beans :lol:

    Ditto to that...every country has its odd food tastes....peanut butter and jelly springs to mind

  16. Hopefully his parents will find a nice quiet place for him back in Kent and won't let him out for a long time.


    1st thing I would do if I was Jeff is track down the guy who grassed him up, i.e. the guy in the video who filmed him and then posted it on Youtube for all to see... :rolleyes:

    And then what would u do....thank him for making you a star... or abuse him for showing the world what an idjit that u really are

  17. I am guessing they will do this during the beginning of high season. They want to maximise the impact the demonstratons have on the economy. I have basically given up on running my guesthouse in Laos because of how Thailand is.

    or they're busy making rice for now... dry/high season they have nothing to do..

    Sorry to disillusion you, but (1) the farmers do not grow rice , they grow PADDY in paddy fields. They sell the paddy to the rice mill., who mill it and then sell rice. (2). You may have not noticed it,but Thailand is experiencing a very severe DROUGHT, so very little paddy has been planted.There are going to be a lot of very hungry farmers this year. They will have basically NO income this year. What paddy has been planted is both stunted and yellowing, which means yields will be very low. This year ,they have nothing to do right now, unless huge rains come, and even then , it may be too late to plant

    Interesting that you call it Paddy...I have noticed that in the past but what confuses me is why do the Thai people call them rice farms

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