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Posts posted by grahamhc

  1. More for the body count? Check out this article in Pattaya Daily News

    Chonburi Corpse Truck Overturns 23 Dead Bodies On The Tarmac


    A corpse transport truck blows a tire and overturns on the express way en route to a cemetery in Chonburi and 23 corpses are thrown out on the road.The superintendent of Bang Pakong police confirms that the corpses are not dead red-shirt supporters.

    Chachoenchao, August 25, 2011[PDN]; Pol.Lt.Col.Chalermchai Naksen, Chachoenchao Police, was notified that a truck carrying dead bodies had overturned at km marker 47 Bangpakong -Chachoenchao expressway. At the scene the police found a Isuzu truck, license number 82-8966 Chonburi. Owned by Tri Kunnatham Foundation, Chonburi. The overturned truck had a blown back left tyre. The driver Mr Prasarn, age 37 was injured and taken to Bangpakong Hospital.Later the corpses were collected by Tri Kunnatham Foundation officers and taken to the to the cemetery.

    Pol.Col. Terdkiet Viriyasathitkul, superintendent of Bangpakong-Chachoenchao police said that the truck ha collected the bodies from Siriraj Hospital. They were all victims of various accidents in Bangkok Metropolitan area and been brought for identification to Siriraj Hospital University Hospital

    The superintendent Pol. Col. Terdkiet said he had investigated the accident and the corpses. Everything was according to the law. He also confirmed that the corpses were not those of the red shirt supporters as reported by some media.

  2. one has to wonder what the official thought he/she was truing to achieve by these measures - apart from making a fool of themselves.

    It is only for double entry tourist visas. I suspect it is to target to people who are now refused Non-Imm O visas, as they cannot justify under the new regs.

    I know 3 people who have returned on double entry tourist visas, as they were refused to renewal of their one your Non-Imm "O" visa. 2 of those are over 50, but do not have enough static savings for the 800,000 baht required.

  3. thaksin was the first person to have completed the sky train and underground train. i think they are super useful.

    They were digging up Sukhumvit to build the skytrain when I first came to Thailand about 1996/1998, and NOBODY had heard of THAKSIN at that time. Yes, it was finished in his reign, but that was all. (I do not know who was in power when it was planned)

    I love the Skytrain. I take the bus to On-nut (by Tesco-Lotus) and transfer to the Skytrain.

    Remember, Swampy was 30 years in the planning........

  4. US$ are widely accepted as they know what the current exchange rate is (currently 42.3 Pesos to 1 USD). A $1 tip is about 42 Pesos, and if not a hotel taxi, where you pay at destination, is highly likely to accent US$.

    There are also ATMs everywhere to get local currency (Pesos) billed to your "Home account" (Although all those ATM charges and conversion rates)

    (As I always use Philippines Airlines, which has its own terminal, I cannot comment what services the other terminal has for travellers)

  5. Jeyes Fluid - What is the Thai equivalent?

    I have a neighbour who needs to clean his tiled yard of the bad smell of Urine and dog droppings. He cleans and hoses out yard with water, but that does not kill the smell, which is now affecting several houses nearby

    My sister had Kennels in the UK with 50 Afghan Hounds, and we kept in clean and smell free with Jeyes Fluid, bought in gallon cans.

    There was a post 4 years ago about the subject, which suggested there was such a Thai product, but it's name was not known


    Jeyes Fluid can be used for a multitude of outdoor cleaning tasks, from neutralising odours and killing bacteria in and around drains, to disinfecting after pet fouling or clearing up wild and domestic bird mess. It is also perfect for clearing fungi, mould and algae from paths, driveways and patios as well as cleaning and disinfecting pots prior to planting.

  6. Ii think this kinda shows just how out of touch Taksin actually is. A lot has changed, especially as the army and to a certain degree the dems have found out to their cost, people are felling more empowered politically and are not the fools they are often mistaken for. There are interesting times ahead.

    Turn on your voters too quickly and you will have a "JASMINE Rice Revolution".

    I have no views about Thai Politics, as I am only a long term guest here, but I said 4 years ago "Taksin WILL be back." I will be proved right.

  7. Most "Birthday Parties" are paid for by the Birthday Boy himself. A chance to invite all his friends round, and hopefully "New customers" will use the bar in future.

    The Bar benefits for the trade, The guy get Happy Birthday sung to him, and the balloons, inflated that afternoon with the help of a motorcycle exhaust, are all burst.

    Yes, bar run promotions are monitored by the staff for balloon chasers, like the Harliegh Bar, Soi 17 (Mentioned above) which has a 3 drink minimum, or you pay a 100 Baht food payment.

  8. No drinking in bars saturday night all across the country?

    Shock, horror!

    How will all the farangs survive?

    Their liver will thank them.

    Down in Pattaya on a lock-down day, Several bars locked away the alcohol (Beer / Whiskey / etc) and took the opportunity to clean the shelves. It was accepted, backed by a walk-in check by the BiB, but next time Bib said No Opening at all.

    I wonder how many absentee voters will bother, but that it true in most counties - Apathy by most voters - that is why radicals win power.

  9. Ready to go out of the box with pre-loaded Thai road map. No need for internet access, you must be thinking about a smartphone.

    'InterestedObserver' has given me some good guidance in the past.

    As he said it is loaded with the Thai Map. You get the English map on the enclosed CD. Ask the shop to change the map if you want English. I bought mine from a "Box Shifter" store, so had to do it myself.

    It was good training, as I have just bought and downloaded TSM 11.1 from ESRI and updated it myself.

    I am still happy with mt 205, but if I had to make a choice, I would go for the 1460 as that has BLUETOOTH and give me hands free for my mobile phone.

  10. So you don't actually have to go to the UK you just have to send your application and soon to be expired passport there with some cash and they'll post you a new one. Is that correct? I recently renewed mine in BKK so I'm good for the next 9 years but I can't see how they're loosing 8 million a year as my renewal cost me about 150 quid (if I remember well?) which I thought was a lot of money for some clerk at the consular to simply tap into a UK central database online and update my info. How can they be loosing money as all you get for your money is 20 odd sheets of paper in a cheap cardboard cover, an online connection to a central database and 30 minutes of staff member time to process the application and on top of that you have to pay the postage. Makes no sense?

    I know it is Off Topic, or is it, as we are talking about cost.

    Rememeber that Blockbuster - was it Independance Day? - when "The Presodent" was taken into a secret binker and asked "Where did you get the funding for this", to which his aide replied "You never really thought a bolt for a chair cost $2,500, did you".

    I wonder what is the REAL COST, and not the CLAIMED cost.

  11. This certainly makes it more complicated.

    My plan fo convert based on the embassy statement led me to not transfer all the money into a Thai bank.

    Now there isn't time.

    The Letter from the British Consulate confirms the amount RECEIVED monthly in my Bank Statement, which I then transfer over several times a year in larger amounts, and not on a monthly basis. The letter confirms my income, which is a combination of Pension and monthly investment income, and show the total.

    With most ex-pats on Internet banking, and there are 1,000s of banks out there. Your Embassy will have a list, as they have to be licences for financial transaction. Immigration will not know if a genuine letter or cleaver bit of work on the applicant's computer.

    Yest again, it is not the pensioner who can prove genuine income, but the ones who are massaging their figures, that make the rest of us jump though hoops to prove that we can support ourselves.

    I used to always have my full money over here, but now spread it between an Embassy Letter and cash in the bank.

  12. In fact, in England, I'm not even sure they (England's Royals) are able to do much now except to try and protect the royal image from all the gossip, paparazzi and unethical reporters.

    I admit to being an English Royalist and think highly of Queen Elizabeth and even love the goofs that the 90 year old Prince Philip says or does, no matter what the press says.

    Republicans will hate the Monarchy no matter what, but it was said on TV during the recent Royal Wedding that 4 out of 5 Britains still want a Monarchy. Remember the National sorrow when the "Queen Mum" died at 87?

    When Queen Elizabeth say in 1992, "1992 is not a year I shall look back on with undiluted pleasure. In the words of one of my more sympathetic correspondents, it has turned out to be an 'annus horribilis'"., it did not demean her, but brought her the support and good wishes of her people thoughout the world.

  13. Why would anyone want to visit, let alone live, in a corrupt cesspool like Thailand ? Admit it guys, you are all there primarily for the culture.....bwaaahaaaahaaa.

    Yes, I spent 12 months over a 3 year period living it up. But trust me guys, if you get back to civilization and get a REAL girlfriend your self-respect CAN be revived.

    I first came to Thailand to visit an English couple who worked in Bangkok. Now I enjoy all aspects of Thailand, including the "Vibrant Nightlife".

    post-34728-0-35801600-1305951988_thumb.j post-34728-0-11283500-1305952013_thumb.j post-34728-0-42145300-1305952332_thumb.j

    Wat Sen Suek, Chonburi. 45 Km North of Pattaya

    post-34728-0-83134100-1305952422_thumb.j post-34728-0-27865600-1305952440_thumb.j

    In my 15 years in Thailand, I have never been to Phuket, and no wish to. I find the beauty of Thailand up in the North East, where REAL Thailand exists, not an illusion for tourists.

  14. It amazes me that anybody would trust their passwords and any personal information to be managed by someone else, especially a web site.

    No kidding. Write them down, pad and paper. You can't hack that, just keep it in the safe from your G/F

    That is my method as well - pen and paper. And for extra safety, I add an extra character at a certain point, known only to me, to prevent anyone else using that hard copy, should I leave it on my desk.

  15. thanks!i wonder why it's kinda expensive here in thailand despite it being made here.

    I wonder about the same, as not all Nikon items are made here anyway.

    I wanted a 18-105MM AF-S DX lens

    Price in Thailand (Big Camera) was 16,990 Baht and made in China.

    Price in England (Jessops) was (FX equiv) 11,990 Baht and made in Thailand.

    Guess which I bought. ALSO the UK one included 20% VAT, but VAT in TH is only 7%

    On checking Jessops website, I find the D3100 is £100 less than Thailand, and that is before the £40 Cash-Back offer from Nikon.

    But as we are stuck in Thailand, and unless you are flying to England, we have to accept the local prices.

    I have another lens I want, so will wait for another friend to come over and save money on that item. (free home delivery to UK addresses, so no hardship for them to collect it)

  16. It is not, IMHO, Western style but English style Chinese

    That will be why there were so many people eating there then. Lots of British farangs in that area and nearly all of them seem to like (and miss) a "proper" UK-style Chinese meal. Sounds like the owner has targeted his market well.

    I have eaten there twice so far, and yes, I am English.

    The food was well cooked and tasty. I loved the Crispy Lamb starter. There were three of us, an Australian, a Thai and myself - English. We ordered a selection to share and everyone loved the food. The portions were good - in fact, so good that we took some home. afterwards.

    The menu (which was posted on-line elsewhere) is large, with 129 items, plus a drinks menu. The menu lists the dish name with a description of what is in the dish, and the name is in Thai for your Thai companion.

    The other good touch is the kitchen is behind a glass screen, which means you can watch the food being prepared and cooked, knowing it is done in the most hygienic kitchen facilities.

  17. The Fuji Shop at the start of Walking Street takes passport photos and has a White Background.

    They are good at colour manipulation, so if you need that colour changed, I believe they could modify that.

    Open 2:30pm until midnight

  18. I can never understand how we foreigners can be a BURDON on Thai Society.

    There is no Social Security we can claim and drain

    We cannot get free health care without a Thai ID card, and then only in your registered province

    The is NO Thai Pension for us - but spend OUR home pension in the Thai Economy.

    (I am on a (Retirement) Visa Extension, having complies Fully with the financial requirements and have BUPA Blue Cross Health Insurance. My Truck have Class one insurance)

    Whereas a Thai in the UK (and other European countries) can claim from social fund for support if they are dumped, free healthcare and even BUY a HOUSE in their name.

    So, tell me, HOW CAN WE BE A BURDON?

    Well done, George. Excellent April Fool.

    PS: One Rightous ranting above about how old men with young women make him feel sick, What about old WOMEN with young Thai Guys. Yes, I have seen them. I just think - Go for it, old girl!

  19. how many rats a day do you see in the UK ?

    London Olympics work boosts rat population


    Businesses and homes in the vicinity of the 2012 Olympic Games sites may want to think about adopting electronic deterrents in the light of news that the building work involved with the Olympic stadiums has led to a huge rise in the number of rats in the capital.

    The new research has come from the National Pest Technicians Association and suggests that there has been a 38 per cent increase in London’s rat population. This is attributed to an increase in building work – particularly on the Olympic sites in East London - decaying sewers and more litter.

    Rats reach sexual maturity in just eight weeks and one pair can produce as many as 2,000 baby rats each year.

    John Davidson, the chief executive of the Association, explained, “It is a real worry that with 2012 approaching, the rat problem is so bad in London.” He continued to add that traditional means of catching rats are no longer effective: "The problem is that many people rely on bait traps. However, if there is a ready supply of fast food on the floor people have dropped, rats have no need to go looking for food."

    I was sitting in a bar the other eaveing when a large mouse just up on the ther drinks counter at the back of the bar - wandered along, then disappeared. My English friend pointed it out and "Oh. Look" I reply "Og" and we went back to our conversation with batting an eyebrow.

    I have a question: What was this to do with Tourism Truth, apart from another hotel? Maybe they needed a Shock Jock title for another boring show.

  20. "transferred" does that mean they will be stationed somewhere else are is the program that has supplied (Thanks to their language abilities and familiarity with Thailand, the foreign volunteers provide invaluable assistance in dealing with compatriots who face problems during their stays here, Capt Torpan said.) this invaluable service will be deleted? Is this a too good to be true scenario? The tourist police are so good that we don't believe it and therefore have to delete it. I just don't think the Thai people like competition, and that's why we can't work here. in order to work here we would have to be obviously inferior such as one from Burma or Laos. What a weird article! :blink:

    In Pattaya, as well as Tourist Police, we have FPV (Foreign Police Volunteers) based at Pattaya Police station to help with translation and go out with the normal police on "Raids" is needed. Tourist Police are based up in their new offices up "Big Buddha Hill" away from the tourists....

    I'm trying to remember IF I've EVER heard any account of the Thai Tourist Police actually ever helping any farang??? I mean really helping...in a genuine way...

    On the other hand, I have no trouble recalling numerous reports of the volunteer (farang) police volunteers, and perhaps the Thai ones too, being involved in various kinds of misdeeds...

    There was a documented case in papers and web forums from a few years ago when Tourist Police brought a rogue Baht Bus Drive ro to justice after hitting a Farang Woman with an iron bar for questioning his fare quotation, when the local police would not do so after a week, while the guy was on his taxi stand every day.

    Tourist police have no right of arrest, they are basically a waste of time and only useful to negotiate the price a foreigner has to pay a Thai (if involved in an accident etc),,,thats why if something serious involves a Tourist the Tourist Police must call the Local police to sort it out!!!!!!!

    they are just translators

    The volunteers are not allowed to arrest, but a full-time Thai Tourist Police office can, so I have read on another forum.

  21. Yes, The Village CH*NKY has closed. Seems like 2 reasons gave it the Death Knell

    Firstly, a lack of customers, and in order to increase that, he decided to open later and close later. So the hours changed from 11:00am-11:00pm to 4:00pm to 2:00am, to encourage the going out and returning home trade.

    Secondly, on the second day, the Chinese cooks asked for a 20% pay rise as they had to work after midnight, when although they worked less hours.

    So the owner closed it on the spot. He has decided to turn it into a pub - more details later :P

    The VILLAGE CHIPPY is still going strong and the waiting staff are now helping in there with the ever increasing take-away and home delivery orders.

    I was there outside the CH*NKY having a Asahai Japanese Beer, and heard the owner tell someone that in 3 days only 5 customer had to be turned away, and on that volume, one cannot pay the bills :( .

    :jap: FOR CHINESE FOOD LOVERS :jap: ... Remember that Katai's China Garden in Soi Leng Kee is due to open at the end of this month or in March, so not a long way to go to get your chopsticks working

  22. A copy of House Deeds for residence is a little extreme,

    bearing in mind the law about foreigners owning property.

    I hope a rental agreement will also suffice.

    And another "Not legally allowed" option in section "Imm-O" was:

    Volunteer work for a recognised charity

    Evidence required: Suitable letter from charity.

    If you read the Thai Immigration website, it says that Voluntary work is not allowed unless you have a work permit, which needs a B visa for the WORK PERMIT.

  23. did,nt he say he was innocent from the start.some people try too stitch people up in thailand maybe this is the case here.doing this just for the money did not work this time

    As I posted on the PREVIOUS thread about this case, at the time there was no actual proof in this matter, just the word of a PIMP of underaged boys, who had been busted and was trying to buy his way out of jail by exposing his "Alleged Clients"

    If he was guilty, I would have expected him to not return from one of his many trips, if he faced time in a Thai jail. He believed in his innocence.

    That is why the trial was delayed and delayed as nothing was available apart from thev word of his accuser and his 14 year old "Staff".

    But as I said before, who am I to know the real truth - lets the courts sort it out, which they have.

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