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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Let me guess. You think a career politician who was re-elected to the senate for decades would be stupid enough to engage in influence peddling with his son who he knew was a drug user?
  2. Who knows? Were they referring to a single poll? That list I provided is the definitive list of polls in America.
  3. Last time I looked the polls did favor the dems. Let's look together again now. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ I see more polls favoring Biden in this list.
  4. Jack Smith has applied for a protective order following this last threat. Trump has until 5pm Monday to respond. Similar orders were made in both the Stormy and the documents cases.
  5. I added an Elac SUB-1020 subwoofer today, 8,900 baht from Piyanas in Pattaya. The sound is much improved now. All up the system cost 50,000 baht including decent cables. Nothing is top end by any means but the sound quality is excellent. I hadn't bought a stereo system for many years. One thing that struck me is that there aren't tone controls anywhere, much less an equalizer but I don't think it needs tweaking anyway.
  6. 30% of Americans would be too young or too old to have sex. And by old I mean old. I'm taking a break from sex for month or so. It's been getting less exciting lately.
  7. People do know this. At least, that was the case until this morning, when Trump actively solicited the criminal intercession of a foreign government in a U.S. presidential election. Now, all bets are off. It seems all but certain that Vladimir Putin has decided to insert himself in the presidential campaign process to punish a candidate whom he doesn’t like (Hillary Clinton) in favor of one with whom he can do business.
  8. It looks like it's breaking down to me. This is the 5th touch at 29,000 and it's right on the support level now. If the bulls are going to take control they need to do it here. It could range back up to 29,400 and then down to 29,000 again but I don't think it's going to do that. BTC has moving opposite to gold of late and following the NASDAQ. Both those point to a BTC drop. I reduced my stake to $500 and took a $60 hit doing so. I don't like trading crypto, fundamentals don't have much effect and the whales hunt stop losses more so than the stock market. BTC itself will never go away but it's too risky to bet the farm.
  9. What was fair about helping Russia interfere with the election?
  10. The point here is that the Dems will vote for any candidate because they know they won't fill the swamp with sycophants, surrender Ukraine to Putin, treat the job as their own business empire and sell foreign policy to the highest bidder. Not will they employ their own kids in highly paid government jobs where they can use their position to enrich themselves further. The Republicans only have Trump. The party is so gutted that only spineless cowards are left, hoping that Trump goes down but too afraid to say so.
  11. That won't fly round these parts. The economy is good and most of us don't like Russia right now. Some wars need to be defended, this is one of them.
  12. I think it's reasonable to anticipate that Trump voters will defect to Christie rather than DeSantis if Trump goes down. The others are just MAGA and can't win the general.
  13. So far the plan is working out for gold. I bought at $1931. I actually bought more Barrick than gold. I bought bitcoin at 29,400 a few weeks ago. It's just below 29,300 now and looks like it's coiling up. It will likely break out in the next month or two. Whichever way it goes it'll be wild. This amount of coiling up is rare.
  14. John Bolton, who spent a year and a half as former President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor, says Trump "threatened the existence of NATO." He added that if Trump were to win a second term, he would likely pull the United States out of the alliance. https://www.rawstory.com/john-bolton-says-trump-threatened-natos-existence-would-pull-out-in-second-term/
  15. He's saying that the right wing typically don't read much. Judging by how links seem to kryptonite for the right around these pages, I'd say that was a given.
  16. I've edited my post. I thought you were referring to another post.
  17. I'd lay off the putting words into my mouth bit. A charge dating from times of slavery isn't necessarily about slavery. Slaves didn't commit insurrection that I'm aware of. hint: Try writing "Do you mean" instead of "I think you mean". Can you spot the difference?
  18. No, because it was proved to be true. What wasn't proved so far was collusion.
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