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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. Check Hospital Website for specialist Dermatology Dept / Doctors.

    Make online appointment. Queens a Heart Center. KK Ram Hosp. has a Dr. Charoen C. Derma Doc…… from Internet Search……

    Had non-malignant Skin Cancer top of my back treated two years ago. Cut Out the eight Large Areas & Froze the ten Smaller Pieces. Your 15 year interval before returning is encouraging ! 

  2. Eddie Howe ? seriously has to be Conte, surely ? Available. Wants It. Best Qualified.Wins. Leaves when best players sold (without his agreement). Uncompromising. Insists HE is the Team Boss & ONLY Player Selector. Otherwise Gone.Takes No <deleted> from Players or Management. Perfect Fit. Like a Klopp Guadiola or Tuchel.

  3. is that a five minute or ten minute argument ? (Famous Monty Python Sketch).

    right wing means conservative rational conventional democratic capiltalist scientific opinions including pro- vaxx.

    extreme right wing means fascist religious intolerant cruel dogmatic conspiracy folk inc. anti - vaxx.

    usa an odd paradox. the most developed advanced powerful nation but with large numbers of fanatical religious anti- govt. anti- science conspiracy loons. symptoms of the disease over fifty years of deranged left wing high tax anti- white welfare & globalist open borders policies.

    once religion / culture has enabled the suspension of rational thought, its then so easy to adopt ANY pseudo science.

    • Like 1
  4. Definition (British) of word TAT :”…….items which you think are cheap and of bad quality”.

    Reminds me when SAG (Saudi Arabian Govt.) was changed to GSA !

    Cant believe this unfortunate acronym has never been pointed out here ! 


    OP Headline could be better. Appears as if only one Tourist on that flight ! which is the only reason I opened OP, which otherwise is rather like an article title of “ Water Found to be Wet”……

    from the Monty Python college of “stating the bleeding obvious”.

    • Like 2
  5. Mercenary Group of Top Talented Individuals. Never Any “Team” under OGS…… Unravelled by any decent proper Team at that level.

    Mourinho looking like Guardiola there now…at least he won top cups.

    OGS was always completely useless as a Coach ( Cardiff & Molde ?).

    No Worthy Track Record. Hired as a Lucky Charm / Popular Ex- Player there. Was never going to work long term. Quite Incredible he’s lasted Three Years……whilst “ team” bottling Leagues & Finals.

    Problem now is ONLY Klopp / Guardiola  / Tuchel Very Top Types will be able to “ coach / manage” that group of divas…….start with Pogba Gone


    Scholesy called it spot on after Atalanta 2-0 up at half time.

    Said Liverpool would have been 4-0 up and out of sight. ten days later ….

    • Like 2
  6. Westerners are often too varied, deep & complex to easily categorize.

    Goofy Categories meaning Eccentric ?

    Dont know any.

    except Mr Crazy QAnon Anti Vaxxer Sidecar Driver Alky busily Smoking Himself to Death Refusing Basic Blood Test with Rotten Teeth Who Wont Change. Category of one there….


    Conventional ?

    could try by Location : Coastie, Country, Townie

    or Occupation : Bar Owner, Diver, Chef, Accom. Owner, Digital, Corporate, Gambler,Con Artist….

    or Lifestyle : Dosser, Drunk, Addict, Professional, SUVer, Biker, Yachty, Surfer, BarStooler, PussyHound.

    or Home: Owner, Renter, Shack, Room, Villa, Bungalow, Farmhouse, Condo


    Just too much crossover of types & characteristics……..

    • Like 1
  7. Superman orinally written by Author as Straight. 

    Disagree that Artistic Licence Extends to Fundamental Character Changes from Original Work.

    Write your OWN Original / Derived Story if you want a Gay Superman or Black / Female Bond !

    Problem is No Profit in such Originality & Screen Writers / Adapters LACK the Necessary Authorization or Talent …….

    Remember the busted NBA Franchise & Gillette Brand Implosion. Or the disasterous  “Female” Ghostbusters & Oceans 11  Remakes. 


    Get Woke Go Broke……

    • Like 1
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  8. 4MyEgo: Excellent Post. Different Experiences. Some Parallels.

    “It comes down to personal choice.”

    YES. From “End User Does ALL” ( Rampant Rabbit) to “ Architect Does ALL ( My Preferred)

    Note: my thai lady is Architect uni- educated with Practising Architect Friends).

    “Buy Your Own Materials” a common recommendation BUT Specifications Required First,a Primary Architect Function.


    “I agree that the area you build in will have a lot to do with pricing”

    Phuket Land , Material & Build Costs typically High…..

    “ if you engage an architect and a building company your costs will go up, you get what you pay for”

    YES but you offload Project Stress/Responsibility but Retaining Overall Design, Build  & Cost Control.


    “We built a house in Isaan 6 years ago at a cost of 6,000 baht a square meter, the house build was 256 square metres excluding the existing one bedroom bungalow which was 64 square metres, and we incorporated/added the bungalow into the main house, so the total area is now 320 square metres, i.e. 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen/dining.” 


    VERY Similar Profile to My House. Same Function & m2. Four Level Seaview Pool Villa. Semi Detached. Nine Unit Complex. Separate Apartment ( Ground Floor). So Two Lounges & Kitchens. Common Pool / Gardens / Caretaker.


    “The bungalow was built in 2009 for 7,800 baht a square metre back then, different exchange rate and materials costs were higher.”


    I bought Off Plan 2006 with Trusted Small Developer. Developer Managed Builder. Standard Design. No Architect. Plan was SELL at 50% Profit upon 2008 Build Completion. Build / Land Real Cost & Land Office Assessed Value 13k / m2 . Resale Value 40k/ m2. Half of “Branded” Nearby Similar Buildings.


    “We didn't use an architect” Land Office Standard / Modified Design ?


    “we saw a builder building other houses in the area over the years who was in high demand and I inspected each house at different stages, on completion, and a year or so after the owners moved in, asking if they had any problems with the dwellings or the builder through my wife as interpreter, and we got to see the finished product.”


    No Such Experience. Out of Country. Other Buyers with Construction Knowledge conducted Continuous Inspection & Initiated Design - Build Defect Improvements at Developer Cost.


    “We purchased all of the building materials on both the bungalow and the house”

    Developer / Builder Scope (inc. Specifications)


    “and paid the builder a negotiated price paid in 5 stages for the house”

    YES, similar Stage Payments


    “the bungalow was built by a different builder at the time as the builder who built our house wasn't available for 12 months at that time, however as we had the bungalow built, we decided that we would book in the builder in advance when we were ready to build the house as we were not in a rush and had the bungalow to live in” 


    YES. Perfect Set Up for You & Myself.  Separate Apartment gave Rent House / Live Apt. Options or vice versa until SALE.Recovered Full Investment Costs Now after 13 years “stuck” with the place after 2008/9 Crash.By Renting or Living in the place Myself or later with Family.Grown to Really Love the Place. Common Fund Management worked out Great ( Lucky).Many Improvements Over the Years. Real Family Home. Very Profitable Vacation House Only Rental Pre- Covid.


    “We were present when he built the house” Used Proxy Buyer Inspectors


     “we know we got a good deal “ YES. All My Costs Recovered Also. Place Owes Me Nothing.

    Looking to Sell Now to Fund Our Dream Custom ( Architect) Build House.


    ”but I have also heard of others on the forum getting similar deals, I also know of guys in areas a little further away from me who have used building companies and paid double of what we paid (12,000 baht) “

    Paid 40k / m2. Money all recovered. Sale Value unfortunately about same now as Original Buy Cost.

    But should have doubled under 2006 projections…….


    “for half the size of the house we built, however there builds were current, i.e. 2021”

    not applicable fortunately

    “and they had issues with the building company” YES but Fixed


    “If you have some building knowledge “ Little

    ”and know of a builder mate that you can check in with, you really don't need an architect or a building company, that said, buying the materials yourself saves you the company adding its load on the materials and dealing with different labourers on-site at different times, that is unless your lucky enough to get a reputable company that uses the same team, as I am sure plenty exist, but not from what I heard around our area. “ AGREE but Only Small Jobs. My Lady Managed All That & Specified / Bought Materials with Builder Present.


    New House would Always Use Architect for Best Functionality & Materials Specification & Bill of Material.Even to Review / Modify LO Std. Plan. Luckily have In House Architect !


    “Architects also usually have a builder or two in mind and also get a cut from the action”

    YES. Watch Carefully for Builder Bid Manipulation. Verify Against Market / Budget m2 .Rates.


    “It really comes down to personal choice” YES.

    “ but as I said above, you have to do your own research on the builder” YES. Architect  Builders Must Be Cusomer Evaluated & Approved ,


    “buy your own materials “ Small Works Only, for me ,Architect/ Builder Contract Compliance Applies.


    “have a little building knowledge” YES, Would Develop That as Process Progressed


    ”and a builder mate you can check in with if required” YES, Informal Inspection Check,

    “all of this will save you a lot, however could also cause you a lot of grief if your knowledge is not up to scratch with building” YES, but Resolved by Architect under Fixed Price Full Scope Contract.


    A Pleasure, Good Sir …..

  9. xjpsx: thats the way to do it ! 15 x 10 m pool is great but depending on function, I would suggest longer and narrower, 20 x 7.5 mtr , giving same size / cost as 15x 10. half shallow end 0.8 mtr , half deep end 1.5 mtr. Consider adding small square jetted Spa Pool at one end.My Salt Water Pool is 17 mtr with 2no. 2HP Hayward Pumps. Used for Daily HIIT Fin Swims & Family.

  10. Finally, a quality post promoting essential use of experienced ARCHITECT for Residence Design.

    Unsure though why the post stops at Design & Cost ? Unless objective limited to getting a nice box set of Drawings & Quotes rather than a Finished House ?  


    Surely Architect Use is Recommended for the Entire Process ?

    Architect Evaluation & Selection - Custom Design or Modified Standard Design - Drawings- Specs - BOM - Priced Builder Bids- Bid Conditioning- Final Builder Bids- Bid Evaluation -Client Approval - Builder Selection- Construction Management - Stage Payments-Stage & Final Inspections. 


    Normally here, its various versions of the “Managed Builder” ( non- Architect / friend of Headman type)  approach, promoted or bragged about, which all of us involved here, in even the smallest way, with thai builders, KNOW can only end in various kinds of multiple disasters, 


    despite the incredible construction genius school of  “ I have built ten houses here without Architect with no problems”.Meaningless Claims, without Area / Size / Type/ Cost detail. Usually, these “houses” turn out to be small functional concrete boxes near the rice fields at 200-300k baht from the most rudimenatary Land Office Std. (Rural Cowpen) Designs. Complete waste of money, hell to reside in and probably never lived in except by the truly desperate.


    You might get away with that “ normal” amateur approach IF you ARE actually a Const. Genius and happen to (luckily) select the “right Builder”, like an Experienced Developer does to cut costs having already worked with that Builder many times…typically even then leaving an extensive Defects List produced by the aggrieved cheated Buyer. the rest of us though might prefer a more professional structured sequence approach with Architect start & finish.

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