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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Very strange indeed since his wife doesn't think he would have done this. RIP

    >>There is so much better than Phuket in other countries

    Where would that be laurenbkk? I'm always interested in places so much better that offer the relaxed beach lifestyle, have direct international connections, modern facilities, great dining options, boating, diving etc.


    But isnt Cairns full of Australians trying to make a fast buck

  2. I just noticed that my wife is outside watering the garden, as it is very dry.

    We live in Korat. If industry want to relocate to a stable region with good education facilities and a willing workforce I'm sure our community would be very welcoming.

    Mmmmmm.....wasn't that the thinking of the previous government with the plan for high speed trains....now this current government has put it on the back burner and limited the area the network is to cover whilst they work out the skim money....oh well :whistling:

  3. However, MP Karun Hosakul, who is in charge of distributing the supplies donated to FROC, denied that any such banners had been put up. He said the distribution operation was transparent and simple, and that the distributors only had to identify the area and the group of recipients.

    The distribution operation is completely transparent. That's why there are so many photos of said banners.

    Karun is the disturbed personality who was famously photographed attacking an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament canteen with a flying kick. Definitely the kind of person a responsible government would put in charge of flood relief supplies.

    Wasn't he also the one accused of tearing down about 1km of flood barrier?

    Same guy

  4. Memories are such funny things at times...now how many Thai Air Force helicopters crashed on the border with Myanmer a few months ago...was it 2 or 3

    The refusal of the US aid has the similar hall marks of the Tsunami..."We dont need your help...take it to where its needed" cry from our then current leader....it also took that leader 2 days to release the army into action after the tsunami hit....the poor people on the ground who were homeless and starving certainly needed all the help they could get...some have never completely recovered...how do I know....I was right amongst it unlike some illogical posters here

    Some people in Dubai do have really long fingers...or is he at the border mounting his white steed for the triumphant ride to the rescue

  5. Where has Chalerm been the last few weeks. He was in the news every day prior to the floods, and Yingluck was giving him every task under the sun (it was still sunny then). But since the floods started, he's been strangely quiet.

    Most likely gone on leave to rest his over worked tongue sic....he knows when to duck for cover wily old politician that he is....same goes for that other pillar of strength Barnharm

  6. The Flood-Relief Operations Command (FROC) yesterday issued its first order to the military and police commanders in flood-ravaged provinces to urgently mobilise personnel and resources and evacuate people, protect their belongings and provide medical treatment until the floods subside.

    Why wasn't this done weeks ago?

    Normal Shinawatra form...took 3 days for the army to get permission to help in the Tsunami...when they sprung into action they were marvelous

    The army has a lot of heavy machinery ie bulldozers mobile cranes etc etc. All good stuff to fix dykes/barricades and a ready supply of trucks to haul sandbags not to mention the fit manpower of the troops

  7. get a seedbox. then whatevver happens in thailand all you have to do is ftp it down. no more worrying about ratios, no uploading from your pc, all for about 5 bucks a month

    Being a real novice at this what is a seed box and where does one get them

  8. Yingluck’s personal assets are worth Bt536 million, including Bt13 million in cash, Bt381 million in 13 bank accounts, Bt81 million in investment portfolios, Bt65 million in land plots and Bt162 million in real estate.

    WHY would someone have 13 million baht in cash?

    A girl has to have some loose money in her handbag....u never know when there will be a special sale at Gaysorn or its her turn to buy lunch

  9. They should do it the entire stretch of Chaoh Fa. Yesterday I saw a minibus overtake at high speed at a section of Chao Fa with no tires despite a young woman, clearly visible to the minibus driver, waiting patiently on the center median to turn across oncoming traffic. Luckily the girl on the motorbike spotted the homicidal driver and moved all the way over into the second lane to narrowly avoid being turned into a red mist. Back home the driver could serve jail time for stunt like that. Wish they would here too.

    Minibus Drivers !!!....the scourge of the roads in Phuket and elsewhere.....going to the airport some days is a real flirt with death with some of these clowns posing as drivers....I can never work it out how the owners of these vans never twig that a vehicle carefully driven will cut maintenance bill by 50-70% never mind what they would save in fuel costs....ah well

  10. Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

    Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

    Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

    There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

    Rumour has it that they are going to charge Abhisit after the court cases of Thaksin's anti drug policy and Thaksin's Tak Bai incident are done and dusted....is that timetable ok with u

  11. There would be not be one flower seller on any street in Thailand without some of the money flowing up the chain....begging/flower selling is big business run by rather unsavoury people...most of those on the streets are Cambodian...every now and then there is token police/immigration raid made...if I was the OP I would pull my head in unless u wanted it reshaped by the nasties

  12. Commonly known to us farang as mumps...apparently lots of younger Thai guys have caught it here in Phuket the last 2 or 3 weeks......kaang-tuum in Thai

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