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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Tin foil hat stuff. There are millions of traders with large chunks going thru Binance. Hundreds of whales not 5 guys in a special room. Small stocks have far greater manipulation than btc has. Small stocks can largely be controlled by 5 guys though. Pump n dump. 2c to 5c back to 1c in 2 days.
  2. Wow indeed. There isnt 5 people controlling it. There are large traders who play games but that happens on forex and stocks. All trading instruments have false moves.
  3. I dont hype it. I prefer iron ore, gold and eth as I said btc is overrated in comments back a few pages.
  4. Michael Saylor lost a packet buying btc. He is or was rich. So no it's not manipulated. There is no inner circle.
  5. Why do you care if some stranger buys something or not?
  6. Nobody controls crypto. Market forces.
  7. Why did he order lots of drinks if he cant afford it?
  8. Most farangs couldnt either. Do you think 60yo farangs can fight much?
  9. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Sheldon Richman succinctly states: “As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.”7 He contends that socialism seeks to abolish capitalism outright, while fascism gives the appearance of a market-based economy, even though it relies heavily on the central planning of all economic activities. According to authors Roland Sarti and Rosario Romeo, “[U]nder Fascism the state had more latitude for control of the economy than any other nation at the time except for the Soviet Union.”8 https://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2015/Samuelsfascism.html Mussolini founded fascism in 1919 as an alternative left-wing revolutionary movement to socialism. A rising star of the Italian Socialist party and a brilliant editor of its newspaper Avanti!, he had been expelled from the party in 1914 because he opposed its policy that Italy should remain neutral in the first world war. Instead, the future Duce believed that Italy must go to war against Austria and Germany which it eventually did in 1915. He insisted that socialists could not wait for history, as Marxist doctrine preached. They must make history, he argued, and such a war would help, not hinder, the revolution. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-mussolini-invented-fascism/
  10. Why post on a topic you have no interest in? Btc isnt a secret. Nobody is forcing you to buy crypto. Fiat is ponzi. Lost 98% in 100 years 555
  11. Technology was primitive then. Wages wasnt the issue. Less comforts, less medical care. A poor person in 2022 has a phone, a car or motorbike and 24 hour access to hospitals with drugs. 7/11s etc.
  12. But you are wrong. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/
  13. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/ Wages make people rich hey So much for that theory
  14. You are 90% negative. Say something positive.
  15. Wrong. They are richer due to property and shares that grow. Buying more junk with a higher wage doesnt make you richer and after inflation the wages wouldnt be much higher.
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