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Posts posted by steffi

  1. This toothbrush has meant that I always have a good experience when I go for my regular dental checkup but it's on the fritz. Doesn't do anything even though it shows fully charged. Probably battery related. Anyway, when I took it to the service center (with my Thai wife) the lady there suggested they may charge close to 2000 thb to fix it and that's just a little too high if it's a discharged battery so I'm wondering if anybody's seen this model for sale in Thailand and if so how much?

  2. TS: My wife, most of the time, she stays in Thailand.

    That's a good one isn't it. I look forward to seeing her return soon.

    Thaksin isn't going to return until he has a favourable government in office that is prepared to sweep those charges under the rug for him.

    If Thaksin was truely innocent he could prove his innocence and he wouldn't have anything to worry about but he's implying that there's no fair justice in Thailand and that all the evidence has been concocted. He just got so much richer when he was in office and it's pure coincidence.

    Tricky situation since the junta cannot go public with evidence as that will weaken their case against Shin...

    What we do know though is regardless of evidence the Shin's went out of their way to conduct a transaction such that they didn't pay any tax. Secondly whilst in office they apparently went out of their way to conceal their true wealth. That alone says a lot about them.

    Thaksin is over estimating how popular Man City is or can be in Asia. I don't believe they have much brand recognition in Asia and Thaksin needs to understand that Man City's fans like a lot of true football fans are working class. I expect difficult times for Thaksin down the road both with the FA and the fans.

  3. Do you remember how much that was for?

    I am not sure now, but a few years back you had to wait for Bank of Thailand BoT

    approval before sending money out.

    I should imagine that money laundering legislation will make it more difficult?

    When I friend of mine left he went to the bank and bought US$ travellers cheques and took those.

    No problem at the airport as they were issued in LOS.

  4. Yeah is there a fee for this? I also have US$ and don't want to convert to THB.

    And there's no limit or one that applies for say amounts less than 50k USD?

    Also since it's the Silom main branch is the wiring handled separately from all the other business because that's one very busy branch.

    Actually, I'm not sure, but I do wire transfers monthly at Bangkok Bank in Bangkok Silom main branch. I do believe that even without a bank account, they will accept cash and do an international transfer to any bank outside Thailand, if that is your question. Not sure about Pattaya.

    Last month, some Russian guys had huge wads of US$ and doing this.

  5. Sorry but are you sure about the no limit? How do you send a wire if you don't have a bank account?

    Is it possible to wire money outside of Thailand if so what limit is there?

    I know technically it's not allowed to take 50k thb cash when leaving but what limits are their on wiring the money?

    No limit on wires.

  6. Hi, nothing to do with id3conv. It already did a good job of converting this rubbish to unicode so that it would display correctly in Mac iTunes.

    Seeing the garbaged text in the columns for Artist etc in File Explorer in XP. Not seeing anything garbled in the filename. That's all 7bit chars.

    I'm sure sometimes Thai install of Windows will work as they will have everything setup for Thai but the normal western version with asian fonts doesn't work. These would have originated on a machine that was setup for a Thai. ie. the id3tags would have been populated on a machine setup for Thai.

    FYI I'm seeing garbled text. Not Squares. That's what I'd see on my ipod for these tracks but these tracks aren't for my ipod. I'll try changing the desktop font later. I'm guessing that's what Explorer in XP uses.

    Don't bother changing the font, if you're seeing garbled letters than the font is probably not the issue. BTW, exactly where are you seeing garbled letters - in the filename or the actual ID3 tag or both? Remember that ID3conv converts tags to unicode, not filenames.

    Try this test..

    • Download and run 'XTIS620.exe' from HERE.
    • Copy some of the garbled text and paste it into that app.
    • Press '--> Unicode'
    • Highlight and copy the result* and paste it into MS Word, etc. If you see proper thai text then the original garbled text is still TIS-620 format.

    *For reasons I will never understand, the author of this app seems to have chosen Arial as the working font for this app and thus it can't display thai characters... :o

    Another way to test would be to change the font used to display the tags or filenames to a TIS620 font such as THIS. Likewise, if they display properly with that font then the text is still TIS620 and not unicode.

    It could also be the 'wrong' ID3 tag version. Not all ID3v2 tag versions are supported in some apps.

  7. FYI I'm seeing garbled text. Not Squares. That's what I'd see on my ipod for these tracks but these tracks aren't for my ipod. I'll try changing the desktop font later. I'm guessing that's what Explorer in XP uses.

    So I've installed the language support for Thai via regional options in XP but when I look at some thai mp3's they thai script still displays as garbage.

    Now I know that these are encoded using the Windows Thai charset because i've used id3conv to convert them to unicode so they show up correctly in iTunes.

    Why can't Windows Explorer display them correctly if I've setup thai fonts correctly in XP. You only have to click the checkbox for Thai right to install the language/font support? I would then expect XP to be able to display these correctly.

    Are you seeing squares instead of characters or garbled text? If squares, it's likely that the font used to show titles in your media player doesn't have thai characters. Many apps use whatever font has been selected as the desktop icon font. Try changing to Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif (not MS Sans Serif) or another font with thai script. Arial & Verdana do not have thai characters.

    You can check if a font has unicode thai characters by loading 'charmap.exe' and changing the character set to "Windows: Thai" under "Advanced View". If you don't see thai characters on this setting, the font doesn't have unicode support for them. If you see thai characters before specifying thai characters but not after then you have an older TIS-620 font.

  8. I follow Thai music pretty closely when I'm here but I'm noticing that there's lot of songs from bands/artists with no talent out there. In particular those songs that try to sound like rap music. That one particular one with the guys and then the girls (na ka na ka na ka).... that's enough to make me want to hit something when I hear that. But there's a trend of male vocalists who have no and I do mean no singing talent. That one that does "Da da de da de da...." one for example.

    Also noticed that Mr P'Bird is lipsyncing more than before in his live concerts but I don't think Asian audiences care as they prefer interaction and dancing etc. Just look how popular that Rain guy is for example.

    But the overall quality of songs and the talent of the singers is much much lower this year.

  9. So I've installed the language support for Thai via regional options in XP but when I look at some thai mp3's they thai script still displays as garbage.

    Now I know that these are encoded using the Windows Thai charset because i've used id3conv to convert them to unicode so they show up correctly in iTunes.

    Why can't Windows Explorer display them correctly if I've setup thai fonts correctly in XP. You only have to click the checkbox for Thai right to install the language/font support? I would then expect XP to be able to display these correctly.

  10. It's my understanding that the Ticks you see in Thailand don't carry Lyme disease. We have two dogs here and they always have ticks on them.

    A little off topic perhaps but also about critters.

    There's plague of ticks over here at the moment, carried by deer, they've developed a liking for human blood and they carry a dangerous virus.

    Had to have one surgically removed from my navel after a walk in the woods; they don't let go easily.

    Please somebody tell me they don't occur in LOS too, in case I haven't died of tick fever before my next trip there.

  11. really, what kind of snake could that have been then?

    Last time I got a bad bite it was actually in America, recently. Three bites in a perfect triangle that were itchy and red for 2 weeks. Five weeks later, can still see them faintly.

    bitten by an unseen snake on the ankle walking in flood water,my leg blew up 4 times the size within the hour ,took months for the swelling to go down,hurt like hel_l :o

  12. Yeah I already have a Seagate Barricuda 400 GB drive sitting in a Mapower case I bought here last year.

    Even 7200rpm 2.5" drives aren't that easy to find (but at least they can be found, unlike last year when you had to order them online from the US). The biggest I've seen here are 160GB 5400rpm drives. If you really want capacity, get an external drive. It's just one of the things you have to deal with when you use a notebook. If you want speed for the external drive, get an eSATA enclosure (same speed as internal drive) and an eSATA card to put in your mac.
  13. But this is like Microsoft though... If you can get away with something that profits you in the meantime and the fine you'll pay is low compared to the profits then you have every incentive to try.

    Pay a fine instead of going to jail? Why not? Paying to have someone sit in jail is wasteful of government resources. It would be best, of course, if the money went to the victims and the fine was big enough to have a serious impact on the criminal. Jails are for those who cannot pay in any other way, or are considered dangerous..
  14. So you can essentially buy yourself out of a jail term right?


    Paiboon fined B31.7m for insider trading in Matichon deal

    Entertainment tycoon Paiboon Damrongchaitham has been fined 31.77 million baht for criminal insider trading in shares of the publisher Matichon Plc.

  15. I seem to be experiencing the symptoms of the above.... can this be due to pollution by any chance?

    Throat is red with white spots....

    Recently I had a respitory infection from the weather and/or pollution. Still have a bit of a cough...

    I was on Avelox and AMK for a couple of weeks and the cough has gotten better but the throat

    right is sore and red.

  16. What percentage of the money obtained from corruption and conflict of interest policies do you think was spent on the poor?

    ie. what is the ratio b/w money spent on poor and money obtained thru conflict of interest and self encrichment whilst holding political office?

    if you spend money on the poor ie. buy their vote does that then justify corruption to the extend with which Thaksin's administration has been charged?

    so who would elect a former policeman into office and not expect what happened....?

    Anyway I still say it is WRONG WRONG WRONG to disolve a political party in a democratic society because some of it's leaders are corrupt - the only valid reason for banning a political party in my view is that they stand for something unacceptable to the world community - such as racism, geonocide and going against demorcracy - its fine to ban the guilty people from entering politics or even holding office (providing they are proven guilty) but disenfranchising millions of voters by removing heir party has to be wrong. Still by my reasaoning the military junta could ban themselves as what they did, and are still doing, is undemocratic.

    I understand what they did, in a way, but they should have simply, ousted the government, disclosed the truth to everyone and then returned the country to the ballot box within a few months - there would have been no better way to undermine the Thai Rak Thai party than to see them suffer a humiliating defeat at the ballot box. As it is now, come the election, whenever one takes place, they can play the martyr. It is also totally undemocratic for an unelected body to be drafting a constitution - you may as well give that power back to the monarch!

    You assume TRT would lose elections. TRT would have won the elections whenever called for, either now or 1 day after the coup. TRT is the only party that ever did something for the poor people of this country, that are by far the absolute majority. Poor Isaan farmers understand nothing about Taksin corruption, they know only that he was the only one to help them with the 30 baht health care scheme and with lending facilities.

    Snob Bangkokians Democrats will never gain their hearts (nor their votes)

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