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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. 5x a day? Never done it. Wanked 6 times as a teenager.
  2. Doesnt work like that. Lots of married guys bang hookers. Well documented in docos. Over half their clients are married.
  3. Its an addiction. Can last 20 or 30 years. Same as smoking or drinking. Addictions are 2 things 1 an outlet 2 cure for boredom Actually the hardest addiction to stop cause its natural. The others arent.
  4. He hates his life. Hence the anger.
  5. Any groups in CM or Bkk or Udon that get together to discuss shares etc?
  6. Walmart women turn you off
  7. Cute massage girl Flirt Touch Next thing... More fun than smoking or sitting in pubs whining
  8. Tiger - boring childhood playing golf. Later on heaps of women. Could be
  9. Did you have a boring childhood?
  10. Ask her what she thinks of threesomes
  11. Cut it off or exercise so much u r tired.
  12. Six addition is real like smoking or drinking. More rewarding though.
  13. 5000 baht fee for me im keen
  14. Yes normally limits on probate. Was 50k in my case. Can google it. Wills are easy too.
  15. For starters executors can access funds for hospital and funeral bills. Secondly banks dont know who is dead unless told. Clearly you have never been one. Make her sole executor and beneficiary. Give her passwords and details. Also probate applies in the area of death and funds in that country.
  16. What about homeless people?
  17. Charlie Earp who coached Norman told me better off with 50 quality balls than 200 sloppy ones.
  18. Been visiting for 20 years. Usually go to Bangkok, Krabi or Koh Chang. Pattaya beaches are poor. 25 baht coconuts at KC. 1000 baht bungalows. Maybe try going outside Pattaya.
  19. Yes a current affair style. Farangs ripped off in Pattaya.
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