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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No courage of your convictions? Just fire and run away?
  2. It's nothi9ng to do with that. Anti maskers are politically motivated, not scientifically motivated.
  3. I suppose you're going to give us a genetic rational for this view, or just go crickets on this abject racism.
  4. That's the theory. In practice, common sense says otherwise.
  5. It's signalling to the great unwashed. He'll go for president one day.
  6. It seems Israelis in general are brought up to hate Muslims, not just the converse.
  7. It makes one wonder how many surrendering Hamas fighters were shot in cold blood. Anyone who describes war crimes as a legitimate act of war has a lot to answer for.
  8. Those trained soldiers must have been shaking at the knees as they saw 3 unarmed and shirtless hostages waving a white flag.
  9. Apparently he needs to ante up a bond to do so which is more than the defamation award.
  10. As president of the United States, Biden cannot afford to back Israel’s total freedom of action in Gaza. He cannot assume that Israeli aims fully coincide with those of the United States. As Biden himself had noted, this is the most extreme government in Israel’s history, with prominent Jewish supremacist ministers whose stated aims conflict with both U.S. interests and values and seek an opportunity to expel Palestinians from what they see as the land of Israel, including Gaza. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/bidens-dangerous-stance-on-the-war-in-israel-and-gaza/
  11. When I was a kid, newsagents openly sold comic books which depicted Japanese and German soldiers as barbaric demons. I take a very skeptical view of this sort of trash. As I said, it in no way justifies the Israeli retaliation to an action that these kids had nothing to do with. This is pure deflection to make the other side look bad (or worse) in the face of a much, much larger atrocity. Literally pointing at the mouse in the corner and ignoring the elephant standing in the middle of the room. How many of those kids do you think are now dead?
  12. The question was simple. Of the two war crimes quoted, which one is worse? It shouldn't be this hard, really.
  13. Does the article prove that those 3 videos were training kids to be terrorists? Or is your definition of a terrorist a muslim kid with a rock? Or a gun?
  14. Whaa doesn't add up is that you haven't quoted a single word from Biden in this thread so I'm utterly confused.
  15. You've provided a video with an explicit baseless accusation. Nothing more.
  16. Laughing won't help your claim that these kids are being trained to be terrorists. The claim is risible, not his response. You're just trying to dehumanize the enemy with baseless claims like this. If you weren't you'd prove it. Your claim to common sense is that Hamas are terrorists, all of them. Another view of common sense is that this is generic military training appropriate to the environment they live in.
  17. I quoted Biden's statements directly and showed how they varied from Israeli policy.
  18. Yes. So is killing over 5,000 children. Which of these war crimes is more heinous?
  19. I'm sorry, a video of a dozen Palestinian kids getting military training with an unproven allegation that they are being taught to be terrorists as opposed to fighters of any other description doesn't move the needle for me. We still had air ride sirens on my school which were tested every Tuesday when I was doing my sea cadet training. I think our perceived enemies were Indonesian at the time. This is just peripheral noise and manufactured outrage to deflect from the mass killings of Palestinian civilians by indiscriminant bombing.
  20. Their best argument is that the civilians were told to leave so it's their own fault if they didn't. All good.
  21. Not their not, they're incisive and loaded accusations designed to prevent any countering of the false propositions that each one represents. We have the "I'm not racist because my friend is black" argument as a start. But the real clanger is this incisive proposition. "If they label things genocide that aren't genocide just to inflame, then they are stupid. " The take away is that anybody who accuses Israel of genocide is motivated only by a desire to inflame and the accusation itself must not be debated. What about the possibility that many people will make that accusation because they believe it's true. Are they not entitled to make that argument? Are they stupid if they do? The whole list is the same loaded propaganda.
  22. Anecdotes by extremists are not proof of anything.
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