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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. Looks like, at least one, is on his way to the meeting.
  2. Ultra High Alert at all times, if on a Motor Bike. You can't take your eye off the ball, for a Nano Second here.
  3. Could be a winner, if not caught cheating.
  4. All for two bits of plastic, saying you can drive and ride, just like the Thais do. what a laugh this place is.
  5. The true face of equality, is mostly ugly.
  6. Begging for sex in Thailand. What a strange concept that is.
  7. In bedroom 9 pm, service wife, asleep 9:05. Pm. Wake wife 4 :00am. service me time. 4:04 am 4: 10 am Exercise time 30minutes, then breakfast.
  8. Yes, but go on the roads of Thailand and the tables turn very quickly. horses for courses and all that.
  9. Driving and riding in Thailand as a Foreigner, ( you need to do both ) What an amazing experience, to see so many Selfish, Entitled, Incompetent, Murderous people in charge of road vehicles. Thais are just shameful on the roads, they care not, what they do, to each other, or us.
  10. Well it was the statement that he made, was why i posted what I did. Your just backpedaling now.
  11. ( I've been full-on screamed at in immigration before, for absolutely no reason) If you believe the above statement, good for you, I didn't and don't. Raised voices yes.
  12. What a card you are. , , So you are so clever, you need to go outside of Thailand to obtain a visa. That showed them, prop.er like, !!!!! Got to get up early to catch you out, !!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 20 years Pattaya /Jomtien immigration. No big problems at all, no shouting, no rude behavior. Sent out once for incorrect paper work, my fault. ( back to bank ) Had extensions on top of extension of 30 day stamps, in the past just showed air line ticket, no problem. 8 years of retirement extensions. no problem. ( don't have the patience for them ) This speaks volumes about how you deal with officialdom. ( and don't like to suck up to them ) I don't I have no need to. My Thai is only a little above pigeon. so I miss any real insults. but suspect, it's no different, to what we say at times. I fail to understand why you say they are a PITA ,when you have such perfect Thai language skills. you could correct them on there so called bad ways so easily. why don't you. ?
  14. Nah, that's not true. Most are professional at there jobs. Don't get me wrong, they are not my friends. But there are way more good, than bad.
  15. I was in the Bangkok bank Jomtien, back in January this year. Russian tourist was refused opening an account, they wanted a house/condo rental agreement for proof of address.
  16. Your wife just sat there and let it all happen as you have told us. Why did she not input to the situation. ? Anyway, good luck with round two today. You still have the 60 day visa option, mentioned before in this thread. Don't rollover for 15k, just yet hang on in there. Ps, You could tell your wife, she can have the 15k if she sorts it out for you today. ( better to give the dosh to her ) ha ha. was just a thought.
  17. Ok, she must have just had a bad day. Go back tomorrow and take a Thai person with you. Let us know how it went.
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