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Posts posted by bkkmick

  1. Rick

    Just got it installed today and it works a treat. I must admit it was a pain to install. If you'd like to tell me how far you got through the process I'd be happy to try and get you through the final steps.


  2. Thanks guys. I'm using a True 650 baht per month fixed cost, unlimited access. Hopefully there won't be an additional charge!?

    Does anyone consider (have experience of) another ISP that provides better coverage. True seems fine but can be slow at times.


  3. Hi oMega69

    I missed that 8mb version and bought the 'normal' N95 this afternoon.

    So far, so good. Nice phone browsing seems quite fast (which is what I need). One thing...When I open maps in the bottom right hand corner there seems to be an orange ball bouncing back and forward like it cannot connect to a satellite. Is this normal. Unfortunately the manual is all Thai so not much chance that I can sort it out with my limited Thai reading. Any ideas oMega? Have I missed some setting? (I'm using a True SIM card).



  4. Hi

    Thinking of buying a Nokia N95 as the Communicator and iPhone are out of my range due to school fees etc...

    Has anyone used one? What's the web access like? "Pete" is selling one in the classified section for 13k - how does that apply to the cost of a new one. His is a UK phone - can I download Thailand maps easily?

    Actually navigating the web is the most important for me due to business requirements so it needs to be quick. Is it?

    Thanks for reading.


  5. The first project I got involved with in Bangkok, with Chris, was (1997 - it doesn't exist anymore as we ran out of money) www.bangkokdeliveries.com. I developed the website and we teamed up with Carrefour (sp?) and loaded their price list into our site. Customers could log on, order and we'd arrange delivery. Kind of wish I had been able to keep that going.

  6. Hi Stretch163

    Apologies for that. We did receive your emails. Due to the weekend, bank holiday Monday and a hole in my software the emails didn't receive high enough priority and the appropriate staff weren't alerted. (no excuse really).

    Your booking has already been made and confirmed with the rental company. Your voucher is on its way and you will receive it in the next hour or so.

    Again, sorry for that slip we'll do better next time!

    All the best


  7. I don't know where you get your attitude from OneThailand, but piss off please. That's me being polite. This is a conversation for adults, you're obviously not one.

    I did say "which seems in line with what you are saying" implying that I understand that the work needs done, and it will be done.

  8. Hi guys, thanks for the replies which I read with interest.

    My wee girls front teeth are causing her the problem (no pain there though). A little bit more information now.

    The past couple of days she has complained about a sore tooth at the back of her mouth. The dentist has recommended filling the back tooth (which seems in line with what you are saying as they'll be around the longest - and it is causing her some pain). Yesterday he also addressed one of her 'narrow' teeth in the front. Sorry, I don't know the technical terms, but, basically the top row roughly the middle two (big) teeth and two to either side look decayed or underdeveloped. He seems to have put a cap (or something) onto her left big front tooth. There is an issue here. My poor wee girl is pretty (all fathers say that, I know) but she has recently been embarrassed by those teeth. When I got home from work yesterday she was so happy about her 'new' front tooth, smiling from ear-to-ear. Today she's saying that her friends at school said that her new tooth is beautiful (6 year old girls, eh). I'm realising now that not only is oral health an issue but vanity is starting to play its part as well.

    If filling (or somehow correcting) those teeth in the front of her mouth won't cause her any problems then I think that I'll go ahead and get them done. She is so happy with the one 'new' tooth!

    Thanks again for the feedback.

    p.s. they both clean their teeth when they get up and before they go to bed and after their meal at school. Should be enough.



  9. Hi

    Our 6y-o has pretty bad milk teeth. I put it down to us giving her (diluted) fruit juice at bedtime when she got to about 3 or 4 years old. With our second child we didn't give her any fruit juice and her teeth are beautiful. Might be a coinidence, but that's my thinking anyway.

    Today my wife brought our 6yo to the dentist and after a check up the dentist says that she needs fillings. I haven't heard the full details of which teeth need filling yet as my missus has just phoned.

    I'm confused. I thought that over the next couple of years all her milk teeth will drop out to make way for her 'real' teeth.

    My question is: Do kids with milk teeth need fillings in their teeth or is the dentist just trying to make extra dosh? I've absolutly no problem paying for her dental work (obviously) it's just that it seems unneccessary to put her through that discomfort.

    Any thoughts?



  10. All that is fair enough, but, every business should have an online presence. My wife's little spa shop has a website and get lots of business from it. Even Christian Dior (sp?) found her online and they're doing some promotion together. Get it done and get it up there. It doesn't cost much.

  11. Thanks Stu.

    I checked their website and it says "This new GPRS packages are available for ONLY customers who never subscribe for GPRS and not holding GPRS promotion on hand."

    I'll give that number a call. Just was hoping that there was something cheaper.


  12. Normally my AIS mobile bill is between 1k and 2k. I use the internet a lot via my phone (mostly business). This month it's over 3k.

    I checked the bill to see that I'm being billed for 2900 minutes (about 48 hours) I'm sure that I wasn't on for that long but you never know. I have an O2 and sometimes when it's taking a long time to download a page I switch the phone off but I wonder if it is still accessing the net as sometimes when I switch the phone back on the page has finally downloaded.

    My question is: Is there a cheaper GPRS package out there that provides a decent access speed?



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