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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. OK. So it would be ok, if you had young children and they wanted to video you and your children in your home.? And that video be kept on a server or hard drive by immigration nice guys. ( or personal mobile phone ) perverts.? They have rules and regulations s about that stuff, where i come from and for good reason. Your experiences is not the yard stick. just a I'm alright jack post.
  2. Nah Your exaggerating, 50 meters tops, in an hour. The Thais mostly treat there country as an open dustbin. They can clean there own act up, before I help them on this. I used to watch the locals dump, pick up after pickup, of trash behind my place in Jomtien. Disgusting.
  3. If you are in the Jomtien area, early morning about 5-6 o'clock half way along beach road, there is a few fishing boats selling what they just caught that night. ( it's not cheap, but fresh )
  4. Does it not taste of petrol and diesel with a gritty texture.
  5. Last time I looked the uk residents test is 183 or more days.
  6. Totally agree, just nasty behavior, they should not enter your home, there is no need for it.
  7. That kind of changes things, Take it to the shop change oil, get them to check it out, ( if that possible here) tell them what happened. Take it to a field ( for soft landing ) put helmet on, long pants, gloves. jacket and abuse it, (big style) , at low speed stamping on the gears. up down through the gear box, waking the throttle wide open as you change gears. if it works ok, then just use it. I know you have tried this but get rough with it, this time. sorry it's all I can suggest. or sell it, but could be, not so nice for who ever buys it.
  8. Nah That option should be open to people who wish to learn. Just regulate it better. The school does not issue the visa immigration does. ( i think )
  9. Wow, that's disgusting. Wonder how long this has this been going on there.
  10. Mate, get it back to the shop you bought it from. ( it's brand new ) it's not good what happened. at least let them check it out. ( if that is possible here ) I'm surprised , what happened as its a new bike. Hope it never happens again. Good luck. Ps On seconds thoughts, all parts are new as its a new bike. it could be a one off as things bed in. change the oil straight away, like now. possible, some contaminant is in the engine from manufacture, ( or other things after it left the factory ) all unlikely but it's very cheap to change oil. what a dilemma for you,on a new bike .
  11. This guy has many friends on this thread today. Oh my Buddha. That's what I've been - I say, that's what I've been telling you, boy!
  12. It kind of looks like they are tuning on the nasty behavior again, post covid. bit of a shame, I think. a video of you and your family inside your home, to be kept on some hard drive on the Webb or immigration head office, how sad is that.
  13. Bye, you can go back on the list again. You cheeky monkey.
  14. No, the guy seams to not know, what a pink paper uk License is do you ? I have no plastic anything, or card with photo. !!!! I don't need any help from him, his just gobing off. same as one other poster. My pink paper uk DL is invalid as i don't live there, at present. it had not expired, as the validity is to my 70th birthday, like all the old paper pink ones. ok now Ps his the one who went on about a Thai DL, so I just fired one back at him, so it was relevant. Now shut your mouse.
  15. Can I ask you what office that is. Bet it makes you feel like, a very welcome guest in Thailand. what a joke they are.
  16. I'm not sure. Maybe the black top hat, the guy with the suit and wand had ? But i'm a 100% sure I know where the Ping Pong balls come from. seen it with me own eyes.
  17. Don't need a uk address for those you have mentioned apart from a DL.
  18. Mate I have had a D/L car/bike for Thailand for over 20 years. and I used my old pink uk one to get them in the first place.
  19. All driving licences must be plastic by 2033. If you need to replace your licence before then because it has been defaced, lost or stolen, or because you need to change the photo, address or name, then you can do so through a service on the government website. That will make me 70 when I need to do that. then.
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