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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. “ type of account” is clearly NOT Immi business and must be actually illegal ot outside regs. for them to raise that. Seasoned 800k proven in thai bank acc. Yes or No. thats it. Immi Goals are always Profit- Humiliation - Control.This bs is obviously Humiliation. Decided from the off years ago NEVER to comply with ANY Financials here. Used METV Six Month Tourist Visa for Years.F..k Retirement Visas.

    ED Visa just expired. now Covid Extn.Last Resort Now found Agent (IO) to provide Retirement Visa with Local Stamp & Reporting, as Final Option. METV Discontinued. THAT was Ideal for me.

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  2. troppo: with you mate on Diet but your Exercise Regime is far too extreme ! 

    Most of us here are mid 60s plus not Triathletes !

    I’m 65,around 100 kg, 1.80 mmtr, visceral fat only, no gut, muscular; can manage a Daily HIIT Regime of Fin Pool Swimming / Static Bike / Weights ( 2 hours total) that’s all.That leaves me absolutely played out & no further improvements anywhere.Running Sprinting Boxing Skipping… er, no. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. “ England” ….. we are the United Kingdom a single undivided sovereign island nation ….. a constitutional monarchy…..the finest most successful union / form of govt. ever…..we are not some half a..sed “federation” or “republic”…..need to be rid of these embarassing useless “devolved” Bliar regional “govts” ……to be a proper country once more…. off topic so sorry but seeing “England” used in this context is like a red rag to a bull……..

    • Sad 1
  4. scuba: no choice when using online banking but to use HSBC drop down menu giving correct Wise Shoreditch Rd Name address, then with My Wise Name / AC No. Noticed that the drop down fixed Sort Code was Different but no control and often “ different” Generic SC used by sending bank.

    their business not mine. but looks like they may have made ot my business.


    actually there should be zero “ checking”. Its GBP ac to GBP ac inside UK banking system, 130 quid BUT its Offshore to Onshore. Different Sort Codes too. Suspect its held up in HSBC Jersey “back room” …….

  5. yeah but Will, healthy / unhealthy is real distinction not fat/ thin. 

    plenty of thin types are extremely unhealthy (often heavy smokers).


    with you again Gaccha, thats why I simplified for OP benefit with “ basically”.

    calories in / out is not flawed just simplistic.

    dont recommend calorie counting,or do it myself, as its unnecessary, over-complicated & tedious.

    of course you must eat only “good” foods.

    if you overfeed even only on the healthiest foods you will be fat. period.

    if you drink too much water ….even the best……you will die.

    trying to keep this simple…..

  6. Satisfied with WISE but seeing limits.

    HSBC CI Offshore, Accepted / Recorded Auto Online, “Test” Transfer 4 Oct to WISE UK(all within UK Banking Sort Code System) has not arrived.


    Gave WISE their full requested transfer info. but rejected as “not on bank form”. HSBC ignored two online messages so had to phone in for their tracking service….two days ago , no response yet from HSBC…..or Wise.

  7. strongly agree with last sentence. we havent long now. too clever in inventing our own multiple endings…..yet too irrational / aggressive…… believe AI will get rid of us first…..


    eco- friendly systems will take generations to take hold in China & India…. massive users/ polluters with fossil fuels…..all pointless without their compliance….which may never come or come far too late……

  8. header must include Lufhansa. best Europe- thailand service in my experience, apart from EVA (when not striking). Never fly KLM. Quite Poor Service Reputation for some time. Pedantic with Covid Docs & Visas I hear….. FinnAir perfect in my experience and never seen any complaints before….Swiss and Austrian also flawless in my pre- covid experience.

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