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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. there really are some <deleted> in the world - this idiot could face 5 years in prison for this shit

    Should be 20 years they get...travelling used to be fun....now it is almost fear....oh how the world has changed.... hope the FBI will get the culprit and then give him/her a nice bit of water sports....ie water boarding

    Travelling is as much fun as it has always been. I don't see what you have to be fearful of. Travelling by plane is one of the safest forms of transport. More people kill themselves through the food they eat. Try to keep things in perspective.

    So u count all the security before getting on the plane fun !!!! And then when u arrive in certain countries the screening that takes place....is that fun also....maybe your way of having fun but certainly not mine

  2. The Red shirt Leaders should pay for him since he support the red shirt demonstration in Ratchapasong. It good that he is being deported because he has no right to demonstrate because he is a foreigner and can't interfere our internal affair. Good for our Nation without such foreigners playing Politics.

    That's a bit harsh. After all he was invited to play. :whistling:

    Love that quote ' ..he has no right to demonstrate because he is a foreigner..' If you dislike foreigners and think they have no rights why are you communicating in a foreigners language??:lol: Surely Thai must be better?? Well, at least he had the balls to stand up for what he thought was right, even if with hindsight it was a bit misguided. Bet the aussie tabloids will havea field day with him if he sells his story...could a book be in the way...'the lone aussie freedom fighter silenced by an evil undemocratic government .......

    The book might sell a dozen copies.... from the remainder bin

  3. If there was a coup in the early 30s, would there have been the Night of the Long Knives, and 2nd World War?

    Please don't go there. Whatever the failings of the deposed PM Thaksin were, he wasn't running death camps or invading other countries.

    Take a hint from the news article. Mr. Thaksin is now being praised indirectly. Read between the lines, The foundation for Mr. Thaksin's rehabilitation is being laid. Although, it will cause some people in TVF to choke, don't be surprised when some powerful Thais assumed to be bitter enemies are exchanging smiles and wais. Unless both sides back down, this stupid factional fighting will continue. It may mean that Mr. Thaksin will have to give up all hope of regaining office, but in return, he might be allowed to return and not serve jail time. This isn't a Sicilian blood vendetta. The Thais can be quite pragmatic when the need arises. Look at the past coups. Even those that had blood on their hands were politically rehabilitated and reintegrated.

    You are right on the money...its been feeling like this the last 3 or 4 weeks

  4. Its the old story....you pay for what u get...and a lot of those ties out of silk shops are just that....ties for to wrap around your waist whe your belt has broken....buy a few good quality ones and be happy u look good in them....quality always wins

  5. I have been using this site for several years throughout Asia and never had a problem with them ....u can only book 14 days in advance with ...that is the down side...usually much better prices than even dealing with the hotel direct..www.agoda.com is good for advance bookings

  6. dont you all remember the poll that was taken a few months ago....80% of the people polled said that corruption was ok....so when u have a figure like that what chance of a clean police force....BTW how many of the above posters have not given/paid the police for a traffic offence

    Whats that old adage..."If there were no recievers there would no stealers " or something like that

  7. Technical school fighting, motorbike gangs,...yellow & red shirts...What's new in Thailand? Too much time on their hands, no righteous role models to look up to. It's a self destructing country.

    It is not just Thailand but in many many so called western countries....here it gets a lot of press but in many countries it gets one inch on page 10 in the press...just think of the loutish behavour of the football lowlife in the UK....many cities in USA still have major problems...buy the series "Wired" and its not far off the mark in most big cities in USA ...even Australia and New Zealand often have outbreaks of youth violence...playing truant from school here is not so easy...the authorities round the louts up and make them go to school...those schools in this latest outburst are often in the headlines for similar problems...

  8. Seeing that it is illegal to perform corporal punishment (or meant to be ) in Thailand what legal rights do the parents or the child have...can they lay a charge of assault and hope it sticks with the BIB or can they sue the teacher,the school and possibly the district head of education add infinitum...if one had a little public relation skill and a few contacts u could make life pretty miserable for these sadists and it could ripple through the system

  9. Most enlightened governments acknowledge the importance of education for a country's development. I am sure there are enough people who are in power in Thailand who also acknowledge this fact. So the question is why the people with the power do not act to improve the quality of and access to education? Perhaps it's to do with wanting to keep the general population ignorant so that they are more perceptive to propaganda and therefore easier to control. Better to have a steady stream of factory workers, farmers and serfs who merely accept what they are taught and do what they are told, without question. Otherwise, if the citizens get "too educated' they might start to demand more of the government and start to ask "inconvenient" questions and then heaven forbid, organise themselves to challenge the status quo.:whistling:

    It's interesting that the party whose main support group is the uneducated poor didn't do anything to correct this while they were in power.

    They could not think that far ahead...they were far too busy counting their illgotten gains

  10. This fellow sounds like the kind of grassroots/left leaning leader that has been conspicuously absent among the Redshirt leadership. Hopefully he, and others like him, will succeed to turning the Reds into a genuine reform movement.

    However, I suspect that he will be sidelined as soon as Thaksin's men are out of jail and back in the saddle.

    If only he could get enough traction without the other rabble rousers interfering particuarly the Mad Mouth.

  11. And their really expensive sandwiches were stale when we tried them on Wednesday....we complained and they offered to toast them..I dont like toast and said just give us the money back....we got it after a bit of a hassle

  12. If you don't spend much then there won't be much of a difference.

    The main differences expense wise between Bangkok and elsewhere.

    Rental costs

    Eating out


    If you rarely do any of the 3 above, then there won't be much difference. :whistling:


    Yep...I live in Kalim on the notoriously expensive Phuket (apparently to a lot of people ) but as in the above post if you keep out of them, day to day expenses are much the same as the rest of Thailand...best Khoa Mun Gai in the world for 40 baht...

  13. It is not an issue of looking down on people, but one of not having anything in common with a great many people. There isn't an evil plot afoot. A TEFL teacher isn't going to want to be around me and I don't want to be around the teacher crowd. I am too young to hang around with the retired crowd up near Laguna.This doesn't mean their snobs. I just don't have anything in common with them at this point in my life. Why would I want to hang around with some guy that runs a low end beer bar/brothel on Bangla? What exactly am I going to talk to him about? "Oh gosh, your whores are looking disease free tonight".... A young family isn't going to have much time or patience to hang around with people like me because of time constraints and issues. It's normal. The end result is time management and directed socializing.

    And yes, some people do avoid some segments of the foreign population here. You remember those 2 idiots that that were fighting on the roof where one guy clocked the other over the head with a bottle? Because they avoid such people, does this mean that they are looking down on them? No. It's just that they have better things to do than to get drunk at 10AM and cause a public disturbance. Why would I want to hang around with the crude crew that makes their living off of selling timeshare ripoffs to people? If I didn't hang around with drunks and toothless mental cripples before, why should I do it on Phuket?

    I note the comments about looking down on Patong farangs. Does it bother me? No, because I understand why people would say that, and to a large extent it's a valid bias. Patong works for me because almost all of my friends are close by, I try to drive as little as possible, and I need access to certain locations. If people want to draw conclusions based on my location, good for them. At the end of the day, I know what my bank balance is and I know what my job is. No one's opinion is going to change that.

    Excellent post. And really at the end of the day other than your friends and family who gives a f**ck what other people think of you/me.

    I second that

    You know who you want to be with

    If you think people are looking down on you get a higher bar stool

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