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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Their rates are never the best. Airports are a terrible place to change money.
  2. Dope makes people paranoid.
  3. Up country? Its 150km away. You must think CM is in Russia. Hire a car by the month.
  4. Which means a sure win in 2024 with moderate decisions. Biden has already lost, Pubs just need to not shoot themselves in the foot.
  5. I would not be long or short given that pattern.
  6. 5 min chart with hull
  7. 5 min chart going up but resistance above. Daily 5 inside days so mkt undecided I found the hull moving average works well on 5 minute chart
  8. Traders shouldnt listen to others, you will just 2nd guess yourself. I really dont know. Mixed signals.
  9. Exactly. You cant walk away then go back and complain as you could hide a note. Counting from 1 to 50 takes 25 to 50 secs
  10. Great, she was the worst ever.
  11. Most oppositions win by not being the gov. Voters are gun shy. Avg voter is a sheep, you will scare them with big policies.
  12. You need to get real. The senate was narrow. Pubs winning the house and just missing the senate. Joe is lame duck now.
  13. Proves voters are weak. Brave people make bold decisions.
  14. Winning by 5 seats isnt that narrow. 2 is narrow.
  15. Canadian leader is fascist.
  16. Most train in the UK.
  17. A filling is a filling.
  18. Can I bring 2 ladyboys?
  19. Flies Hat Yai too
  20. Not cheaper for hotels. Just harder to get to. Chang is expensive high season.
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