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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. KingPower is a particularly nasty company. Owned by the government that sets import duties for luxury goods at an impossible 200%.

    To then set-up its own company selling designer goods cheaper than any one else can legally afford to.

    While I certainly do not condone any act of terrorism one can understand the resentment.

    The import duties in this country are painful. I would love to not have to drive a Japanese $hit box. However government officials are the only ones permitted to flaunt these laws.

    This could be seen as stance against corruption.

    Thailand is not a free market democracy but when the Government go into business and get special treatment it does take the wee wee a bit.

    if governments back home did this non of you would stand for it. Perhaps certain people here have had enough.

    King Power is not government owned...

    • Like 1
  2. Crazy old bat - go make some som tum :rolleyes:

    You have knowledge of what's going on here. The Thaksinites "red shirts" want her out. They don't want her snooping in all their past dealings! The lady's an honest and respectable bureaucrat a rarity in Thailand! :realangry:

    I have always had a lot of respect for her as you do....I just wondered about the result of that inquiry into the building of her house ...or was it another red herring

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  3. Hey, if you don't like it, don't use it! Continue to take your taxis and leave more room for those of us who believe in public transportation.........it will be a much more comfortable and relaxing ride without your grumbling!

    I will use it because I do believe in public transportation.

    But sure, each time, I will think about all the wasted money :blink:, where it went :annoyed:, and what could have been done if used efficiently :crying:

    I agree with what u say

    However I used it yesterday at 5pm to come in from the airport hauling 15kg bag...then got into BTS and was in Siam Square much quicker than any taxi at that time of day...it will work....some fine tuning to do but will get there and be a great asset to those who travel further than a bar stool

  4. Try googling "Gary McKinnon" to see how America works in its extradition procedure, please come back and tell me if you still support America!

    America supplies weapons to all sorts of despicable depots as do the French, British and other major sellers of arms.

    Complete hypocrisy i hope he walks.

    Gary McKinnon info:

    McKinnon has admitted in many public statements that he obtained unauthorised access to computer systems in the United States including those mentioned in the United States indictment.

    Dang crazy Americans! Trying to arrest somebody how has admitted hacking into federal sites! Shame on them....oh...maybe it was the anti-american messages he left on those sites?

    Sure, America supported many opposition groups...and still does. But as mentioned above, so do many, many, many other countries. Above and below the radar. But at least it is the governments doing it...not some loose cannon selling to the highest bidder and just trying to get rich. He obviously didn't care who got killed...and many did...

    If you want to have fun, let's look into every countries past! The Dutch in Indonesia (I visited the Bali site where they massacred 100s of locals), the Spanish in South America (I visited the site where millions died mining silver), most European countries forays into Africa (with devastating results), etc, etc, etc. America is just the latest "easy" target....and people from all over seem to jump on that bandwagon...but for sure, there are some good reasons. Iraq being the latest.

    Craig with all respect but I think there is a difference between supporting opposition groups and providing them with weapons,which is what America does in many cases.

    I also think it is not appropriate to compare the actions from other country's 100 years ago with the current actions of a nation.

    It would be foolish to blame it's citizens but the American government is in my eyes the most evil creature in history.And that counts on many aspects.They are the reason for the unrest in most part of the world and for the economic situation in which we are currently just to name a few.And still they think they can rule the world,shame on them.

    What part of thee world do u come from Gary

  5. It might be possible that he is responsible. But it is proven that coup taker Sondhi was in charge when numerous teenagers were killed in a mosque raid. One will appear in a criminal court that is for sale, the other will ultimately end up in the International Criminal Court, that is quite something to think about. Any press article need to be taken with a view that i the government's spin doctors have created. There is no press freedom and even wikileaks is blocked probably because the government expect to figure "Balloon" Anupong in it and maybe a couple of documents about the army that is constantly involved in massacres.

    Can u give the date when Sonhi was in charge when a massace took place

    You're talking to a propaganda machine.

    "it is proven... army constantly involved in massacres... there is no press freedom..."

    Check other posts for more balanced statement of this kind.

    I was just trying to another rise from him... sort of trying to make his day again...his blurbs have never contained a smidgen of fact

  6. It might be possible that he is responsible. But it is proven that coup taker Sondhi was in charge when numerous teenagers were killed in a mosque raid. One will appear in a criminal court that is for sale, the other will ultimately end up in the International Criminal Court, that is quite something to think about. Any press article need to be taken with a view that i the government's spin doctors have created. There is no press freedom and even wikileaks is blocked probably because the government expect to figure "Balloon" Anupong in it and maybe a couple of documents about the army that is constantly involved in massacres.

    Can u give the date when Sonhi was in charge when a massace took place

  7. I agree with the first to comments, the double standards here are unreal they need to shake all this up a bit. start by firing the Police commisioners and start again

    Strange how there is no comment from the Fat Red Shirt Loudmouth.....I thought that was what the protest was all about....getting some justice for the poor...I originally thought it was a misprint when I saw the fine....Unbelievable

    fuedal system keep the peasants in their place

    same in uk up to about 70 years ago

  8. The other English language paper also reported on this story. You should read the comments that this paper chooses to put against the story. The 'other' newspaper is blatantly a Pua Thai supporting publication. Try and add a comment against the story saying anything negative against Peua Thai; you will find you comment is not listed.

    I thought I was the only one picking up that vibe from that publication....strange how the worm turns....remember all the hoo haa when someone who we wont mention tried to take it over a few years ago

  9. He said that as long as the government can ensure safety and order in the country despite political tensions, foreign tourists will continue to come.

    They can't ensure safety though. Thailand is the most dangerous tourism destination for Britons (and I believe Australians now) by some margin.

    I would like to see some actual reliable figures on that statement...particuarly about Australians

  10. Funny how everything stresses Dems and PTP while the BJT are building a head of steam. Even some Isaan based PTP MPs are conceding that BJT is making inroads there and that the PTP has no plan of how to fund anything up that way.

    It seems likely from what is being said that the Dems and BJT will try to form the next government in alliance again although the relative balance of power in that scenario would change. Pravit is reportedly already promising certain army commanders who reprotedly havent done so well this time around what they will get next year and there are rumours he will be offered the leadership of BJT which could bring a PMship with it.

    If BJT splits a large minority of the Isaan away from pro-Thaksin parties thereby removing their ability to form a government the BJT will be naming conditions for government while being well represented in the military hierarchy. This will likely also send the PAD insane.

    You have got the right grip on this power game....Newin will be the big winner

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