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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Pick me! Donald Trump. He's the only one who's been charged with trying to foment an insurrection.
  2. Under questioning by Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Archer said these calls had nothing to do with business and that the elder Biden was simply a concerned father, devastated by the loss his son, checking in on his other son who was struggling with substance abuse. "Did Joe Biden regularly check in on his son?" asked Goldman. "Every day," replied Archer. https://www.rawstory.com/devon-archer-2662696465/
  3. Actually, I think it's more Republicans against Trump. All of the witnesses are Republican.
  4. Mere mention of an allegation in existence should be enough, shouldn't it?
  5. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen outlines evidence that Jared Kushner flipped You see nothing of Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner was the secretary of everything. How is it possible that he is not listed here? Asked how he explains that, Cohen said, "I believe he is probably a cooperating witness." https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-2662682312/
  6. I'm talking about the person they interviewed. Are you so gullible as to assume that every news outlet endorses the comments of the people they interview?
  7. I call it more right wing pundits without evidence. I quote "He should be found guilty" and "we haven't seen any evidence yet"..
  8. It seems QANON are really trying to get the message out like Mormons. They want to turn this site into QANON central.
  9. Wake me up when they start resigning over scandals and being indicted. Then I'll probably see it. Until then I don't see it (no evidence).
  10. Real republicans support the scum that called for the central park 5 to be hung even after they were found innocent?
  11. With that record he'll be elected president of his cell block at Rikers for sure.
  12. It will play out in courthouses throughout the country, where former President Donald Trump will defend himself against multiple criminal prosecutions, and the halls of Congress, where Republicans hope to put Biden on trial simultaneously. That, say Democrats, and some Republicans in private, is the point. Trump and his supporters, they insist, want an answer to the courtroom dramas he will face with the election in full swing, and an impeachment proceeding on the House floor fits the bill. “It's all about protecting Trump and stirring up the waters and blurring the differences between Trump and Biden,” says Jim Manley, a former aide to the late Democratic Senators Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy. https://time.com/6299560/why-more-house-republicans-are-flirting-with-impeaching-biden/
  13. I'm not in love with Starbucks as it's expensive but there's no question it's better than any of the other chains. My local gym makes an excellent Americano for 50 baht..
  14. 37 felony indictments so far and Georgia still to come, likely next week at the latest.
  15. I don't know how to act my age. I've never been this age before.
  16. Pretty sure he'd beat DeSantis or Pence at this point. The MAGA faithful will never go with Tim Scott so you can rule him out of the race. Chris Christie has no show afrer the long island bridge fiasco, of which he would be reminded in any debates.
  17. Like Betsy DeVos in charge of education? Or Trump sycophant trying to wreck the postal service
  18. I didn't hear you complain about Cannon's bias. Or was there none in your view, despite her judgments in favour of Trump being struck down by an appeals court who trashed her in it's judgment.
  19. The irony is that this same idiot was instrumental in over egging the big lie which was central to the Jan 6 insurrection and proves that judgement was wrong.
  20. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/tucker-carlson-successfully-argues-nobody-really-believes-tucker-carlson-is-reporting-facts/
  21. He's running out of lawyers. Most of them have quit, been indicted themselves or turned hostile witness against Trump to save their own skin.
  22. He's going to try the Carson / Fox defense. Only an idiot would have believed him. That's unfortunately true.
  23. There's no evidence. The MAGA nut jobs are just playing to their social media fans. Everyone else knows it. They will never indict without solid evidence of a crime. They're just trying the same old playbook stuff like they did when they kept Clinton under investigation for 7 years.
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