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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. I have been having problems with True on and off for 6 months.....prior to that they were excellent for 3 years

    Anyhow they keep saying problem is within my premises......I had this checked by a guy and he said there appeared to be no problems....he had meters etc to test.....now I cant find this guy to do another check....does anyone know of someone who does this kind of work in Patong

  2. Even if Congress was amenable to accepting him, they'll still have to do their NRA paymasters' bidding.

    Not just to the NRA but also to all those hard right wing Think Tanks etc etc that the Koch Bros and their ilk have set up

    If you want a good read about them get a copy of "Dark Money" by Anne Sayer which was published earlier this year. She is a writer for The New Yorker and it will open your eyes about how the GOP has been taken over by many of these hardliner money men

    If u have a Kindle its available on the net

  3. Sandoval recently vetoed gun purchase background checks that had been approved by both houses of the Nevada legislature. He did the veto on the date of the sixth anniversary of the Newtown primary school massacre. If Barack Obama were still a senator and any potus nominated Gov Sandval for scotus a Sen Obama would vote against him.

    So let's see who is the next name the White House floats to keep up its psyops against Mitch McConnell and the Republican party.

    All of this from start to finish is a gift on a silver platter to HR Clinton, her campaign and her coming presidency.

    Republican senators up for reelection in Blue states are now experiencing their political execution on two counts. The issue of a successor to Scalia and Trump as the highly likely nominee.

    Trump as the nominee was enough alone to take down the already vulnerable five R senators up this year in the Blue states. Now with the Court vacancy issue the five R senators losing would leave the Republicans with 49 in the Senate in January 2017 and a return to minority status.

    The R senators are all first termers which is always when a new senator is especially most vulnerable, in the first reelection try. They are, in order of vulnerability:

    R Sen. Paul Kirk in IL who's already agreed to meet with whomever is nominated to the Court and who has during his term reversed himself to favor marriage equality, abortion and a bunch of other issues to prove he's a political whore. D Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth a veteran of the Iraq war is averaging a six point polling lead, which is outside the margin of variability.

    R Sen. Ron Johnson in WI is averaging 13 points behind former D Senator Russ Feingold. Game over in Wisconsin in both races, senate and potus.

    R Sen. Bob Portman of OH is running consistently behind the highly popular and respected former two-term D Governor Ted Strickand. Strickland has lead all the way to date by between 3-5 points.

    R Sen Kelley Ayotte of NH is being challenged by popular D Gov. Maggie Hassen in a swing state in a presidential election year and when HR Clinton at the top of the ticket leads Trump in polling averages by 7%. Polling consistently shows the Ayotte-Hassen race in a tie, which in a year to elect potus gives the advantage to the D Gov Hassen. This one will be close.

    The open Rubio senate seat in FL has since June shown whomever is the Democrat ahead of all possible Republican candidates. The FL party state primary elections to choose the respective candidate are August 30th (potus primary is March 15th). Cong Patrick Murphy is endorsed by the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee and its bucks but the witty and biting ultra-liberal Cong Alan Greyson is leading in the primary polling.

    Some people consider R first-term Sen Patrick Toomey of PA vulnerable but I do not. Likewise for second term R Sen Richard Burr of NC who I don't see as being at all vulnerable. D's are well positioned to retain retiring Sen Harry Reid's seat in NV and aren't losing in the race of any D senator up for reelection.

    R's have 24 senate seats to defend in 2016 while the D's have only 12. R's need to be grateful Trump can't pull down all 24 due to some solid Red states. It could however get worse for the R's than four or five senate loses only. If Toomey might lose, so would Burr and several others too. If.

    Meanwhile the psyops continue against the Republican party and its mass of highly financed rightwing media and their rightwhinge followers.

    U should read a book called Dark Money written by Jane Mayer who is a writer for The New Yorker....little bit of a dry read but totally revealing about how the GOP is totally in control of the Koch Bros and similar ilk...the money involved is mind boggling...it is purported that their group hidden by different think tanks etc spent more money on the 2012 election than the actual GOP

  4. an SUV driven by an 88-year-old Frenchman


    R u inferring that the Frenchman is too old to drive ????

    My father who lives in Australia will celebrate his 100th birthday this year and he passes his stringent govt tests with flying colours

    I feel much safer with him driving than I do with many of the taxi drivers in Sydney

    probably he drives in the outback...only?

    Nope....He lives in Randwick and for those who don't know that is an inner suburb of Sydney

    I somewhat agree about the quality of French driving but compared to the average Thai driver in a minivan ...well there is no comparison

  5. All of this is all good and well, but have these changes improved the traffic problem in Phuket?

    Only about 200% worse.....the magic rebate on tax when u bought a car 3-4 years ago has worked wonders at overloading the roads

    Took me 1.5 hours to come from airport to Patong 2 weeks ago

    Fun Fun Fun

  6. I am very much against gay marriage, but ignoring the Supreme Court is not going to help one's cause. IMO, there should have been some sort of law that allowed gay partnerships with the same rights as heterosexual relationships - which is only fair - but religious people did not want that either, so now they are stuck with something far worse. Homosexual marriage is unstoppable now IMO, so better just accept it. I think it will affect society aversely in the long-run, but it is too late to stop it.

    Where is your evidence supporting your last sentence ....from some good looney Christians or is it just your uninformed opinion......I often respected your quotes on TV but now will have to think a little harder

  7. The consistency with which the US has slid to the left is stunning but the insubordination of every facet of government now has the populace numb, allowing even further daily insults. Under this administration every aspect of honor, transparency, and accountability has been thwarted by denial, obfuscation, document destruction, witness tampering, and whistle-blower reprisals. Perhaps such actions began previously but they have been finely tuned to subversive statecraft under he Obama et al Machine. Truly, Alinsky's "Rules" have been perfected. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a swath of the very same fabric as Obama. In fact, she is, IMO, a Machiavellian inferior to Obama. She should be arrested and tried for destruction of government property. Possible immunity could be considered if she testified against Obama aligning with AQ in Yemen, but this issue should not go away quietly.

    Sounds like she was almost as naughty as that guy who resigned before he was dumped over the loss of some tapes.....now what was his name again.....Dixon....nope....that's right it was NIXON

    • Like 2
  8. I hope this never happens, because if you look how Makro's quality has deteriorated since CP took over, the writings are on the wall what will happen with Tesco Thailand in such an event.

    How has its quality deteriorated?

    Don't know which Makro u patronise but the major one in Phuket is miles ahead of what it used to be both in product availability and service

    • Like 1
  9. fab4 pos t# 7.

    Complete bullshine. What devious means did the administration at that time employ? Do you even know, or is this just a "go along with the flow and argue the toss because it's something to do with the PTP" type argument?

    Surely you can't mean the attempts to amend the constitution in line with the guidelines of the Constitutional Court

    Aha the Messiah Shinwatra puppet troll awakes.

    fab4 admit it, you are really Robert Amsterdam in disguise.

    Disguise !!!! Don't u mean in drag giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

    • Like 2
  10. Firstly I was at the Tower of London last week to see the ceramic poppy display. Thousands of people , all colours and creeds paying their respects.

    Secondly I was in a bar in Kanchanaburi last year after the rememberance service. A drunk guy came in and started abusing a British vet who was wearing a poppy. He ripped the offending poppy out of the old chaps lapel , spat on it and trod it underfoot. I was in the process of ripping this guys head off but a couple of Aussie serviceman kindly saved me the bother. The point is that the scumbag in question was a middle aged white guy from France !

    That does not surprise me....the nation of white feathers

    • Like 1
  11. Blaming the teachers is a distraction from the true criminal

    Oh and pray tell who is that - please don't tell me it's Thaksin..............................coffee1.gif

    Yep....U have got it right once again Fab....I actually saw him inspecting one while it was being laid and he was busy berating the guys in no uncertain terms that they were using too much glue and suggesting that they should use a paste made of rice flour and water....see how clever he is....use up some the excess rice...brilliant man ...not

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