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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Trump was born rich. Most rich people and politicians were born rich. I still am.
  2. Links? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/
  3. He's got a lot of ammo lately. He's just been waiting for the gop to boil themselves alive first.
  4. However small the odds of that happening, and I tend to think it's not that small given the billions of galaxies and the eternity of time. The much smaller probability is that there is a god who had no beginning and has no end and created a civilization on a single planet at this time. We have already found evidence of life on other planets. edit: And not only that, only one of those species worhsips a god and many of them worship different gods, or no god. Religion has nothing to do with life. God isn't a thing.
  5. How does that logic work? Did they go to different schools or something? It's a fact that liberals are more educated on average than conservatives. Been linked here many times so don't bother.
  6. Irrational? I hated him long before he had any indictments, purely on his speech and actions. The indictments and his followers, obviously enraptured by his overt racism, only cemented that hatred. For many, Trump is in the same class as Hitler and Putin. Sucking up to Putin and blackmailing Ukraine absolutely blew it for me. Praising the NK dictator and that fascist in charge of Hungary didn't help either. Plus he was mates of the scumbag lying happy clapper we had as the last prime minister in Australia. There's nothing to like about him. You accuse lefties of being uninformed without basis but statistics tells you that librels are better educated than "patriots". edit: I forgot to mention the white supremacist militias who worship him.
  7. Manafort was convicted for conspiring with the Russians Trump must be getting sick of all that winning by now.
  8. Few presidents aren't re-elected unless they blot their copybook.
  9. “Later, two pro-Trump factions began screaming at each other, with one accusing the other of being white nationalists and the other responding that their foes supported open borders... They started jostling with one another and nearly came to blows until other protesters stepped between the two groups.” https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-supporters-2662573161/
  10. I believe the mainstream GOP calculus is that it's not worth going against Trump because they'll face an uphill battle beating Biden anyway. It is, after all, a second term election and most presidents win them. I think they'd rather let the flow of time wash the flotsom out and wait for the next presidential election.
  11. Late Friday night a judge appointed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida by Donald Trump tossed out a lawsuit filed by the former president against CNN in which he claimed he was defamed when hosts on the network used the expression "The Big Lie" which he felt equated him with Adolf Hitler. According to reporting from Poltico's Kyle Cheney, Judge Ragg Singhal dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice which puts an end to yet another Trump legal gambit. The judge also wrote that a host claiming Trump was "being ‘Hitler-like’" is "not a verifiable statement of fact that would support a defamation claim.” https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cnn-lawsuit-2662549867/
  12. Continuing in the them of toxic... Donald Trump referred to President Joe Biden on Saturday as a "dumb son of a bi--h" at a rally.
  13. Manuka honey is in a locked cabinet. I think it's good that this stuff is available even if it's way over my budget.
  14. Indeed. The US SEC website used to have an article claiming the godfather of internet crime was a man who sold fake coconut plantations in the Bahamas to pensioners. He fled to the Philippines but was eventually apprehended, extradited and jailed in the US. I don't see a lot of difference here, frankly. I think Americans call it wire fraud.
  15. Occam's razor says that if he was past it he wouldn't be able to raise enough popular support to run. When Trump starts beating Biden in the polls again I'll start listening.
  16. There wasn't a lot of punters around LK Metro last night, a Saturday night on a long weekend.
  17. Churchill was just short of his 77th birthday when he became prime minister again and he was not in good health.
  18. 'An extraordinary sum of money': Questions raised about millions spent on legal fees for Trump and close aides Campaign finance expert Paul Seamus Ryan admitted there are no glaring "red flags" he can see so far, before stating, "It’s an extraordinary sum of money. At the end of the day it’s up to the donors to decide if that’s the way they want their money spent. My sense is if you’re giving money to Trump in 2023, you’re fine with it.” https://www.rawstory.com/trump-legal-bills-2662597202/
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