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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. https://www.rechargenews.com/energy-transition/green-hydrogen-is-too-expensive-these-38-government-policies-are-needed-to-make-it-viable/2-1-1095533
  2. Despite the rapid growth of non-fossil energy sources, the composition of the energy basket will largely remain the same, and fossil fuels – oil, natural gas, and coal – will remain the main suppliers of energy, accounting for over 78% of the energy supply in 2030. https://www.brookings.edu › 2014/05 Energy 2030 - Brookings
  3. Or it may not. I sent you a message. You really should research things more. Dont believe the headlines.
  4. https://cleantechnica.com/2017/09/06/iea-gets-hilariously-slammed-continuously-pessimistic-renewable-energy-forecasts/
  5. Except they could be wrong. All previous forecasts on energy wrong.
  6. Been to CM 3 or 4 times.
  7. China doesnt care what people in the west say. Look up the stats in link.
  8. https://www.statista.com/statistics/265235/oil-consumption-in-china-in-thousand-barrels-per-day/ oil
  9. People said that 30 years ago.
  10. 18 mth bull mkt in coal The western media lies all the time about fossil fuels
  11. Fossil fuels arent in decline though.
  12. 2n phuket 5n udon 3n night nong khai 5n khon kaen 2n khorat 3n bangkok Might be better
  13. 20n or so i think. I want to check out possible longer stay areas. My idea is 6 mths thai 6 mths farang.
  14. Phuket 2n Udon 3n Nk 3n Laos? See Kk 3n Khorat 2n Bkk 3n 16n. Think i add on 4n maybe do Vietianne.
  15. Khorat has big night mkt i see. I can stop there. Nk, ut, kk, khorat, bkk. Good train trip.
  16. Lanta is good. Krabi mainland good.
  17. Khorat vs Ayuthaya. Which has better nightlife?
  18. Never heard of them. Google says they love bi sex with eye contact.
  19. Sounds like a cash grab to me. Hate to be a celeb. Win lotto tell no one live your life.
  20. Invest laws seem odd to me. How many countries have this? Now if this is illegal then isnt the other dude in trouble too? Both adults. Both allegedly broke the law.
  21. What a classy guy. Cant afford 100 baht dont go out.
  22. I want to pack up and go. I need to grow some balls n do it perhaps.
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