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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I've been accused of antisemitism for no reason other than opposition to Israeli policies and Netanyahu in particular. Numerous times.
  2. Making a place uninhabitable with he stated intention of removing its inhabitants is genocide according to the accepted definition.
  3. Propaganda. Here we have a Jew telling Muslims how they worship.
  4. I think you don't want Palesitinians to exists as a state.
  5. Easier work visas for Gazans was just about divide and rule.
  6. They want to accuse anyone who criticises Israel of any of antisemitism, racism, supporting Hamas, supporting terrorism. Take your pick.
  7. I'm quite sure but the prevalence of TB among the population is not connected with the number or individuals wearing masks in any numbers that can make a difference. Your paranoia of mask wearers is contrived and dare I say politically motivated.
  8. Yeah, the shopping malls are havens of TB. I never realized all those girls with alluring eyes were in fact cesspools of disease.
  9. The only white people who are <deleted>ty at their lot are the victims of union busting. I don't know who he thinks his audience is.
  10. How about, I will discuss any topic that relates to the Israel / Hamas war at any time I feel like it and you stop calling me a troll for doing so?
  11. Since the SC Citizens United decision, corporate donations to politicians are 34:1 vs individual donations. Is it any wonder this results in the continue election of corrupt billionaires intent on protecting their wealth from the taxpayers? They give lip service to racism and christian values like abortion in return for their fealty and inducement to vote against their own interests. And the right wing call lefties sheeple.
  12. There's something I'm missing. Muslim women have worn masks in public for Millennia. According to the anti-vax cult their children should all have distorted upbringings. Are Muslims zombies? Or just the women?
  13. Have you ever thought of addressing any points I have raised? You need a timeout. Seriously, you have lost all sense of balance.
  14. Israel declaring war against Hamas does not mean the war started on that date. The Israelis would love people to think the Hamas attack occurred out of the blue.
  15. follow the white rabbit :)
  16. It didn't start on the 7th. That's an Israeli propaganda myth.
  17. The Thais have destroyed their national dish by adding this stuff. One needs to explicitly order Tom Yum without carnation to get the authentic dish.
  18. This topic appears to be anything about the war between Hamas and Israel and motivations are a strong part of that. You have never got a bad word to say about Israel.
  19. I never said there was. You're single eyes projection of me is showing again. Stop trolling me with these lies.
  20. They remain dependent on the United States for security—the same country that is helping to facilitate the withering assault on the Gaza Strip by Israel—itself a country with which just a few weeks ago the crown prince seemed willing to come to terms, without the promise of Palestinian statehood. Yet the crown prince has evidently concluded that it is better not to be exposed in this way. From his perspective, issuing statements, criticizing the international community, calling his counterparts, and hanging out with soccer stars is a better strategy. Perhaps it is. But it also reveals Saudi Arabia for what it currently is—weak. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/10/26/saudi-arabia-mbs-israel-hamas-war-strategy-policy-diplomacy/
  21. And why do you think Hamas committed those atrocities? Not about racist? It's either that or Israeli repression. I think it's racism on both sides. The Israelis are quick to jump on the antisemitic bandwagon and now you think racism isn't to blame.
  22. Dry eye is a serious problem. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-dry-eyes-cause-blindness#summary
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