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Posts posted by bkkmick

  1. If you're in Bangkok then check out Patpong soi #1 entrance on the right hand side as you enter from Silom. There's a guy there who sells all sorts of weird and wonderful DVD's.

  2. Nice one Skippy.

    Great solution to the cluttered task bar.

    Now I have my VB development on one side of the cube, web development (VisualInterDev etc.) on another and a 'take a break' side with the web (TV etc.), FreeCell on another.

    The only problem is not getting notified when someone MSN's me, but I can live with that.

  3. I've got two different channels running in my house (bedroom + office and the other's in the living room).

    I think that it's only an additional 488 baht a month or something like that. Well worth it when the football's on and the Mrs. wants to watch something else. You can make a one off payment of 4000 baht (or something like that) to watch the same channel in two different rooms.

  4. I bought one from Pantip on Friday. Pretty good if you just want to listen to music. Doesn't allow for a memory stick to be plugged in but has 1gb onboard. The only problem for me, and it's a big one, is that I download news/entertainment talk show type of podcasts and the problem with my version (Car MP3 in a silver/blue box) is that there's no pause facility. I start to listen to a show when I leave home to take my girls to school and after dropping them off and getting back into the car the podcast starts again and there's no way to skip through to were I was when I stopped the car. Something to watch out for when selecting your MP3 player if you intend to listen to 'shows' rather than just music.

  5. Thanks for the quick replies everybody (especially that link Mid)

    I'm not too good with graphics but that simple MS Gif Animator did the trick nicely. Took 5 minutes to download, install and create the (boring but effective) graphic.

    All sorted now.


  6. Thanks MamboKing

    I have PhotoShop and ImageReady. I tried doing it using both programs but couldn't find out how to (in ImageReady I have two frames of the same image but can't find out how to change the image in the second frame).

    I've loads of work to do and only have 1 banner to animate so I thought that a little dedicated tool might make my life a bit easier.



  7. Hello again tywais.

    I've downloaded the code that you suggested and had a look. I can strip out the bits that I need to add into my application.

    $19 for the .dll is well worth the money.

    Thanks again.


  8. Hi

    I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with VB6?

    I've been trying to write some code to generate a(n?) HTML email that goes out via the outbox. I managed to get one going out before but there was no copy left in the Sent Items folder therefore we were never 100% confident that the email actually went out.

    The latest attempt found via Google said that I must reference CDO for NT for this to work but I can't find that in my Program > Preferences.



  9. Don't know the whole history behind this "True sucks" attitude (guess it's like Microsoft sucks or Google suck or [insert big successful company name] sucks) but I have the True 4mb connection and it's great. Very little down time and always 3+mb speed when I try a speed test.

    I had TOT for a couple of years and the down-time was terrible. True (in my opinion) is certainly a better ISP than TOT.

  10. Hi

    We've been living in our house for three years now and paying the same mortgage payment from the beginning.

    I've been thinking about shopping around for a better interest rate (well getting the wife to shop around) and was wondering if anyone has managed to change their mortage to a new lender at a better rate here in Bangkok?

    (I have a friendly broker in the UK and have remortgaged my flat a few times over there getting a better interest rate and therefore cheaper payment each time.)



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