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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Nothing is emerging. There will just be more plea deals.
  2. It seems like the far right want to put this guy on a pedestal because he threatened to shoot Biden.
  3. Chinese are more abundant than Russians in Pattaya as well these days.
  4. The GOP aren't going to have any feet left if they keep shooting them.
  5. OK President Trump inherited an economy in January 2017 that was already at a record level on many key measures, such as the number of persons with jobs,[19] real median household income,[21] household net worth,[22] and stock market level. It also featured a low unemployment rate of 4.7%, very low inflation, and a moderate budget deficit.[23][3] While Trump referred to "American carnage" in his first inaugural address and announced an "America First" economic strategy,[24][25] overall the economy when he began was on solid ground in terms of major aggregate measures The 128-month (10.7-year) economic expansion that began in June 2009 abruptly ended at a peak in February 2020, with the U.S. entering a recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_Donald_Trump_administration
  6. Republicans brought this on with all the impeachment talk. That made the case extraordinary and then the law required a special counsel to be appointed. Simple as that. No cover up.
  7. What happened to obeying police orders? George Floyd was obese as well and that's all we heard from the right wing at that time.
  8. He is clearly morbidly obese and possibly wanted to go out in a blaze of glory instead of just another unknown old fat guy.
  9. When the NY Post says "alleged" you know it's BS. Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden were well-known for years for seeking millions from nations including China, Mexico, Romania, Russia and Ukraine — but the involvement of other family members was only more recently alleged by Comer.
  10. Try doing some research before putting mouth in gear. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
  11. So, it appears that Manchin may flee the coop, financed by the dark money No Names party. This could be interesting because it may amount to Biden's impeachment. Initially, both sides would like this. The dems because they can't challenge a sitting president and the Republicans because reasons. If that happens, Kamala Harris becomes president and the world gets to hear a whole lot more of her. And nothing will change in America because the dems aren't about personality politics. That said, she would not turn out to be the dem nominee because she would be the vp of an impeached president. The dems would get what they really want and the republicans would get a disaster. Be careful what you wish for. https://apnews.com/article/manchin-democrat-independent-party-ce8dfbaeb2d562a408e4960b72b08a7f
  12. What we couldn't have predicted was that the tip off apparently came from Truth Social. https://apnews.com/article/utah-biden-fbi-assassination-threat-ba3cc1d3b2f6cca8bd429febdcf04219
  13. One of Trump or Biden is known to listen to expert advisors and the other notorious for not listening to them in an obvious effort to cultivate a messiah complex. No man is indispensable and if Biden fell off the perch despite his apparent much better health than Trump, he would simply be replaced by someone who likewise listens to advisors. Unlike Republicans, Democrats aren't in thrall of personality politics and are less wedded to Biden than the Republicans are to Trump.
  14. You were talking to me regardless of whether you think so or not. I've had dinner, a delicious pad thai.
  15. On Friday morning, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough led his panel piling on Republican lawmakers who are obsessed with Hunter Biden for cashing in on his father's name while ignoring Trump's children who made fortunes while working in the White House. The "Morning Joe" host kicked off the discussion by mock-weighing the importance of Hunter Biden's laptop compared to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner's $2 billion deal with the Saudis by joking, "Let's see, $2 billion, laptop. I don't think it's the same." https://www.rawstory.com/jared-kushner-saudis/
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