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Posts posted by grahamhc

  1. Agree 100% who NEEDS to spend your valueable time daytime in i bar..... Maybe LACK OF FRIENDS???

    No I think you haver left your drunken countrymen behind when you came to Thailand. Like said here, everyday is a holiday, who needs to drink desperately all the time... get a hobby!!


    I do not normally drink at lunchtime, as I am not on holiday.

    But on Sundays, I enjoy meeting friendspost-34728-0-91836500-1293346595_thumb.g down for Super Sundays in Pattaya Secrets on Soi 14. (And some of them are Maggie Mayspost-34728-0-21705400-1293346644_thumb.g weektime customers)

  2. "If convicted she faces life imprisonment or death under Indonesia's tough anti-drug laws."

    Jesus, that's a bit harsh

    Same as Thailand !

    Was watching the Documentary "Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand" and they interviewed a "CAREER Criminal" who had been caught in Thailand with several thousand YaaBaa tablets. :(

    He commented to the Interviewer that back in the UK he would have got 2 years, but in Thailand he faced the death sentence. In fact he got 50 years with no possibility of parole. He will die in a Thai Jail.

  3. I went to a restaurant in Bangkok once. One of those outdoor Korean BBQ type places.

    When we arrived they gave the misses and I a cool towel each, which was appreciated. Well you can probably guess that they added the towels onto the bill, what a cheek. If they had asked us first then we'd have probably said yes anyway.

    Italian Restaurants in my home town in the UK have Bread Sticks on the table. They charges you for them, whether you eat them or not. I liked the food there, so when I sat daown, I handed the bread stick bowl to the waiter. They did not appear on my bill.

  4. Ampol also claimed the BOI offer could adversely affect health services for Thais.

    Not, but will as Thailand's free market approach means that physicians will move to more profitable "Hub" facilities. The end result is a deterioration of care for all.

    The same happens in the UK's NHS system.

    The Ethical doctors stay and help, whereas the money conscientious doctors leave and go to private medicine

    So we have to fill the vacancies from overseas trained doctors, mainly from third world countries, who in turn lose their doctors.

    India is a great source for Medical Staff. While many are very good, there are others who we wonder how they got through the exams.

    Currently TAT is targeting Indian Tourists as an expanding market. Next, Thai hospitals will target India as a supply source of Doctors for their state hospitals.

  5. are the double entry tourist visas still free at the moment?

    if you're refused what do you get? - 14 days?

    Tourist visas are free till march 2011.

    If you are refused you get nothing, but could return to Thailand on visa exempt entry (if your nationality qualifies). That would mean 15 days if entering by land border, 30 days if arriving by air.

    A friend went there a couple of months ago to get a SINGLE entry tourist visa, which was issued. (He works on a ship and has 4 months on and 4 months off)

    BUT.... the staff said they do not issue FREE Tourist visas at that embassy.

    (I suspect their thoughts were that Free Visas are issued to encourage GENUINE / new tourists from abroad, and not service Border Runners who live for a long time in the Kingdom, who should apply for a non-imm)

    When my friend was there, he said there was a queue of what seemed 150 lined up at opening time.


    Had an email from an American that lives in Bangkok, who had to cancel swimming in the Pattaya Cross Bay Swim, as the Embassy in Manila were refusing to issue a new visa without lots of paperwork which he did not have with him and he had to obtain first before they would reconsider.

  6. "that of one million pregnancies in Thailand each year, 80,000 are illegally terminated"

    Beats me how anyone knows the real numbers

    A study showed that 78% of statistics are made up to fit the storyline.

    PS: I made up that number. It was really 47%

    Realistly, a sad situation. But the numbers quoted are weird. Was this a national underground clearing house with a furnace, if so many in such a short time that the furnace was not operational. Or was it a no money to buy fuel situation.


  7. The last three times this happened went like this.

    << Cut out >?

    3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

    so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face. well done. i will bet everyone who witnessed your little fit of pique was well impressed. i know i certainly am.

    No, I think more a benefit.

    By leaving them behind, it proves they were a spontaneous purchase and not really needed, so Walk Away saved the guy money.

    It also proved to the shop to ring up the purchase before the guy had a change of mind.


    If I have a basketful and someone comes up with one item, I normally offer to let them through.

    Zebra / Pelican crossing. I stop at the crossing, and often some bad driver will cut through on the inside.

  8. A bit of money transfer guidance. I undersand that you are from Denmark, but not if you are here on a short holiday or the "normal Scandinavian WINTER VACATION". In fact it does not matter, as this is general advice.

    For those here for a long period, or who visit on a regular basis, OPEN A THAI BANK ACCOUNT. Then get your money sent by SWIFT (Telegraphic Transfer} from your home country in one hit and not lots of little bites through an ATM, each rime with service charges

    I have a UK bank and a Thai bank. My Pension is paid into my UK bank and not sent here. I transfer money over about every 3 months. I do it myself through my Internet banking and they charge only 9.50GBP for their service (About 440 Baht) regardless of the amount.

    Two days ago, I got an FX rate of 46.75 when I checked my bank account, which was higher than changing cash on the street, so a LOT LESS than using an ATM using Visa/MasterCard for drawing on home funds.

    I hope this is of help to you or any other person reading the thread. :jap:

    PS: Kasikorn is the easiest bank to open an account, and good FX rates too. Open your internet banking option there at the same time.

  9. OK, Lets look at this in reality. When doing his Hon Consul training, Howard found this obscure but legitimate law, and thought "Oh what a good one to launch my PO/TV newspaper". And why not, in his Journalist hat, he is here to sell newspapers. And what better that a "Shock Jock" headline, that is reality affects so few people that it in not a blip on Immigrations normal daily routine. So why sweat it.

    Don't you all remember the First Issue headline from "Pattaya Times" which was then proved untrue. And so important at the time, but now not remembered by any of us. It was another "Immigration Blockbuster" - That is all I remember. But it was another The Sky is Falling "Shock Jock" headline that faded away.

    Now, Howard, if you wish to SELL newspapers, tell us where to BUY it, as I cannot find an issue in any shop that I try.

    PS: I like Howard and he tries to do a good job, but people love to gang up on him, no matter what he does. Stick with it, Howard! :jap:

  10. What is it with the 'na Ayutthaya' clan and weather/natural phenomena? Only a few weeks ago, we saw Dr Ajong Chumsai na Ayutthaya,saying that the Gulf of Thailand would be hit by tsunamis and that Bangkok would be under water in less than seven years.

    Certainly, many forecasters have predicted a very cold winter again in Europe because of La Nina, so it's plausible Thailand will feel similar effects.

    In one year, we will have had a heatwave, a drought, floods and serious cold. It's called weather.

    Maybe they are trying to get funding for next year's research, and extend their employment contracts. That is nore likely the reason !!

  11. to say i am shocked is an understatement,

    all these years living here i thought they where guest relations officers

    GROs. I know where you spend too much time. (Methinks time to go there again)

    Yes, get rid of the ladyboys. They hassle everyone walking down the road - and try thieving, whereas the girls will wait for you to approach them.

  12. Don't read the avatar then as I said " I won't even be thinking about using it till 2012 anyway. " that is why I don't know yet. BTW I was on windows XP pro when I posted that, but on Linux today. I use both Linux and XP pro as I do not have bais toward windows only. I normally use to upper shelf windows stuff and unlike many I pay for it. :jap:

    I was only having a leg pull :jap: - not serious. I have been tempted to try Linux, but too scared diving in the deep end.

    I too have this weird (for Thailand) idea of buying genuine software, but not high end. More like programs no-one has heard about, like Serif software which I have used for about 20+ years.

  13. pretty sure the 1400 baht one is win 7 starter, and the one you were looking at in Tesco is the home version.

    Ahhh I see says the blind man. Didn't know they could come up with something less then home already is :lol: seemed like the starter to me already.

    Me thinks that with your [Linux] avitar, you are a tad biased. But that aside, here is Wikipedia's explanation comparing all the Win 7 versions (thier list inc pro, ultimate, N and VL options:

    Windows 7 Starter

    Windows 7 Starter is the edition of Windows 7 that contains the fewest features. The Windows Aero theme is not included in this version. Windows 7 Starter is only available in a 32-bit version. The desktop wallpaper, and Visual Style (Windows 7 Basic) is also not user-changeable.

    This edition is available pre-installed on computers, especially netbooks, through system integrators or computer manufacturers using OEM licences.

    Windows 7 Home Basic

    Windows 7 Home Basic is available in emerging markets such as Argentina, Brazil, the People's Republic of China, Colombia, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Mexico, Russia, Thailand, and Turkey.[13] It is not available in first world countries including in Western and Central Europe, North America, Hong Kong, Australia and Saudi Arabia.[13] Some Aero options are excluded along with several new features.[13] Home Basic, along with other editions sold in emerging markets, include geographical activation restriction, which requires users to activate Windows within a certain region or country.

    Windows 7 Home Premium

    This edition contains features aimed at the home market segment, such as Windows Media Center, Windows Aero and multi-touch support.


    Also, it is worth checking out the COMPARISON CHART before buying :crazy:

  14. As posted above, the 01 numbers were the first to get handed out, and now they are held as sort of a trophy, like "I got my cell phone before you," type thing.

    There are no 01 numbers anymore. I've had my mobile from AIS for just about 10 years and originally it was 01 - xxx -xxxx. I also have Orange which of course True bought and that number was 09 - xxx - xxxx. A few years laters both had an 8 inserted between the 01 and the 09.

    I have an old 01 mobile, that changed to 081 when they added "8" to all the mobile numbers. I think I have had the number for 10+ years, and it is now registered in my name. Registering your number is useful, as they will issue a new SIM with the same number if you lose your phone.

    My 081 3** **** is on DTAC / Happy and is on prepaid service.

    I was told once that the 081 numbers are now issued for monthly billed mobile account, but I have no proof that this is true.

  15. Hello!

    what whould happen,when someone,short before the visa is runing out and the person have to go to hospital?

    same then normal overstaying,or how then will be the diffrence in the visa law?

    who have the be informed first?

    when it should not posible after a acsident or whatevver-?

    In Pattaya, the Immigration Police have a outstation a day a week at "Bangkok Hospital Pattaya" to deal with the via needs of the patients and family.

    No hospital in Thailand will take a patient without finances to support their stay, so a trip home would be cheaper. If you are Thai, you get the 30 baht treatment, but if not Thai, you are on your own. Nothing wrong with that - That is why I buy health insurance. And GENUINE TOURISTS buy Travel Insurance

  16. A point in the OP that has not be referred to:

    Mr. Bunphasong’s arrest was directly related to the later arrest of famed Russian musician Mikhail Pletnev.

    Read again. I don't pronounce myself on the case at hand, evidence is not presented in press articles but in courts. I was remarking upon your biased speculation of a 'witch hunt' which seems odd since you don't have the evidence.

    Maybe the defendant, when sweated at the police station, thought he could shift the blame to a Russian, so named Russian musician Mikhail Pletnev as the only Russian name he knew.

    Other threads discuss that Mikhail Pletnev is still on bail as they cannot supply evidence to the "Pedo" charge, which he strenuously denies.

    I am not suggesting I know if either are innocent or guilty . That is the job for the jury.

  17. I am surprised that they come BARE (without OS). they are usually either Linux or WIN7 Starter (When I bought mine, the other option was XP, as vista would not work due to only 1Gb RAM.

    I have a Toshiba netbook and my friend bought a Samsung netbook.

    Both came pre-loaded with WIN 7 STARTER version, which does all a want. My Toshiba also came with a trial version of Windows office. Plus loads of other stuff.

    Netbooks normally come with 1Gb on RAM, so WIN7 Starter works OK, but few can take the upgrade to allow a heavier version like Home or Pro to run.

    I bought an external DVD drive, and the Samsung came with one free.

    If you are going to buy the WIN 7, ask the vendor to put it on your netbook. This is Thailand, where shop people are helpful, not like the UK where they hand you a sealed box and walk away.

  18. Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

    to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

    On this forum it is.

    Facts given: Knew her 6 months and was only married for 6 weeks. That sounds like like a premeditated scam. There are few bad habits :blink: like snoring and farting that she did not find out in the 6 months "Courtship", unless he thumps her now!

    If he had known her 6 weeks then married, and she wanted out after 6 months, now that is more likely to be true. There are idiots out there that "Fall in love" and dive in within weeks, and MOST of their marriages fail :annoyed: .

    DECIDING FACTOR: Have you been married before, and how many times?

  19. YEs, and the point is ???

    Firstly, are you one?

    Secondly, that is my point.

    I am also retired, but not the "Cocoa and slippers" type - out most nights. While food and clothes are getting cheaper back "Home", Utilities and taxes are far more, so my pension goes further over here.

    Also, if I smile at a girl less than half my age in the street B) , they don't call the police, saying "pervert" :( !!

    Thailand is an easy retirement visa compared to most desirable destinations. That explains it.

    I'm retired here and in looking around it seems the Philippines and Malaysia are easier.

    That said, would you come here if you had to make a living?

    The Philippines make you feel welcome, with their SRRV indefinite retirement visa costing less money than Thai Immigration want to see for one year. They realise that even pensioners bring money into the local economy.

    AND they speak my native tongue - English - EVERYWHERE!!! ..... AND I can read shop signs and other things.

  20. That there is even a review and a so called critique of a soap opera by the newspaper brings a question or two to mind. I would have real doubt that the readers of a English language newspaper will be watching Thai soap operas.

    Well, if person has a Thai wife the chances are super high that she'll be watching a soap opera will you are surfing the net or watching a farang movie in another room. Thai females l....o....v.....e their soap operas...it's almost like heroin for many.

    Can I download "torrent" :o episodes of DALLAS, to I can relive watching the JR Ewing lifestyle :rolleyes:?

  21. i have read some where thats iit is only 10 % of total tourists that come thailand for the sex scene

    And the other 90% lied....:whistling:

    Took some friend to the airport and they were given questionaires from TAT by some young collage girls (in standard uniforms). "Why you visit? - temples, etc" question came up. Nothing on the form about the bar / nightlife scene, so they wrote under OTHER - "Visit bars and Gogos". Handed the forms back and we saw the girls read the form and look back at us in suprise, but not horror.

    soi Bua Khow is a cesspit

    probably very true, but a bit off-topic lol

    It is all new and sparkling. I preferred it 12-15 years ago when it was tin shack beer bars and Soi Diana was still a dirt track. Now a concrete jungle with loads of EMPTY shophouses. Look at the Shinning Star development on Soi Leng Kee. The Vogue Hotel has opened but only 2-3 shophouses have been occupied.

    I live near the area because there are no houses on Walking Street and crossing Sukhumvit Road is a death trap at night. I drive around Thailand, so realise why the girls want the golden sparkle of Pattaya compared with 4,000 a month on the factory lines, or less in the paddy fields.

    Yes, I am a pensioner, but finances from UK taxed investments, so pour money into the Thai economy.


    Many people do not know that 10% of the "Fine" goes to the person who reports the "Infringer".

    Rarely is a "Receipt" issued and also rarely does the guy get deported unless they make a fuss, as it leaves the "cash supply" in place for the next "Raid". Also, if the place closes, more Thai workers are thrown out of a job.

    In TV a couple of weeks ago, I read of a guy in a Walking Street Bar being "Fined" 50,000 baht for SHAKING HANDS!

    AMDT for typos

  22. I used to stay at a hotel in the shadow of National Stadium BTS. It is right next to the station under the platform on the oposite side from MBK.

    I cannot remember the name but it was only 500 Baht a night when Nana area hotels were 900-1100 Baht. Good for a shopping trip to MBK and Panthip Plaza

  23. It's only a reminder slip for you, immigration don't care about it.

    In Pattaya (of course - with their own version of the rulebook), they staple the old slip to their part of the copy on the new form. If I have taken a trip, I write the new TM card date on their receipt and the new 90 day date, and they still staple it to their form.

    A friend in Chaing Mai, Claims he was banged up for not having the form when reporting, BUT I suspect his story as he refused to post his experience on TV, claiming he canot access TV from CM.......

    The 90 day info does not state you have to bring the old receipt, but it sometimes makes the visit easier.

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