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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You're not making any comprehensible point, just attacking your perceived antagonists.
  2. No person here denies any aspect of October 7, including that it was an abhorrent terror attack, Get over yourself and your attacks on anyone who criticizes Israel.
  3. Simply put, an electoral college win while losing the popular vote, isn't democratic. It has only happened on a handful of occasions and always benefiting Republican candidates. Every peer country has a popular vote system.
  4. I said Iran wasn't a friend of Hamas and therefore didn't want to join the war. You are misrepresenting everything I say just to harass me.
  5. If I interpret that correctly it means ensuring that the candidate who wins the popular vote also wins the election. That's hardly disenfranchising anyone except fascists.
  6. The judge found that Trump had engaged in insurrection but declined to remove him from the ballot because he didn't believe he had the authority to make that decision. He stated that the issue would need to be decided by a higher court.
  7. Te appeal will be heard and decided in January. The the SC will hear the following appeal unless they can't find evidence of procedural error in which case they will again refuse to hear it.
  8. You'd need to provide a link, Iran is no friend of Hamas. I have posted links demonstrating that Hezbollah and Iran are trying to avoid a regional war with Israel and Biden is doing his all to prevent that. I hear (and see)now that there are credible accounts of Israeli aircraft in the air to attack Hezbollah before Biden talked him out of it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-iaf-was-airbone-for-preemptive-hezbollah-hit-when-biden-talked-pm-out-of-it/
  9. The links have been posted. The Israeli press said the same thing I did. Apologize for N all you like, he is still a genocidal maniac
  10. Do you also not care about how old they are? The only reason the president's health is ever a concern is that there is arisk he might not make it through his term. Weight would carry far greater implications than age for that concern.
  11. By refusing to hear the case. That automatically sends it back to the lower appeals court.
  12. I wonder if Trump knew that his acolytes were setting up a gallows outside the Capitol building? His natsec intelligence officers had to have told him, surely?
  13. Utterly irrelevant to giving financial aid to Hamas for years. Netanyahu's goal was to support Hamas sufficiently for it to be a credible opposition to the PA. He enabled them to build sophisticated tunnels which enabled them to carry out the Oct 7th terrorist attack. His own intelligence tried vainly to stop him. N was driven by racial animus and his political goals and general sociopathic narcissism.
  14. Actually, now that you mention it, not only has he committed bribery which is a felony but wire fraud as well through the use of the telephone. Offering a thing of value (expensive legal representation) in exchange for committing an unlawful act = a crime.
  15. Biden will lose the election because of anti Israeli sentiment building in the US. I presume even among Dem voting Jews. That will allow Netanyahu to push Iran and Hezbollah into a war, knowing that the US will be forced to back him. If Trump wins, Russia wins and much of Eastern Europe becomes Soviet Union again. What would be worse, letting Russia take Ukraine or forcing Israel into a UN approved settlement with the Palestinians?
  16. Major General Amos Gilad, a former senior Israeli Defense Ministry official, told CNN the plan was backed by the prime minister, but not by the Israeli intelligence community. There was also some belief that it would “weaken Palestinian sovereignty,” he said. There was also an illusion, he added, that “if you fed them (Hamas) with money, they would be tamed.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html
  17. An Israeli official said that. How credible is that? The evidence I posted says otherwise. His own military tried to stop him.
  18. He wasn't sleeping, he was actively aiding and abetting the transfer of funds. Israeli secret service escorted Qatari officials to meet and give Hamas operatives large amounts of cash for many years. Nothing sleepy or negligent about that
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