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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Provide evidence that 10m votes were fake?
  2. I would expect its within 10 or 15% margin of error. Given Twitter is mostly young 80%+ and mostly left Trump getting 51.8% did well. It is possible 5m votes were fake. Could be 4m fake against him. Of course being biased you dont want to accept that.
  3. 10m now? So just making up numbers. Its possible 5m fakes voted against then. Guess you never thought of that.
  4. 15m votes. Lets say 1m fakes leaves 14m.
  5. Democracy is only democracy when its his side winning. Biden said so.
  6. 7m accounts yeah only take 2 years to open them 555 You Trump haters and your theories
  7. Same problem I had. Was told on here I was an idiot. So it is true, there are restrictions.
  8. Read the whole article. It explains why they are flawed.
  9. He didnt want to pay for fake accounts.
  10. But they are massively flawed as the last 8 years has demonstrated.
  11. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/howcan-a-poll-of-only-100/ The margin of error is a mathematical abstraction, and there are a number of reasons why actual errors in surveys are larger. Even with random sampling, people in the population have unequal probabilities of inclusion in the survey. For instance, if you don't have a telephone, you won't be in the survey, but if you have two phone lines, you have two chances to be included.
  12. Obviously you don't. Lots of political polls are 600 to 2000 people only.
  13. No I dont but I have a brain that can work things out. Millions of free speech lovers like Trump.
  14. Ok for lefties to lie it seems.
  15. 51.8% out of 15m according to a survey. 7.77m. 10% margin of error gives at least 7m Trump fans.
  16. Learn to research things properly next time before posting links. You just shot your own argument down.
  17. Your link shoots your very own argument in the foot. 1 Twitter has a left wing bias 2 more young people If Trump scores 51.8% on a young left wing biased platform then real number must be higher. Thanks for the link proving me right and you wrong. Well done.
  18. That link also shows left wing bias so the 51.8% Trump got was probably on the low side. He might be 60%.
  19. And they probably weren’t representative—only 17% of the UK aged 16 or over uses Twitter, and those people are typically younger, wealthier, and more urban than the general population. So Trump has lot of young fans then
  20. Hmm so you think millions are fake 555 Trump wins opinion poll Left cries fake Trump has millions of fans worldwide. As a non american I can confirm its true. You Democrat supporters are just too biased to know what goes on in the rest of the world.
  21. 15m people not 2,000 which is most surveys.
  22. Check Biden's opinion polls. Morals? Maybe start by not cherry picking 2 year old polls. 52% want Trump on twitter out of 15m. So fans outnumber haters. You just cannot handle the truth.
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