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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Israel, like any other colonial state, has a “terminal shelf life” and with its genocidal campaign in Gaza, it has “signed its death sentence”, American journalist and Pulitzer Prize Winner Chris Hedges wrote on Sunday. Under the title, “The Death of Israel”, Hedges argued that, although Israel may appear triumphant after achieving the goal of the decimation of Gaza, by that time, “it will have signed its own death sentence.” “Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps,” Heges said. https://www.palestinechronicle.com/israel-has-signed-its-death-sentence-pulitzer-prize-winner/
  2. Surely, you don't think Trump has nobody who is responsible for hiring new people whose job it is to do that?
  3. I think that Netanyahu should not have aided and abetted Hamas in an attempt to stave off the PA from becoming the legitimate power in Palestinian territories. Netanyahu aided and abetted their terrorist acts.
  4. According to these war criminals being a "sympathizer" makes one a legitimate target. How repugnant.
  5. The former president posted video earlier this month slamming President Joe Biden and "henchmen" he accused of violating the rights of Douglass Mackey, convicted earlier this year of conspiracy to suppress votes in the 2016 presidential election. As CNN points out, Mackey's Twitter account regularly posted hateful content that included racist caricatures and slurs. He also shared antisemitic posts that referenced gas chambers and praised Hitler, according to the report. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-and-tump-jr-defend-influencer-with-history-of-vile-antisemitic-and-racist-posts/
  6. I have done no such thing. You continue to cast slurs and unsupported false allegations at me. I have made it very, very, very clear that I accuse Israel only of war crimes and nothing else. You continue to vicariously misrepresent my position.
  7. Auschwitz Museum Decries Israeli Mayor's 'Sick' Call to 'Empty' Gaza The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland on Sunday decried what critics called genocidal remarks by the mayor of an Israeli town who said all of Gaza should be ethnically cleansed of Palestinians and turned into a museum like the notorious Nazi death camp. "The whole Gaza Strip needs to be empty. Just like in Auschwitz," Metula Mayor David Azoulai said in a radio interview on Sunday, according to The Times of Israel. https://www.rawstory.com/auschwitz-museum-decries-israeli-mayor-s-sick-call-to-empty-gaza/
  8. Over egging this a bit aren't you? In an interview recorded earlier this year, which went viral last month, the 92-year-old philosopher offered his views on mandating vaccines and while disagreeing with the policy, suggested those who refuse jabs "should" isolate to avoid becoming “a danger to the community". "People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to but rather to insist that they be isolated," Chomsky said. https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/noam-chomsky-calls-for-unvaccinated-to-be-isolated-from-society-b2182947.html
  9. I agree. I said that before. My claim above is that it's insane to claim it's a religious war. Which also means that criticism of Israel is, by definition, not religiously motivated but political as you suggest.
  10. I never accused you of being a fascist. Pennsylvania Supreme Court did not rule 2020 election was ‘rigged’ https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pennsylvania-supreme-court-election-rigged-315648072461 Produce your link to evidence that the PA vote was rigged.
  11. Trump-Putin 'sinister special relationship' has corrupted conservatives "From 2015 to 2017, Republican opinion shifted markedly in a pro-Russia and pro-Putin direction," Frum explains. "In 2017, more than a third of surveyed Republicans expressed favorable views of Putin. By 2019, Carlson — who had risen to the top place among Fox News hosts—was regularly promoting pro-Russian, anti-Ukrainian messages to his conservative audience.. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-putin-2666626177/
  12. Conspiracy theories like this are how fascists justify fascism. Your claims are false.
  13. The numbers that do are so small that they don't influence the outcome of an election. Most election fraud is perpetrated by the right wing.
  14. Very loaded. What nazi like tactics are the left using pray tell?
  15. The replies will be it was all justified because of how horrendous the Hamas attacks were and they were warned to leave anyway. Either that or crickets.
  16. I'd like to point out that I have not insulted any board members. I was referring to racists at large and Trump, who is undeniably racist, in particular.
  17. Why doesn't Israel just open the vote and submit to the majority Palestinian vote? I'm not advocating this but it's the counterpoint to your question. I do agree, the insanity is that this is a religious (racist) war.
  18. "I am clearly saying no, to a Palestinian state. It is not possible to have more than one state west of the Jordan River,” Gallant said. “This is the place of the Jewish, Zionist and democratic state of Israel,” whose existence is baed on the strength of the biblical forefathers, Galant said. “We will work to apply sovereignty in all of Judea and Samaria and to strengthen the settlements,” Gallant said, adding that “settlements are the only key to holding onto sovereignty and Zionism.” https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/yoav-galant-dismisses-palestinian-state-calls-to-annex-west-bank-577237
  19. This war started in 1948. Claiming that it started on Oct 7 is a logically and ethically untenable position.
  20. They were as a direct result of their desperation to keep an avowed racist in power. Only Trump panders to their racism. They were desperate. And still are.
  21. Why all the yelling and screaming when someone suggests this war didn't start on Oct 7th?
  22. Millions of people have died from his ineptitude and many kids were forcibly removed from their parents, never to see them again. After being caged. He's a heinous slime bag.
  23. Off topic. The Palestinians killed were mainly kids too buy the way.
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