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Phuket Stan

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Posts posted by Phuket Stan

  1. Sukhumbhand still leads at 4:16 pm: Channel 3

    Channel 3 reported that as the ballot counting was still going on at 4:16 pm, Democrat candidate Sukhumbhand Paribatra got 373,410 votes.

    Pheu Thai candidate Pongsapat Pongcharone lagged behind with 325,671 votes, Channel 3 reported.


    -- The Nation 2013-03-03

    Wiil the airline transporting Khun Yingluck to Sweden be making available extra sick bags

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  2. PLease don't equate all that happens to all of Phuket, there are plenty of nice places on this island.

    Just cause shit happens in Patong an karon/kata does not mean the whole island is lost ( YET)

    Really? I'm in Phuket now and invite you to name a few.

    Kamala beach Nai Yang, Mai Khao, Nai Thon, Tamaparo Bay, Po Bay to name a few

    Shut up, Rich! rolleyes.gif

    I really would have prefered you to say "Hush Richard"....by saying Shut Up you are going to down to the level of most of the "bogans" on this thread who have no real knowledge of this island...

    Rip Offs...you get them everywhere in the world including the UK, USA , Aus etc etc

  3. A reader writes:

    I went yesterday to the Phuket Provincial Hospital for a doctors visit that was only five minutes as there was nothing wrong with me.

    After that I sat waiting in a special section for 30 minutes while staff made out a bill for 1,100 baht for that five minutes with the doctor. A physician valuation/management fee of 500 baht; a hospital fee costing 200 baht and an administrative fee of a further 400 baht. That is more than I pay at Bangkok Hospital Phuket or at the Phuket International Hospital.

    I asked them why it was so expensive, to which I was told they had different prices for foreigners. I left with a bad feeling as I don’t expect to be ripped off by a decent hospital.

    If they want to charge fees like that they should at least make us aware of it beforehand.

    – Gazette reader

    Thanks for that heads up....I was going to give them a try

    Re the pricing for locals againts expats you will find most European countries have a similar policy...being a NZr seeking medical help in the UK is much more expensive for me than a UK citizen

    • Like 1
  4. The winning Democrat Party candidate Kanoknuch Narksuwannapa


    Phwoar, she's a looker, where did she get her degree from, can she even speak english, wonder if she's well known at the holiday Inn, what did she do for a job before she got this one, who's her daddy, does she even know where parliament is, doesn't matter 'cos she'll be shopping for handbags as soon as your back's turned.

    And all because the PM MP is a woman.......................................

    Although I have given you the benefit of doubt many times alas you have confirmed my thoughts 100%

  5. Now, just wait for the next flood.

    Have u ever been to Phuket ??

    Too many Farangs, not suited for Thais.

    Looks like we have successfully colonized Phuket by keeping the Thais away !!

    Only those with their heads where the sun does not shine

    The comments made by some posters on TV without an smidgen of intellect or knowledge of what they are commenting about often borders on humour or first signs of insanity

  6. One day, maybe the Gazette might issue a bad weather warning BEFORE it arrives. But probably not.

    That would be to much like a community service....once was a pleasant country read but as Phuket has grown it has still remained the same....do u ever read about local events being held where the average Thai goes....not the HiSo events....sorry all off topic

  7. The return of the roi sip-et might have some bearing on how things pan out from August 1st. They certainly won't want to jump back into politics only to be turfed out on their ears for crimes offensive to the constitution.

    There is also a possibility that they don't like the red direction that the born-again and again TRT has wandered down.

    I can feel a new party in the making, followed by house dissolution and new elections.

    This scenario is where all the smart money is heading

  8. For tourists Phuket is a nightmare waiting to happen, but for an expat who knows better than to live in the tourist hotspots it's as crime free, peaceful and friendly as anywhere else in Thailand.

    In 4 years of living away from the tourist areas I'm yet to have a single problem. The local Thais near me are as friendly as anywhere else in the country as far as I'm concerned.

    I live among fantastic countryside, near amazing beaches and all the restaurants you care to mention. Not a tuk tuk or suit seller, or violent mugger in site. Let Patong, Karon, Kata etc go to the dogs. The other 70% of the island is doing just fine.

    Spot on.

    And I could not agree more

    Whats that old adage....."Go to bed with dogs....U get up with fleas"....its the company u keep guys plus Phuket has very open press so nothing is sat on / hidden....if u break wind the press hears about it

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