My grandpa ww2. No frontline action, no trauma. Therefore no problem. Front liners had the trauma.
Going to war means nothing unless you are actually killing people.
Land is location. Houses depreciate by definition.
Sydney homes for $3m can easily be 95% land value 5% house. Many houses are rubbish.
A Tamworth home for $300,000 is 65% house 35% land.
While property prices have stagnated, dipping 0.2% from last quarter, residential land values have risen by as much as 15% in some UK cities.
Irrevalent. The house goes from 150k pounds to zero over 40 years without maintenance. The land goes from 150k pounds to 1.2m pounds over 40 years.
Start price 300k
End 1.2m
Why do you think developers buy old rubbish houses then bulldoze them? Cause the land is worth millions
Sydney has $3m houses that are rubbish. Barely liveable no garage and tiny. The value is the land.
In Tamworth a house and land deal might be $300,000 awesome house.
If you cannot understand this I cant explain it anymore.
Can you lift 300kgs? If not means you are weak.
If you cry when your dog dies weak person? Nothing to do with weakness.
Different skills, different emotion attachment.
40,000 is what the land is worth. House free.
Houses depreciate every year. After 40 years they are worthless without maintenance. They fall apart.
Materials rust and rot.