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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Was it as good as this? One of the better rat bikes I have seen in a while. Photo taken in Pattaya yesterday.
  2. Japan didn't have a viable fighting force at that time. The US had no need of an invasion, they only had to wait for the surrender.
  3. That was the sole motivation. To force a surrender quickly to prevent Russia from partitioning the country. Japan was already debating a surrender, only nationalist holdouts were slowing it down. The bombing was a war crime.
  4. Climate scientists on Friday said the rapidly rising temperature of the planet's oceans is cause for major concern, particularly as policymakers in the top fossil fuel emissions-producing countries show no sign of ending planet-heating oil and gas extraction. https://www.rawstory.com/terrifying-scientists-raise-alarm-over-unprecedented-global-ocean-heat/
  5. more humans = more burning fossil fuels = more carbon dioxide = hotter climate.
  6. Is sunlight a problem? But here's another case of the right wing not being able to keep it's ducks in a row. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4140101-trump-attorney-says-hed-love-to-see-jan-6-trial-televised/
  7. Somewhere in between is still a major problem but you are wrong on that assertion as well. My links showed that. That's just a meaningless throw away indicating you don't have an argument. I've yet to see a link from you showing that the polar bear population decline is anything other than catastrophic.
  8. The Hill produces a nutjob opinion piece. The simple reality is that aliens are not responsible for UFO's. The decades-long saga of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is barreling headlong toward one of two stunning conclusions. Either the U.S. government has mounted an extraordinary, decades-long coverup of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering activities, or elements of the defense and intelligence establishment are engaging in a staggeringly brazen psychological disinformation campaign. Importantly, a third explanation for recent events — that dozens of high-level, highly-cleared officials have come to believe enduring UFO myths, rumors and speculation as fact — appears increasingly unlikely. https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4134891-a-monumental-ufo-scandal-is-looming/
  9. It's a common delusion that the far right think they represent all Americans' views. We used to always see the term "silent majority" until it was proved their wasn't one.
  10. Pretty sure this topic is about Trump. Trump has told 30,000 lies using his presidential bully pulpit.
  11. You haven't produced any facts comparing the effects of burning fossil fuels with forest fires on climate change. You're simply a climate change denier trying to deflect from the elephant in the room.
  12. I never suggested it wasn't. You have a logic disconnect going on here. Meantime, you have not even attempted to explain WHY forest fires are a greater cause of global warming than burning fossil fuels. edit: I have reported your flame. Seek help for anger management issues.
  13. The chances of Pence not being called as a witness in trial after testifying to a grand jury - nil. Donald Trump’s defense attorney says the former president never asked Mike Pence to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 election, but only wanted the former vice president to “pause” the certification of votes to allow states to investigate his claims of election fraud. Those baseless claims had already been rejected by numerous courts. https://apnews.com/article/trump-pence-jan-6-christie-2024-election-ca1f049328ad8f240c6bf72cce97026e
  14. When you start calling science a "cult" you know you're out on a limb. Tell us what proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is caused by fires vs burning fossil fuel in vehicles and to generate electricity and heat.
  15. What mental illness looks like. "The 'shocking and totally unexpected' loss by the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden," Trump wrote. "Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-womens-world-cup/
  16. It's proven beyond any shred of doubt. Only religious people believe it isn't.
  17. Are forest fires the cause of climate change? About as much as volcanoes. Link please?
  18. Maybe you ought to back up incorrect claims with sources. https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/polar-bear-population-decline-a-wake-up-call-for-climate-change-action https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64083507
  19. The problem isn't people, it's fossil fuels in the main. The only aspect in which people are involved is cutting down the carbon dioxide sinks (trees) and livestock. If we stop the source of the carbon dioxide pollution we fix the problem. It's that simple. The world is doing a lot. The problem is that climate denying politicians, their mouths fueled by donations from fossil fuel magnates, are trying to prevent us from reducing fossil fuel usage. Like pulling out of the IPCC while every other country remains in it.
  20. I don't know how you see this invalidate my argument. It says temporary and small and it in no way explains the rise in temperatures we see over the past decades. It's like your c;linging to some straw in the form of some faint evidence that doesn't even say what you want it to say.
  21. It's impossible that volcanic eruptions in the ocean are the cause of this degree of temperature rise. https://www.scienceunderattack.com/blog/2022/3/7/can-undersea-volcanoes-cause-global-warming-98
  22. The plant has never (not even once) been through any climate change caused by humans. Never. The planet will survive but most of the living organisms on it won't. Predominantly caused by the insanity of climate change deniers.
  23. Where was this mere additional 11,779 votes going to come from? Do you think they must have gotten lost somehow because Trump didn't get the most votes?
  24. I think some crimes don't require the mens rea element, like drug possession, speeding, murder, bank robbery, etc. Incitement probably does require the defendant to understand that he was committing a crime. In Trump's case that might be tricky to prove given his known state of mental development.
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