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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Falk was expelled 11 years ago, what was your point?
  2. I do agree and I believe it would also not have happened without the vile, bestial war crimes committed by Israel since 1948.
  3. 2012 GENEVA, Dec. 18 – Human Rights Watch has just expelled top U.N. official Richard Falk from one of its committees, where he helped played a key role in the organization’s global work. UN Watch, an unrelated non-governmental organization based in Geneva, had called for HRW to sack Falk from the post, noting he has been condemned for spreading antisemitism and 9/11 conspiracies by British Prime Minister David Cameron, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. https://unwatch.org/human-rights-watch-expels-top-u-n-official-richard-falk/
  4. The article didn't directly accuse Falk of saying that the 9/11 attacks were a false flag operation. He said that millions of Americans believed that. A sentiment that I believe to be true.
  5. You were just complaining about non credible sources. Richard Anderson Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and research fellow, Orfalea Centre of Global and International Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara. Falk is a renowned international law and international relations scholar who completed a six-year term as UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestine.
  6. Euro-Med Monitor sends UN rapporteurs, ICC Prosecutor primary report documenting dozens of field execution cases in Gaza https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6058/Euro-Med-Monitor-sends-UN-rapporteurs,-ICC-Prosecutor-primary-report-documenting-dozens-of-field-execution-cases-in-Gaza
  7. a website. https://euromedmonitor.org/ws_assets/logos/header/en_new.svg
  8. 7,000 edit: 10,000 Over 10,000 infants and children killed in Israel’s Gaza genocide, hundreds of whom are trapped beneath debris https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6020/Over-10,000-infants-and-children-killed-in-Israel’s-Gaza-genocide,-hundreds-of-whom-are-trapped-beneath-debris
  9. How many babies have 2,000 pound bombs blown to unidentifiable little bits?
  10. There used to be a Pizzeria out front of Grand Avenue which sold sourdough pizzas which were excellent. They had a Ducati race bike on a stand in the restaurant. Closed with covid.
  11. Pretty sure I only heard Trump say there would be free cupcakes.
  12. McCabe added that if Trump does get an en banc hearing, but if it rules in favor of Judge Tanya Chutkan's previous judgment that the former president is not immune from prosecution, then it may make it less likely that the Supreme Court could overrule the decision. "Ironically, I think he goes through that step, and then he gets an en banc hearing, I think that makes the likelihood of a Supreme Court issuing cert even lower because by then you would have had likely two very consistent, very sound opinions by the most prospective circuit court in the country," McCabe said. "And it may kind of lift the responsibility from the Supreme Court's shoulders to weigh in on it if they feel like it's been adequately covered." https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-immunity-supreme-court-andrew-mccabe-1855447
  13. The sickos in our society. Despite two recounts (each costing $600,000) in Georgia, supervised by Republican election officials, that validated the original results; more than 60 unsuccessful court challenges in battleground states; a $787 million settlement by Fox News for groundless on-air claims about Dominion Systems voting machines; and a pending Smartmatic defamation suit alleging over $2 billion in financial losses, the former president continues to issue constant diatribes about “the rigged” and “stolen” election. He threatens judges, prosecutors and political opponents, and insists that in Georgia tens of thousands of votes were cast by dead people, individuals who had moved out of the state, or sold their mail-in ballots to Democratic “harvesters” for $10 apiece. Nonetheless, Trump is the presumptive favorite to receive the GOP nomination for president. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/4374655-the-elephant-in-the-giuliani-defamation-courtroom/
  14. “If presidents had absolute immunity, Jim, presidential elections would become a stampede for the criminally minded so they can get to the Oval Office,” Eisen said. “It’s not just election overturned. Where would it stop? They could do bank robberies, kidnappings, murders. That is inimical to American law.” https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4376404-cnn-anchor-raises-nixon-pardon-in-questioning-trump-immunity-defense/
  15. Pattaya International Hospital. I just had laser treatment there 2 weeks ago for a crazed cataract lens. Worked perfectly. From near blind to eyes like a sniper. The doc figured it out immediately and told me stuff no Aussie doctor had told me.
  16. Turn off wifi on your router and use ethernet cable. If you need wifi for multiple devices buy another router and plug that into an ethernet port on the first router with the wifi on it turned off.
  17. Everybody gets a free trip to the The Hague with accommodation paid?
  18. Civilians stripped naked? I recall two occasions in the last century when that happened. One of them was in Cambodia in the killing fields.
  19. Many marched there. Many were convicted of conspiracy. That means not actually spur of the moment.
  20. Really? Do you believe that? Seriously? US antisemitism led to the Oct 7 massacre?
  21. I thought they mostly brought cable ties, mace and poles. And the gallows of course.
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