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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Will they investigate this as well? Two Christian women – an elderly mother and her daughter – were shot dead by an Israeli soldier on the grounds of a Catholic church in Gaza City, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has said. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/17/israeli-forces-kill-two-christian-women-in-cold-blood-inside-gaza-church
  2. 'He is right!' Lindsey Graham melts down when asked about Trump 'parroting Adolf Hitler' "I'm worried about an outcome," an angry Graham replied. "He is right. https://www.rawstory.com/lindsey-graham-trump-hitler/
  3. I have explicitly stated that I believe Israel has a right to exist within sovereign borders. Whether they allow an equal Arab vote is a matter for them. I also believe that Palestinians should likewise have a state with majority Palestinian rule. I would say that I don't support one without the other. That status quo is that Israel has a state and I support that. I do not support the illegal settlements and Israel is weakening their claim to a sovereign state by illegally occupying Palestinian land. Why do you keep lying about what I have previoiously posted?
  4. Believe what you want. You just can't handle the proposition that somebody might have 2 eyes open. Meantime, don't accuse me of anything you can't support. I can't believe you won't defend every Israeli atrocity without reservation.
  5. Wake me up when they initiate an investigation into shooting unarmed Palestinian civilians.
  6. Rubbish. Netanyahu knew very well he was strengthening Hamas to ruin the prospects of the PA to gain controlling power over Gaza. He active aided and abetted Hamas when he could have destroyed them economically and politically. That's what bit him on the ass, not his feigned ignorance of their activities.
  7. No it isn't, where are announcements of investigations of IDF shooting Palestinian civilians? Israel investigating shooting of their own is not credible evidence that Israel is prepared to investigate anything further.
  8. We didn't in the past when a journalist was killed., WE know there are videos circulating of IDF shooting unarmed civilians. Where are those investigations?
  9. Your racism is showing and you have no idea about me. You simply resort to insulting others because you don't have the courage to criticise the actions fo your own country.
  10. You are a one eyes LIAR. I have many times here said I condemn Hamas and support Israel's right to exist. I have every right to consider the actions of Israel to be war crimes just as I consider the actions of Hamas to be war crimes. Start debating the issues and stop attacking your opponents. It's weak as dishwater. You just spend your days flaming everyone who criticises Israel, Pathetic behaviour. I hate Netanyahu and his cabinet just as I hate all war criminals. And the Hamas leaders are included. Maybe time you took the blinkers off.
  11. If Hamas released all the hostages immediately would the Israelis reduce their settlements or move toward a 2 state solution? Would they do anything other than continue their rule over Gaza?.
  12. How exactly was any foreign money spent digging these tunnels? Did they buy earthmoving equipment? Employ thousands of workers? I'm curious as to how this works.
  13. He and his buddy Netanyahu have been supporting Hamas for years.
  14. Here we go with the racist garbage. It must be in their blood argument". A very reminiscent argument made in times past and used often by racists.
  15. Will Israel? They have a very poor track record at investigating and charging their own.
  16. Not really, we have the receipts. I believe the evidence, not what I find "hard to believe" because I want not to believe it. We know they shoot children, why would unarmed adults stop them?
  17. If there's any fire with this smoking gun, Trump's going to jail real soon now. Ex-FBI official raises specter missing intel file under Trump was handed to Russia 'We've got to know what happened with this binder, and more importantly, whether this was a mere accident, or whether the intention was to hand it to Russia to expose U.S. intel sources and methods against Russia," https://www.rawstory.com/russian-intel-file-trump/
  18. I personally bear no resentment but I'm saying that many people in Australia, at least, held significant resentment to Japanese and Germans and, as I previously said, comic books demonizing Germans and Japanese were common until the mid 60's at least. People like Bruce Ruxton, the head of the then powerful RSL was especially vehement. Most of those people have all died off by now.
  19. I did, I said and I meant that the general populations of German and Japanese enemies during ww2 took 50 years to get over. Years that I was mostly alive and can recall personally.
  20. WTH? You asked me a direct question and I responded to it. Are you drunk? Seriously? I'm not pro Palestinian other then I believe they have a right to exist within sovereign borders. That's it. No more or less.
  21. I'm talking about the general population's attitude to these former enemies. I believe you were as well.
  22. I'm totally on board with using natural methods for anthracnose control. I do think it's probably for smaller orchards up to about 10 acres but more than that might, as you suggest, be a losing battle, especially in humid areas. Like all tree diseases, close mono cropping makes pest and disease control difficult
  23. I quoted a current Israeli minister who claimed that Gaza belonged to Israel. You don't even know who the ministers are yet you support them.
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