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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Now this could be sticky for Tacki

    The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) said yesterday that massive amounts of money had been withdrawn by Akarat Changlao and Kanchanapa Honghern, respectively, on behalf of Pojaman.

    The money was taken out of bank accounts in cash and left the banks in several vehicles.

    On Sunday, the CRES issued a ban on financial transactions by 106 individuals and legal entities, including Thaksin and Pojaman.

    A CRES source said individuals and legal entities suspected of helping to fund the unrest usually reported that they withdrew the money to buy expensive amulets and lottery tickets.

    The CRES also found one of the red-shirt protest leaders had more than Bt100 million in bank deposits. He will be summoned to substantiate the sources of his huge income.

    The unidentified leader was also found to have purchased luxury vehicles and two mansions worth at least Bt10 million each.

    Another 20-50 names, including Jatuporn Promphan, another key protest leader, plus a major listed company in the real-estate sector, could be added to the blacklist.

  2. 2 MONTHS + AND NO SOLUTIONS !! yes this is a joke !!! I lived in India for over 20 years with a population of over 1 billion people and things like this erupted all the time and everywhere for whatever reasons= Muslims versus Indus , a Kidnapped super Star by a Robin Hood, political corruption , the murder of a well known person... whatever..Indians are hot blooded and flare up easily and then the mobs ransack everything and kill and loot BUT.... BUT.... never lasted more than 3-4 days as the police / army whatever controlled these mobs who burned and looted ...yes there was loss of life of all kinds... civilians , children, innocent by passers but it never , ever got out of hand like here or even excalated to even that close ..... This is a country with 200% if not 250% less population and it can't be controlled ... Makes me wonder ??? It's a joke and it is a sad one !!
    99 pages and no solution.

    I was in India about 15 years ago and there was some trouble not far from our hotel....those Indian police are real good with their long batons....do that here and BBCrap would have it as the lead news item for a month and it would also send a few on here into a right tiss

  3. Update: Govt may soon leak financial info of some red leaders that could make many jaws drop. /via @tulsathit

    What I would like to see is the government stating on live TV how Abhisit's father served on the board of directors of one of the biggest companies financing the yellow PAD, which then resulted in his son becomign Prime Minister.


    Check your history Pussy....Abhisit has been a member of parliament from 7 elections....it was only the old guard (dinosaurs) that stopped him from becoming leader when Chuan stepped down...Baynat became leader and a miserable leader was he

  4. Was Sudarat on the list? She has been churning out the money, her BKK mafia and killers on a daily basis

    If you are right, I would expect some Dems to start leaking all kind of stuff starting right now just to rile their supporters and Bangkokians. Any talks will favour Jatuporn etc and not the Dems and I would expect them to make it well known

    Yes, the Bird Flu Debacle Killer Deceiver Sudarat has had her finances frozen and was on the list.

    She's always in the thick of things dirty.

    Why did Chavalit suddenly have an urgent desire to travel Kumming in China....anybody know...factual...not conjecture

  5. Abhisit did not give this order...his paymasters did. These families have been ordering the army to massacre many people over the last few decades including students. The problem these arrogant gits have is that they think they can keep doing it. ...These are ruthless people who will do anything to keep hold of their ill gained wealth. They are the reason this country is poorly educated and underdeveloped. Abhisit and the army are just pawns in their game..dont blame them. Some of my history is slighty rusty so I stand corrected

    i fear that something like this may explain the "third force" behind 10 april and the sae daeng assasination. yes, its just speculation.

    There is no such thing called third force. It was setup by intelligence special force. They work and take orders from government head. Usually this kind of situation they will put the blame to the third force and make themselves very clean. This is just to fool the public and push the blame to the opponents.

    Read the book about Chavalit and Taharn Prahn and then come back and talk to us

    Exactly....there are a lot of posters here that have never bothered to read a book about Thailand

  6. He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

    The caward who can cut the part of his motherland

    Seh Daeng put his mouth where his money was.

    Correction here. Thailand is NOT Thaksin's motherland. Literally, his motherland is China.

    Wouldn't that make Abhisit's motherland, England??

    Are you saying this is all about foreign interference?

    Where is Imelda Marcos when you need her...

    Abhisit and Thaksin trace family origins to Hakka from Guangdong area. If Abhisit is English , H.M. is American.

    Thailand is a real melting pot of different Asian nationalities....just do a little historical reading about the place ...mind you that could be real hard work for some of the posters here

  7. Interestingly there are some non-racist Westerners prepared to call this masssacre precisely what it is - an act of outright mass murder against unarmed or grossly underarmed (catapults!) civilians. From New Mandala today:

    "The definition of massacre is: “The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly.” Let’s be clear about what is happening on the streets of Bangkok: this is a massacre. Perhaps not a single act or instance, but when taken as a whole, the military and police operations against the red shirt protesters have killed up to this point more than any crackdown by previous Thai military regimes in the past 50 years. "


    Note that the "author" of the piece in The New Mandala is anonymous.

    'nuff said.


    A lot of the stuff in New Mandala is so far left wing that it needs propped up....once again all the goodly life long scholars telling us all how we should live whilst they live off the taxes that we pay...never got their hands dirty or worked up a sweat in their lives.....

    Dont bother to flame me....I have a huge fire hose on standby

  8. BBC Report

    "Seh Daeng the militant army general who joined forces with the red protestors

    has died this morning. Meanwhile the army continues to use live bullets against

    the protestors."

    That was the full statement on BBC

    Seems like great journalism

    No metion of protestors firing RPG at Dusit Thani

    No mention of reds tossing molotov cocktails

    Where is the impartiality? Where is the truth

    Not on BBC that is for sure

    Dont u mean BBCRAP

    In the last few years under New Labour a news institution with an impeccable reputation has slid down to the levels of Fox

    Whats the old adage "it takes years to build a reputation...six months to destroy it "

  9. Well, anyone who speaks Thai or has a Thai wife needs to watch this!! If your wife watches it, get the kleenex ready!

    Watch This!

    (can anyone tell me how to embed youtube videos on this site?)

    My wife, MIL, sisters etc, just watched it and all burst into sobbing tears. It is above politics and shows the real feelings of the normal Thai person as to what is happening in this country right now.

    If anyone can give a better translation please do, but what I picked up was this. The guy picks up an award at a Thai TV awards show, and during the speech says something along the following lines. "This 'house' used to have lots of fighting, the family were never happy and fought about everything. Then along came our Father, he worked so hard to build a beautiful new 'House' for us, where we could all be happy and live together. As a young boy, I grew up in such a happy house and my Father loved us all and we all loved him so dearly. Now some members of our family are fighting for someone else and want to destroy our 'house', and hurt our Father and even take him away. Why? If you don't love our Father anymore, then just leave our House and let us be happy once again with him, we love him and we would all die for him"

    All very emotional and a standing ovation. It is flying around the Thai social networking sites at the speed of light. If this is broadcast to the 'normal' red protestors they will all go home within 20 minutes of watching it.

    I watched that show TV3 (under duress by those that have to be obeyed)...very emotional ...even with my small understanding of Thai language the message was coming across loud and clear....but then a few of the posters on here will call all the people at the show "elite" whereas a lot of them are just average joe-blows who have/had talent and got off their butts and and improved their lot in life

  10. They're not done blocking CNN through all service providers yet, but it's 100% blocked on TRUE internet. Not just for me, but for many others here as well. If you can still access it, enjoy it while it lasts.


    however, it appears (probably through automated software) that the readers forum section called iREPORTS is being blocked through True.

    No trouble getting it down here in Phuket

  11. <<"The current situation is almost full civil war," said Jatuporn Prompan>> the first report says.

    Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok.

    Indeed he is an idiot. An illiterate Red too. Probably passed mathayom level with the teachers closing their eyes on what his future will be ---- A MORON and a TERRORIST.

    I may be wrong but isnt this the guy who claimed a degree from a university in the Phillipines that was actuallly not in existence when he said he obtained it

  12. are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

    might be this picture.


    this picture does seem little odd to me, there is only blood under the bike, and looks like the bodies been placed there, as they lay in perfect position.

    I somehow agree with you...I have never seen a pic of people lying like that all in the same direction etc etc...

  13. He pretended to be half Irish but he was Australian.

    Shame he wasn't a very close friend of Sae Dung tonight. 2 birds with one shot.

    He is Irish...Australia being the kind country that it is gave him residency.....there was an article on him in the other english Bkk paper a couple of weeks with quotes from the Aus embassy..he wanted the embassy to provide him him with a ticket back to Aus....his total wealth was 1300 baht....he is a legend in his own mind...there is a Red Shirt DVD doing the rounds of the April incident with him doing the commentary...muppet that he is

  14. The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

    Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

    well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

    So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

    We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

    Rupert Murdoch the major shareholder of News Corp which in turns owns Fox News is certainly not Jew...until you became racist your post had respectability

  15. When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

    Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

    :):D :D

    They should also be forced to attend a 24 hour concert given by that Aussie bint who sang all those cheezy songs at the PAD rallies. :D

    That so called aussie "bint" is actually irish....Australia in an act of kindness gave him citizenship....there was some info on him in one of the papers last week....he is full of the blarney....The Austraian embassy was quoted about he went there with the total sum of 1300 baht and demanded a ticket back to Aus...also he claims uni degrees and army officer status all proved to be untrue

  16. Are you sure school started? I though it was starting on the 17th, so next week.

    Some schools started last week.....some started today....some will start next week

    The lights are purely a decor addition

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