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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Telstra Bhp Nab Big blunders Ivory tower syndrome.
  2. Pensions for males in oz start at 67 or later now. What if you retire at 50 and live to 90? You might run out of money. My mate is 76yo totally unhealthy. Prob live to 81 to 85. Most deaths in 60s be heart or stroke.
  3. Most people talk. Within 5m you hear them. Dress gives a lot away.
  4. Some enjoy work take yearly trip. My 75yo mates work. Bored otherwise. i dont like working but not working boring.
  5. Western hospitals have reliable data. Ive met lots of 90yos+. 97yo women looked 75yo. Husband was 99yo.
  6. Abs stats are reliable. All recorded in hospitals. Most people i know who died lived 80+. Only 1 died under 70 except for suicide or car crash. All my grand parents 83 to 96. Their parents lived 73 to 92.
  7. Uk lifespan avg 81.20 years (2019) Source: World Bank
  8. 25% is 1/4. 75% live longer. Avg 81 for male in oz. Its going up each decade too. i have rels 90,95.
  9. Babies born today have the highest estimated life expectancy ever recorded in Australia", ABS Demography Director Beidar Cho said. Male life expectancy at birth reached 81.2 years in 2018-2020, increasing from 80.9 in 2017-2019. Female life expectancy also increased to 85.3 years from 85.0 in the previous year. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/life-expectancy-hits-new-high&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjlmNCxoIT5AhUmTWwGHZTZDQ0QFXoECAEQBQ&usg=AOvVaw02SsajhfN1xTdQdnKRwwbV
  10. know a bloke No kids lost 83% She hardly ever worked how is that fair?
  11. Not affordable for most. Avg farang lives to 84 or so for a male. 34 years no work.
  12. chose to assess the sea-level trend from 1915-45, when a genuine, independently confirmed warming of approximately 0.5 degree Celsius occurred. I note particularly that sea-level rise is not affected by the warming; it continues at the same rate, 1.8 millimeters a year, according to a 1990 review by Andrew S. Trupin and John Wahr https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-sea-is-rising-but-not-because-of-climate-change-1526423254
  13. Always book direct on airline websites. Dont use 3rd parties. High fees for changes, cant be trusted.
  14. Pretty easy. Softer accent. Quieter speech.
  15. Correct, Maple Leaf emblems on bags.
  16. Accent is a giveaway. Clothing too. Oz or Brit bogans easy.
  17. Everyone on the internet is a ceo right? You said you worked in pubs before.
  18. Woolworths ceo had a shocker with Masters. A drunk tradie could see Masters would fail. Their product range inferior, prices the same and poor locations. $3.2bn losses. Most ceos live with their heads in the clouds. No practical experience.
  19. Strange couple. Dumb bogans no doubt.
  20. Tell him take half off. You are the parent. Dont blame others.
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