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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Have you met the Dot guy in real life? If not it doesnt matter. If you have it still doesnt matter. Why would you care? Its not your money.
  2. Try Coinspot. Never been hacked. Bank level security. Inflation is 8%. Property is down last 6 months, shares too. 3 years? No buddy. I traded btc in and out for 20% in 2 weeks.
  3. You think Fiat isnt made up? They print it daily. Worth 8% less next year.
  4. Cause women prefer cooking, gardening, shopping. They dont want to discuss the world cup for 4 hours over 10 beers.
  5. Down to their last $100m? Poor them.
  6. Wrong he bought n sold ages ago.
  7. Good link. Most of those 2015 posters are gone. I think Starky ought to apologise for his remarks. Karma catches up with people who talk bad. Most aussies are harmless like most tourists. My grandpa used to carry a knife daily. Was common to carry a pocket knife prior to 1990. A boat worker or fisherman would likely carry a knife. I carry a size 14 boot just in case. If someone tried to kill me my boot isnt holding back until they arent moving.
  8. Which tourists are staying for 1 night only? 55555 80 nights times $8 is $640 A 500 baht room goes to 800 baht, 60% price increase! 60% inflation 5555 This is a crazy idea. It actually hammers low end places not his. Backpackers go elsewhere. Budget tourists go to Cambodia instead. For it to make sense it would have to be percentage based. Make it 20% hotel levy for 12 months. 500 to 600 1000 to 1200 3000 to 3600 4000 to 4800 Oh wait that hurts his hotels too much lol He wont want that!
  9. Lots of murder detectives have issues. Imagine the creeps they have to track down.
  10. Processed food ok normally. Its the fresh stuff that has risk. Tinned and package ok if not open. Beef jerky ok cause its not fresh. Chips, peanuts ok
  11. 7/11
  12. Plumbers are sleezy
  13. You quoted 2 people. Why so evasive? Simple question.
  14. I just want to know the topics discussed. Are you discussing the merits of linear regression versus bollinger band breakouts? The progress of artificial intelligence? Or is it Lady Gaga songs?
  15. So still no answers. Nice deflection. Well educated 555
  16. Nah about 20 less than that
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