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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If the far right extremists who support fascism had any faith in its popularity they would push for fair and open elections instead. They know they are the vocal minority.
  2. Some species of mango are more susceptible than others. I owned a commercial mango farm in oz for 15 years. I used to spray mancozeb soon after the fruit set and then copper every 2 weeks. https://industry.nt.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/233591/604.pdf
  3. Need some schoolin'? Netanyahu did dramatically increase the number of Gazan work permits since he got back in control so it would be consistent.
  4. OK, I can't find the reference so I may have read it wrong. I'll concede. What about your disgusting, lying accusations?
  5. Let an Australian school you on the Middle East. Egypt issues Palestinians laissez-faire travel passports.
  6. It seems some who should know better don't . Until you can apologize for calling me antisemitic and a holocaust denier you should hang your head in shame.
  7. This implies that Gazans are citizens of Israel. You used this argument to draw a distinction between Gazan and West Bank employment policies in Israel. If the implication is not true, this comment was just bananas, same as your argument that Israeli policy is not to own Gaza.
  8. The fact that Israelis disagree that Palestinians are Palestinians. How about an apology for using me of LYING over Israeli policy toward Gaza?
  9. The same one where you claimed Gazans were Israeli citizens.
  10. They're Palestinians. That's what this conflict is all about.
  11. Are you saying that a person born in Gaza 2 months ago is?
  12. How many west bank Palestinians do the same? This was just a part of Netanyahu's divide and conquer policy in which he supported Hamas against the PLO.
  13. Be on firmer ground before you accuse me of lying: Rotman is a prominent Israeli MP for the far-right Religious Zionist party, on which Netanyahu’s government depends to stay in power. For Rotman and other Jewish nationalists, Gaza is unquestionably part of Israel. When asked by Bowen what an Israeli occupation of Gaza would mean he retorted: “occupation is not the word. You cannot occupy your own land. https://sundayguardianlive.com/investigation/is-israel-attempting-to-ethnically-cleanse-palestinians-from-gaza
  14. Please. What was the reason it started on that date? What caused it? Nothing? Deep seated Muslim hatred of Jews?
  15. That will be your opinion, not based on the accept definition of antisemitism which is a hatred of Judaism. So no, I don't accept. I made it clear how you can satisfy this and I expect you to adopt some ethics. It's hard enough to find time to post on this board without having to defend from baseless and unsubstantiated accusations of racism.
  16. It was accused, not "pointed out" by a number of people and now amplified by you. Have the cohones to show me the posts or apologise.
  17. You're comfortable about accusing me of antisemitism but when challenged you can't or won't say where. Nice. It's a serious flame but you just flip it off.
  18. Trump is a puppet of the Federalist Society who are billionaire funded with the goal of convincing people to vote for their protection by giving them scapegoats to blame for everything that's wrong with their own lives. They appeal to the lowest common denominator, fear and loathing and find ready targets.
  19. I have no choice, may family use it. I don't post anything and don't like anything except photos of family. I know I'm winning the war because they show me advertisements for pole mounted capacitor bank monitors.
  20. There's a difference? I made antisemitic remarks but I wasn't criticizing Israel. I challenge you to show where that's true or withdraw the accusation. I have not referenced Jews in any posts where I was accused of making antisemitic remarks. Not one.
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